10 years of regulation in communications in Romania
Would you like to know how much you would have paid for your mobile calls 10 years ago? Try our application to find out! ANCOM launches a widget that allows any user to feed in data about his/her current use of mobile telephone services, prompting the cost of the same services one could have paid 10 years ago. |
This year, ANCOM celebrates 10 years since its establishment as an independent regulatory authority. in the electronic communications sector. In the context of market liberalisation and transposition of the European regulatory framework, the authority has systematically and consistently promoted competition to the benefit of the end-users, while stimulating efficient investments in infrastructures. Since its establishment, in 2002, the Authority has achieved these objectives through several rounds of market analyses and the imposition proportionate remedies, tariff regulation of key services for the competitive development of the markets, designation of universal service providers, as well as through symmetrical measures such as number portability, the closing of the national numbering plan and the adoption of measures meant to ensure the appropriate information and protection of the end-users.

Document - 10 years of regulation of the Romanian electronic communications sector
On its 10th anniversary, ANCOM has elaborated a document on the impact of the Authority's regulations on the development of the Romanian electronic communications market. This document shows how the key figues of the electronic communications sector evolved: number of users, number of connections, traffic volume and tariffs.

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