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ANCOM has adopted the action plan for 2020


According to its action plan for 2020, organizing the auction for awarding  the rights to use frequency bands meant for the implementation of new technologies, contributing to transposing the provisions of the European Electronic Communications Code into the national legislation, continuing the implementation of the Infrastructure Law provisions and the implementation of regulatory measures for the provision of the universal postal service are among ANCOM’s main priorities this year.

Radio spectrum

Until the end of this year’s third trimester, ANCOM sets out to finalize the auction documentation and to organize the selection procedure for awarding the usage rights for the radio spectrum available in the 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz, 3400-3600 MHz frequency bands for the provision of public networks and broadband electronic communications services.

As well, the Authority will hold a market consultation in order to determine the interest of the national electronic communications market in the purchase of usage rights for the frequencies intended for the provision of MFCN public networks in millimetre bands.

Furthermore, the Authority is considering updating the RO-IR radio interfaces included in Decision no. 311/2016 regarding licence-exempt radio frequencies or radio frequency bands.

In addition to the measurements foreseen in the annual monitoring plan for the surveillance of the effective use of the frequency spectrum, this year ANCOM will carry out a campaign to assess the involuntary roaming cases in border areas, in order to identify the localities presenting roaming risk, for each operator.

European Electronic Communications Code

ANCOM will elaborate a normative act for the transposition into the national legislation of the Directive establishing the European Electronic Communications Code, in order to submit it for adoption in the first quarter of this year.

Infrastructure Law no. 159/2016

In order to continue the implementation of the Infrastructure Law provisions, ANCOM will establish indicative tariffs for access to the network operators’ poles and will approve the conditions for access to the physical infrastructure deployed by the local public authorities.

Furthermore, regarding the technical norms provided in the Infrastructure Law that refer to ANCOM, the relevant ministry and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, the Authority intends to elaborate and communicate to the partner institutions a technical proposal, upon consulting the communications market stakeholders. 

Regulation of electronic communications services

This year, ANCOM will review the wholesale infrastructure access market and the broadband access market. Furthermore, another project to be carried out concerns the revision of the general authorisation regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services and the amendment of ANCOM Decision no. 333/2013 on reporting statistical data by the providers of public electronic communications networks and of publicly available electronic communications services.

Regulation of postal services

Concerning the universal service in the postal service field, the Authority envisages the implementation of the necessary regulatory measures required for establishing tariff caps, as well as tariff amendment control formulas for the tariffs charged by the universal service provider. Furthermore, the Framework-Agreement and the Rules applicable to the postal services within the scope of universal service shall be updated. In order to define the geographical area covered by the postal services for which the universal service provider has been designated, in 2020, ANCOM will update the list of localities characterised by exceptional geographical conditions.

Moreover, with a view to transposing the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 27/2019 into the secondary legislation, ANCOM will update the general authorisation regime for the provision of postal services and the decision on collecting postal statistical data.

ANCOM’s action plan for 2020, as well as the Authority’s responses to the suggestions received during the public consultation thereon are available for consultation, in Romanian, here.

ANCOM has adopted the action plan for 2020


According to its action plan for 2020, organizing the auction for awarding  the rights to use frequency bands meant for the implementation of new technologies, contributing to transposing the provisions of the European Electronic Communications Code into the national legislation, continuing the implementation of the Infrastructure Law provisions and the implementation of regulatory measures for the provision of the universal postal service are among ANCOM’s main priorities this year.

Radio spectrum

Until the end of this year’s third trimester, ANCOM sets out to finalize the auction documentation and to organize the selection procedure for awarding the usage rights for the radio spectrum available in the 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz, 3400-3600 MHz frequency bands for the provision of public networks and broadband electronic communications services.

As well, the Authority will hold a market consultation in order to determine the interest of the national electronic communications market in the purchase of usage rights for the frequencies intended for the provision of MFCN public networks in millimetre bands.

Furthermore, the Authority is considering updating the RO-IR radio interfaces included in Decision no. 311/2016 regarding licence-exempt radio frequencies or radio frequency bands.

In addition to the measurements foreseen in the annual monitoring plan for the surveillance of the effective use of the frequency spectrum, this year ANCOM will carry out a campaign to assess the involuntary roaming cases in border areas, in order to identify the localities presenting roaming risk, for each operator.

European Electronic Communications Code

ANCOM will elaborate a normative act for the transposition into the national legislation of the Directive establishing the European Electronic Communications Code, in order to submit it for adoption in the first quarter of this year.

Infrastructure Law no. 159/2016

In order to continue the implementation of the Infrastructure Law provisions, ANCOM will establish indicative tariffs for access to the network operators’ poles and will approve the conditions for access to the physical infrastructure deployed by the local public authorities.

Furthermore, regarding the technical norms provided in the Infrastructure Law that refer to ANCOM, the relevant ministry and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, the Authority intends to elaborate and communicate to the partner institutions a technical proposal, upon consulting the communications market stakeholders. 

Regulation of electronic communications services

This year, ANCOM will review the wholesale infrastructure access market and the broadband access market. Furthermore, another project to be carried out concerns the revision of the general authorisation regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services and the amendment of ANCOM Decision no. 333/2013 on reporting statistical data by the providers of public electronic communications networks and of publicly available electronic communications services.

Regulation of postal services

Concerning the universal service in the postal service field, the Authority envisages the implementation of the necessary regulatory measures required for establishing tariff caps, as well as tariff amendment control formulas for the tariffs charged by the universal service provider. Furthermore, the Framework-Agreement and the Rules applicable to the postal services within the scope of universal service shall be updated. In order to define the geographical area covered by the postal services for which the universal service provider has been designated, in 2020, ANCOM will update the list of localities characterised by exceptional geographical conditions.

Moreover, with a view to transposing the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 27/2019 into the secondary legislation, ANCOM will update the general authorisation regime for the provision of postal services and the decision on collecting postal statistical data.

ANCOM’s action plan for 2020, as well as the Authority’s responses to the suggestions received during the public consultation thereon are available for consultation, in Romanian, here.

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