Press Releases

The amendment of the general authorisation regime of the providers of electronic communications networks or services submitted to public consultation


ANCOM submits to public consultation a draft decision on amending Decision no.338/2010 on the general authorisation regime for providing electronic communications networks and services.

Following meetings with the communications industry, ANCOM found that certain amendments are necessary in order to clarify the way of filling in the Description file for networks and services and the List of localities where the fixed public terrestrial networks on physical support are actually provided.

As certain providers solicited clarifications concerning the filling in of the Description file for networks and services in the case of the retransmission of the audio-visual media programme services using IP technology, ANCOM completed the Description file with examples of current technologies - CATV, DVB-C/Mx and IPTV – used for the retransmission of the audio-visual media programme services.

ANCOM proposes the introduction, within the Description file for networks and services (Annex no.3 to Decision no.338/2010), of a new section with a view to obtaining precise information regarding the infrastructure (own or belonging to a third party) used by the operators to provide each service indicated in the general authorisation.

The draft decision submitted to public consultation also proposes to introduce a set of technical parameters for the electronic communications networks used for the retransmission of audio-visual programme services. The measures proposed are meant to protect the interests of the end-user in his relation with the providers, as the proposed technical measures are essential for ensuring the existence of certain public electronic communications networks capable to retransmit audio-visual programme services at a signal level which could, technically speaking, correctly reflect the audio-visual programmes retransmitted within the network.

The providers already authorised to provide electronic communications networks/services on grounds of the ANCOM President’s Decision no.338/2010 do not need to submit a new Description file for networks and services. In order to avoid an unfavorable situation to the providers who are currently undergoing the reauthorisation procedure, the old forms will be used in parallel with the new ones for a 10-day period from the date the draft decision becomes effective.


The draft decision is available for consultation on the ANCOM website, here. The interested persons are invited to send their comments and suggestions, by 07.10.2010, at the ANCOM headquarters in 2 Delea Noua Street, Bucharest 3, or directly to the Authority’s Registry Office. Comments and recommendations may also be sent by fax to +40 372 845 404 or by e-mail to