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Information included in the providers’ obligations of informing ANCOM - other information

Provider category

Object of informing obligation


Submitting manner

Legal grounds

Providers of electronic communications services, holders of licences for the use of the numbering resources

a report regarding the  efficient use of the numbering resources during the previous year

by January 31 of each year


Art.8 letter h) of ANRC President’s Decision no.141/2002

Providers of electronic communications public networks, holders of the right to use certain signalling point codes

a) notification regarding the actual use of the alotted codes

b) notification in case of re-organisation, by merger or separation, or in case of ceasing activity in the field of electronic communications

a) within one month from starting the use of the respective codes


a) Art.6 letter c) of ANRC President’s Decision no.1334/2003

b) Art.6 letter d) of ANRC President’s Decision no.1334/2003

Universal service providers – telecentres

Complete data regarding the activity on the telecentres

Periodical, all along the designation period (3 years)


The stipulations of the individual decisions of designation of the universal service providers

Information included in the providers’ obligations of informing ANCOM - other information

Provider category

Object of informing obligation


Submitting manner

Legal grounds

Providers of electronic communications services, holders of licences for the use of the numbering resources

a report regarding the  efficient use of the numbering resources during the previous year

by January 31 of each year


Art.8 letter h) of ANRC President’s Decision no.141/2002

Providers of electronic communications public networks, holders of the right to use certain signalling point codes

a) notification regarding the actual use of the alotted codes

b) notification in case of re-organisation, by merger or separation, or in case of ceasing activity in the field of electronic communications

a) within one month from starting the use of the respective codes


a) Art.6 letter c) of ANRC President’s Decision no.1334/2003

b) Art.6 letter d) of ANRC President’s Decision no.1334/2003

Universal service providers – telecentres

Complete data regarding the activity on the telecentres

Periodical, all along the designation period (3 years)


The stipulations of the individual decisions of designation of the universal service providers

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