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ANCOM updates the regulations dedicated to persons with disabilities




ANCOM has launched for public consultation a draft decision that updates the regulatory measures designed for persons with disabilities, considering the legislative changes brought by Law no. 198/2022, which transposed the European Electronic Communications Code into national legislation.

Between 31 May 2022 and 30 June 2022, ANCOM submitted to a preliminary public consultation a draft decision on the measures tailored for disabled users. This process was carried out exclusively for information purposes, due to the fact that, at the time of launching the consultation, Law no. 198/2022 was undergoing the final stage of the parliamentary adoption procedure. Therefore,  in order to ensure high transparency regarding the measures proposed by ANCOM, as well as a longer period of consultation on the Authority's intentions in this field of activity, the stakeholders have been invited to send their opinions on this draft decision.

The draft decision proposes a series of measures addressed to end-users with disabilities in order to ensure their optimal access to electronic communications services, as well as a high level of information via specific methods that meet their needs.


Measures concerning access to electronic communications services

Taking into account the need to adapt the existing tariff packages on the market to the specific consumption needs of persons with sight, hearing and/or speech disabilities, the Authority proposes two configurations of service packages containing a minimum level of consumption units, along with maximum recommended tariffs that the providers are asked to observe.

Thus, for end-users with hearing and/or speech disabilities, ANCOM proposes the providers to make available mobile service packages containing an unlimited number of SMS usable in the respective individual network and 300 SMS usable in national networks, at a recommended tariff of 4 euros/month, including VAT, and - at the user's request - a data volume of 5 GB, at a recommended tariff of 2 euros/month, including VAT, the total recommended tariff for the package being 6 euros/month, including VAT.

For end-users with sight disabilities, ANCOM proposes the providers to configure mobile service packages containing 2,000 minutes usable in their individual network and 500 minutes usable in national networks, at a recommended tariff of 2 euros/month, including VAT, and, at the user's request, a data volume of 5 GB, at a recommended tariff of 2 euros/month,  including VAT, the total recommended tariff for the package being 4 euros/month, including VAT.


Information measures

Upon the request of end-users with disabilities, providers are obliged to make available to them information material in a format accessible and relevant to persons with disabilities, clearly presenting the functions and means by which the terminal equipment can meet their specific needs.

For maximizing the disabled end-users’ possibility to use publicly available electronic communications services, providers will have to provide these users with a set of minimal information on the services offered, by means that are tailored to the needs of those users.


Public consultation

The draft decision is available, in Romanian, here. The interested persons are invited to submit comments and proposals by 09 December 2022, at the ANCOM headquarters address (2 Delea Nouă Street, sector 3, Bucharest), through the Online Registry or through the Authority's regional divisions. Comments can also be sent by fax to +40 372 845 402 or by e-mail to

ANCOM updates the regulations dedicated to persons with disabilities




ANCOM has launched for public consultation a draft decision that updates the regulatory measures designed for persons with disabilities, considering the legislative changes brought by Law no. 198/2022, which transposed the European Electronic Communications Code into national legislation.

Between 31 May 2022 and 30 June 2022, ANCOM submitted to a preliminary public consultation a draft decision on the measures tailored for disabled users. This process was carried out exclusively for information purposes, due to the fact that, at the time of launching the consultation, Law no. 198/2022 was undergoing the final stage of the parliamentary adoption procedure. Therefore,  in order to ensure high transparency regarding the measures proposed by ANCOM, as well as a longer period of consultation on the Authority's intentions in this field of activity, the stakeholders have been invited to send their opinions on this draft decision.

The draft decision proposes a series of measures addressed to end-users with disabilities in order to ensure their optimal access to electronic communications services, as well as a high level of information via specific methods that meet their needs.


Measures concerning access to electronic communications services

Taking into account the need to adapt the existing tariff packages on the market to the specific consumption needs of persons with sight, hearing and/or speech disabilities, the Authority proposes two configurations of service packages containing a minimum level of consumption units, along with maximum recommended tariffs that the providers are asked to observe.

Thus, for end-users with hearing and/or speech disabilities, ANCOM proposes the providers to make available mobile service packages containing an unlimited number of SMS usable in the respective individual network and 300 SMS usable in national networks, at a recommended tariff of 4 euros/month, including VAT, and - at the user's request - a data volume of 5 GB, at a recommended tariff of 2 euros/month, including VAT, the total recommended tariff for the package being 6 euros/month, including VAT.

For end-users with sight disabilities, ANCOM proposes the providers to configure mobile service packages containing 2,000 minutes usable in their individual network and 500 minutes usable in national networks, at a recommended tariff of 2 euros/month, including VAT, and, at the user's request, a data volume of 5 GB, at a recommended tariff of 2 euros/month,  including VAT, the total recommended tariff for the package being 4 euros/month, including VAT.


Information measures

Upon the request of end-users with disabilities, providers are obliged to make available to them information material in a format accessible and relevant to persons with disabilities, clearly presenting the functions and means by which the terminal equipment can meet their specific needs.

For maximizing the disabled end-users’ possibility to use publicly available electronic communications services, providers will have to provide these users with a set of minimal information on the services offered, by means that are tailored to the needs of those users.


Public consultation

The draft decision is available, in Romanian, here. The interested persons are invited to submit comments and proposals by 09 December 2022, at the ANCOM headquarters address (2 Delea Nouă Street, sector 3, Bucharest), through the Online Registry or through the Authority's regional divisions. Comments can also be sent by fax to +40 372 845 402 or by e-mail to

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