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13:30 – 14:00






Opening session


  • Lucian Åžova, Minister of Communications and Information Technology
  • Victor Negrescu, Minister Delegate for European Affairs
  • Bogdan ChiriÈ›oiu, President, Competition Council 
  • Roberto Viola, Director-General, DG CONNECT
Host: Adrian Diță, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)


15:15 – 15:30

Coffee break





First session

The first 180° - In the beginning was the Word

  • Sébastien Soriano, President, ARCEP, France and BEREC Chair 2017
  • Johannes Gungl, Managing Director, RTR, Austria and BEREC Vice-Chair 2017, BEREC Chair 2018
  • Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice-president, BNetza, Germany and BEREC Vice-Chair 2017
  • Alejandra de Iturriaga, Director of Telecommunications and Audio-visual sector, CNMC, Spain and BEREC Vice-Chair 2017
  • Hrafnkell Gislason, Director, PTA, Iceland and IRG Vice-Chair 2017

Moderator: Adrian Diță, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)

EU telecoms markets opened for competition in the late 1980s, through a step-by-step process, which culminated with the liberalisation of the voice telephony in 1998. The emergence of new technologies, the rise of the Internet and the technological convergence led to the adoption of the 2002 regulatory framework, which introduced a harmonised set of regulatory principles and procedures, setting the ground for today’s regulatory activity. Since then, the EU witnessed many changes in the regulatory landscape and is on the brink of another. The market has evolved, the industry and consumers’ expectations have changed, the policies have shifted their focus.

Did regulation change as well and in which way? How do regulators respond to market challenges and evolutions? What to expect from regulation and regulators? What to expect from the market? What will the next 15 years look like?

This session will focus on the outcome of the last 15 years of regulation seen from different perspectives, while also trying to anticipate some of the changes the next 15 years might bring along.


16:45 – 17:00

Coffee break






Second session The remaining 180° - What next?

  • Dorin OdiaÅ£iu, Director Public Affairs, Partnerships And Wholesale, Orange România
  • Valentin Popoviciu, Vice-president, RCS&RDS
  • Eugen Brad, Director General, National Radiocommunications Company
  • Stefania Petre, Manager Regulatory and Public Affairs, Telekom Romania 
  • Irina Vârlan, General Counsel, Public Policy & Regulatory Director, UPC Romania
  • Florina Tănase, Senior Director Legal & External Affairs, Vodafone Romania

Moderator: Philippe Defraigne, Founding Director, Cullen International


The moment of the full liberalisation of the Romanian telecommunications market in January 2003 was prepared by the setup, in 2002, of the independent regulator, in order to ensure the implementation of the national policy in the electronic communications and the postal services. A period of intense regulatory activity followed, with a view to the market liberalisation. By the end of 2002, the Authority had launched for consultation 23 regulation drafts. The market response was prompt:  by the beginning of January 2003, 367 companies had notified the regulator about their intention to provide electronic communications networks and services and – by the end of the month – more than 500.

15 years later, Romania boasts a vibrant competitive communications scene that keeps evolving at an ever-faster pace, with the emergence of new technologies. How will the business models evolve in the context of the next technological revolution? How will the synergy with online service providers be achieved? What will next generation’s competition look like?


18:00 – 18:30


Adrian DIȚĂ, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)



13:30 – 14:00






Opening session


  • Lucian Åžova, Minister of Communications and Information Technology
  • Victor Negrescu, Minister Delegate for European Affairs
  • Bogdan ChiriÈ›oiu, President, Competition Council 
  • Roberto Viola, Director-General, DG CONNECT
Host: Adrian Diță, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)


15:15 – 15:30

Coffee break





First session

The first 180° - In the beginning was the Word

  • Sébastien Soriano, President, ARCEP, France and BEREC Chair 2017
  • Johannes Gungl, Managing Director, RTR, Austria and BEREC Vice-Chair 2017, BEREC Chair 2018
  • Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice-president, BNetza, Germany and BEREC Vice-Chair 2017
  • Alejandra de Iturriaga, Director of Telecommunications and Audio-visual sector, CNMC, Spain and BEREC Vice-Chair 2017
  • Hrafnkell Gislason, Director, PTA, Iceland and IRG Vice-Chair 2017

Moderator: Adrian Diță, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)

EU telecoms markets opened for competition in the late 1980s, through a step-by-step process, which culminated with the liberalisation of the voice telephony in 1998. The emergence of new technologies, the rise of the Internet and the technological convergence led to the adoption of the 2002 regulatory framework, which introduced a harmonised set of regulatory principles and procedures, setting the ground for today’s regulatory activity. Since then, the EU witnessed many changes in the regulatory landscape and is on the brink of another. The market has evolved, the industry and consumers’ expectations have changed, the policies have shifted their focus.

Did regulation change as well and in which way? How do regulators respond to market challenges and evolutions? What to expect from regulation and regulators? What to expect from the market? What will the next 15 years look like?

This session will focus on the outcome of the last 15 years of regulation seen from different perspectives, while also trying to anticipate some of the changes the next 15 years might bring along.


16:45 – 17:00

Coffee break






Second session The remaining 180° - What next?

  • Dorin OdiaÅ£iu, Director Public Affairs, Partnerships And Wholesale, Orange România
  • Valentin Popoviciu, Vice-president, RCS&RDS
  • Eugen Brad, Director General, National Radiocommunications Company
  • Stefania Petre, Manager Regulatory and Public Affairs, Telekom Romania 
  • Irina Vârlan, General Counsel, Public Policy & Regulatory Director, UPC Romania
  • Florina Tănase, Senior Director Legal & External Affairs, Vodafone Romania

Moderator: Philippe Defraigne, Founding Director, Cullen International


The moment of the full liberalisation of the Romanian telecommunications market in January 2003 was prepared by the setup, in 2002, of the independent regulator, in order to ensure the implementation of the national policy in the electronic communications and the postal services. A period of intense regulatory activity followed, with a view to the market liberalisation. By the end of 2002, the Authority had launched for consultation 23 regulation drafts. The market response was prompt:  by the beginning of January 2003, 367 companies had notified the regulator about their intention to provide electronic communications networks and services and – by the end of the month – more than 500.

15 years later, Romania boasts a vibrant competitive communications scene that keeps evolving at an ever-faster pace, with the emergence of new technologies. How will the business models evolve in the context of the next technological revolution? How will the synergy with online service providers be achieved? What will next generation’s competition look like?


18:00 – 18:30


Adrian DIȚĂ, President, National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM)


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