Added value numbers explained
Value added services, known as VAS, are accessible by sending SMS or by voice-calls to an added value number. This kind of services facilitate payment for products/services, access to information from various fields or entertainment services. ANCOM explains how added value numbers can be recognized and used, as a lack of proper information can lead to unexpected costs.
How to identify value-added services
Generally, VAS are used for:
- access to information: customer support, technical assistance (rail transport, roadside assistance, etc) subscriber information;
- premium content services: entertainment, games and contests, access to applications that can be downloaded on mobile phones;
- micropayments: purchasing transport tickets, paying for parking, or buying digital products.
These services are easily recognizable by the special numbers used in the process: national short internal numbers, (e.g. 12vx(y)), numbers for general interest services (19vx or 19vxy) and Premium Rate numbers ( for services accessible via calls.
Activation Methods and Charges
VAS are provided by telecom operators or third-party content providers via telecom operators and are billed separately, at higher rates than regular SMS or calls.
These services can be activated through: SMS – sending a code to a short number, online – entering the phone number on a webpage and confirming via SMS, call – dialling a special rate number.
Attention! Some VAS services have a one-time charge, while others have recurring charging (subscriptions), which continue until unsubscribed.
User information and protection
Regardless of the VAS charging method, users must be informed about the services they access and their associated costs. For voice call, a welcome message will indicate costs before the content is delivered. For SMS services, messages will include details on charge, access and subscription.
ANCOM recommendations for VAS users
When accessing certain web pages (especially via mobile phone) or scanning QR codes, users should be cautious if redirected to another page, which they did not intend to visit. They should avoid sending SMS codes without understanding the reason.
- If users no longer want a service with recurring charging, they must follow the unsubscribe instructions received in the initial subscription SMS.
- Children with unrestricted phone access should be supervised to prevent accidental use of these services.
- An itemised bill issued by the telecom operator contains more information about the chargeable short number accessed for VAS. These itemised bills are issued upon request.           Â
- Complaint-related info
The obligation to inform users primarily lies with content service providers. In most cases, their activity is not regulated by electronic communications legislation since they only provide content services or facilitate such services.
ANCOM can verify whether an electronic communications provider has taken measures to ensure that the content service providers who have been assigned VAS numbers comply with user information obligations. To check such situations, users can contact ANCOM, here. More information about VAS is available on the ANCOM InfoCenter.
If users believe they have not taken any action to access VAS and have not entrusted their phone/SIM to a third party, they may report potential fraud cases to law enforcement authorities.