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1.How is granted the right to use technical resources?

2.How can one request technical resources?

3.How can I waive part or all of my rights to use technical resources?

4.Which is the timeframe within which the individual decision awarding the right to use technical resources, for each category of technical resources requested, is issued?

The technical resources are those resources required for identifying the electronic communications networks or elements of the electronic communications networks in view of their operation or for the provision of electronic communications services.


Main categories of technical resources:

  • National Signalling Point Codes (NSPC);

  • International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC);

  • Mobile Network Codes (MNC);

  • Network Identification Codes (NIC);

  • Routing Numbers (RN)

Applicable regulatory framework

  • Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2011 on electronic communications

  • ANCOM President’s Decision no. 380/2013 on the assignment and use of certain technical resources, with the subsequent amendments and completions

  • The categories of technical resources provided under point a, 1 to 3 and 5 are defined in accordance with the specific regulations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or with the standards of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), as applicable.

ANCOM objectives in the field of management of the technical resources

  • make available adequate technical resources for all the providers of public electronic communications networks or providers of publicly available electronic communications services

  • ensure the non-discriminatory access to the technical resources for all the providers of public electronic communications networks or providers of publicly available electronic communications services

  • ensure the rational and efficient use of the technical resources.

How to obtain and send the forms referred to in this chapter
Standard forms/requests are available at ANCOM’s headquarters and territorial branches, as well as on the Authority’s website.
The forms/requests and the required documents may be sent to ANCOM’s headquarters or territorial branches, depending on where the requester’s domicile or premises are situated, by one of the following modalities:
o    the requester or a requester’s representative submits them, upon signature;
o    using a postal service;
o    in written form, as an electronic document, to , with an incorporated, attached of logically associated extended electronic signature, based on a certificate valid at the respective moment and generated by a secured device for creating electronic signatures.
The submission date is considered, as applicable, the date of entry in ANCOM’s General Record of Correspondence, the date of confirming reception at ANCOM’s headquarters by means of a postal service with advice of delivery or the date of confirming the reception of the electronic written document.
Where the presented information is deemed insufficient, ANCOM can request additional information.

1.How is granted the right to use technical resources?

2.How can one request technical resources?

3.How can I waive part or all of my rights to use technical resources?

4.Which is the timeframe within which the individual decision awarding the right to use technical resources, for each category of technical resources requested, is issued?

The technical resources are those resources required for identifying the electronic communications networks or elements of the electronic communications networks in view of their operation or for the provision of electronic communications services.


Main categories of technical resources:

  • National Signalling Point Codes (NSPC);

  • International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC);

  • Mobile Network Codes (MNC);

  • Network Identification Codes (NIC);

  • Routing Numbers (RN)

Applicable regulatory framework

  • Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2011 on electronic communications

  • ANCOM President’s Decision no. 380/2013 on the assignment and use of certain technical resources, with the subsequent amendments and completions

  • The categories of technical resources provided under point a, 1 to 3 and 5 are defined in accordance with the specific regulations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or with the standards of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), as applicable.

ANCOM objectives in the field of management of the technical resources

  • make available adequate technical resources for all the providers of public electronic communications networks or providers of publicly available electronic communications services

  • ensure the non-discriminatory access to the technical resources for all the providers of public electronic communications networks or providers of publicly available electronic communications services

  • ensure the rational and efficient use of the technical resources.

How to obtain and send the forms referred to in this chapter
Standard forms/requests are available at ANCOM’s headquarters and territorial branches, as well as on the Authority’s website.
The forms/requests and the required documents may be sent to ANCOM’s headquarters or territorial branches, depending on where the requester’s domicile or premises are situated, by one of the following modalities:
o    the requester or a requester’s representative submits them, upon signature;
o    using a postal service;
o    in written form, as an electronic document, to , with an incorporated, attached of logically associated extended electronic signature, based on a certificate valid at the respective moment and generated by a secured device for creating electronic signatures.
The submission date is considered, as applicable, the date of entry in ANCOM’s General Record of Correspondence, the date of confirming reception at ANCOM’s headquarters by means of a postal service with advice of delivery or the date of confirming the reception of the electronic written document.
Where the presented information is deemed insufficient, ANCOM can request additional information.

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