Press Releases

The Tariffs for the Services of Unbundled Access to the Local Loop, Lower from 1 November 2010



Following the publication of the ANCOM decision on identifying the relevant markets in the electronic communications sector for the services of access to infrastructure elements in the Romanian Official Journal of 16 September 2010, ANCOM has communicated to Romtelecom the individual decision on the obligations incumbent on it, in its capacity as designated operator with significant market power.

Since, subsequent to the European consultation, the European Commission and the other regulatory authorities transmitted to ANCOM a favourable opinion, the tariffs proposed, and the remedies identified, by ANCOM have not suffered changes compared to the version submitted to public consultation.

Thus, starting 1 November 2010, the tariff for full access to the local loop will not exceed EUR 6.02 / month for each local loop or sub-loop, compared to EUR 8.37 / month, the currently charged tariff. This is one of the most competitive tariffs at the European Union level, below the European average of EUR 8.55, according to the 15th Progress Report of the European Commission on the single European electronic communications market - 2009.

From the same date, the tariff for shared access to the local loop will be EUR 3.17 / month, compared to EUR 4.2 / month, and it will continue to drop to EUR 2.14 / month, from 1 January 2011, and to EUR 1.11 / month, from 1 July 2011, respectively.

Furthermore, ANCOM decided to maintain the obligations imposed on Romtelecom regarding the provision of access to its own network. The obligations refer to allowing access to, and use of, specific network elements, transparency, non-discrimination, cost-orientation of the tariffs charged for full or shared access to the local loop and sub-loop, and accounting separation.