ANCOM acordă licenţe pentru reţele în tehnologie DECT în 33 de localităţi
Following the publication of the Position Paper on the national use of radio spectrum in the 1880-1900 MHz band (”DECT band”), Romtelecom was the only company that applied for operating point-to-multipoint (PMP) radiocommunication networks in DECT (digital enhanced cordless telecommunications) technologyfor themunicipality of Bucharest and 32 localities in the counties of Ilfov, Galati and Tulcea, thus requesting an extension of the existing licence validity. The Authority validated Romtelecom’s options, publishing the final list of localities on its website, here, and issued the licences for the use of radio frequencies.
Since only one operator expressed interest for this band, a second stage of the option validation mechanism is no longer required, as there are no multiple requests for one locality.
If the Authority receives additional requests for the installation and operation of public PMP wireless access networks in the DECT band, it will re-launch the licencing process on a half-yearly basis, every April and October.
The DECT band will continue to accommodate PMP wireless access public networks for ensuring the wireless local loop (WLL).The 1880-1900 MHz band ensure a broader coverage and can be used especially in geographical areas that are underserved in respect of access to electronic communications services.
Additional information
On 16 June 2014, ANCOM finalised and published on its website the Position Paper on the national use of radio spectrum in the 1880-1900 MHz band (i.e. the DECT band). Following a public consultation conducted earlier this year, the Authority established that the DECT band should become nationally available.
DECT licences are granted by direct award in the localities for which only one request has been submitted, while a comparative selection procedure is to be organised in the case of the localities in which several operators are interested.
Once the Position Paper adopted, ANCOM started the procedure for establishing the operators’ options regarding the geographical areas (localities and counties) where they wish to be awarded new usage rights in the DECT band. The providers of electronic communications networks and services interested in installing and using one/several point-to-multipoint (PMP) radiocommunication network(s) in DECT technology, could submit firm requests for the issuance of licences for the use of radio frequencies, by (including) 26 June 2014.
After receiving and validating the requests within each process for granting licences in the DECT band, the Authority publishes the final aggregated table containing the options expressed by the operators, by counties and localities, and issues the licences of the use of radio frequencies for the DECT band.