ANCOM launches for consultation the list of areas without broadband fixed internet
ANCOM conducted a survey with a view to identifying the localities in Romania where, on 31 December 2014, there was no local loop and/or backhaul network segments for fixed connections that could ensure transfer rates of minimum 30 Mbps. The survey was aimed at supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), the institution that coordinates the implementation of broadband infrastructure development programmes in Romania’s rural areas. The list of localities resulted from the ANCOM’s survey has been published for consultation on the Authority’s website, here.
In preparing this list, ANCOM sent a questionnaire to the electronic communications operators in Romania, 1,006 of which replied. The list resulted from the ANCOM survey did not include the localities under other projects financed from public funds, aimed at deploying electronic communications networks, given that these localities are provided to have access to broadband electronic communications services in the near future. Â
The results of the survey conducted by ANCOM will be available also to other public authorities or institutions that implement or coordinate the implementation of projects financed from public funds aimed at building broadband electronic communications networks throughout Romania.
The list of localities that were not covered by local loop and/or backhaul network segments for fixed connections to ensure transfer rates of minimum 30 Mbps, as of 31 December 2014, is available here. The interested persons who have information concerning the on-site situation as of 31 December 2014 in contradiction with the results of the ANCOM survey are invited to make it available to the Authority by 21 June 2015.
Moreover, in order to avoid the financing from public funds of parallel networks in the localities that no longer require this intervention, the Authority recommends electronic communications providers to send information on the deployment of electronic communications networks/provision of broadband electronic communications services, at a fixed location, in the localities identified as uncovered, according to the ANCOM survey.
Such information may be sent to the ANCOM headquarters (2 Delea Noua Street, sector 3, Bucharest), directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or by means of the Authority’s regional offices. Information may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to
Further details on the broadband infrastructure broadband programmes in the rural areas of Romania are available with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).