Nr |
Title |
Date the document was submitted to public consultation: |
[Details] |
1 |
QUESTIONNAIRE on the use of the frequency bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz for mobile satellite communications services (MSS) from 2027 onwards (extended term from January 10, 2025 to January 15, 2025) |
2024.11.28 |
2 |
TERMS OF REFERENCE for the organisation of the competitive selection procedure for awarding certain frequency usage rights in the 700 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz and 3400-3800 MHz bands |
13 July 2022 |
3 |
2021.07.01 |
4 |
Draft Decision on approving the procedure for the cancellation of the ancillary payment obligations of the debtors that, on (including) 31 March 2020, are registered with the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications as having main outstanding payment obligations (full text in Romanian) |
2020.11.19 |
5 |
Preliminary consultation on the appropriateness of allocating the 2300 - 2335 MHz sub-band for broadband wireless electronic communications services |
2020.10.21 |
6 |
Draft Decision on compensating the net cost for the provision of postal services within the scope of universal service in 2018 (full text in Romanian) |
2020.09.21 |
7 |
DECISION on amending Art. 2(1) of the Government Decision no. 518/2016 on the transfer of part of a real estate asset which is state public property, from the administration of the Special Telecommunications Service to the administration of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (full text in Romanian) |
2020.07.13 |
8 |
Position of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications on reviewing the the relevant markets corresponding to the services of local access provided at a fixed location and of central access provided at a fixed location, for mass-market products (full text in Romanian) |
2020.06.11 |
9 |
Draft Decision on amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Communications no. 1023/2008 on performing communications to the Single National Emergency Call System (full text in Romanian) |
2020.07.01 |
10 |
Draft Decision on setting the conditions and and the procedure for evaluating the degree of compliance with the minimum quality requirements regarding the delivery of domestic items of correspondence, of the fastest standard category, imposed by the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 1363/2019 on the designation of the National Company Romanian Post S.A. as a universal service provider in the postal services field (full text in Romanian) |
2020.06.17 |
11 |
Draft Measures for setting the maximum fixed call termination rate, based on a cost calculation model (full text in Romanian) |
2020.05.19 |
12 |
Draft Decision on compensating the net cost for the provision of postal services within the scope of universal service in 2017 (full text in Romanian) |
2020.05.11 |
13 |
Draft Decision on the conditions for drawing up and auditing the separate account statements by the National Company Romanian Post S.A. (full text in Romanian) |
2020.02.21 |
14 |
DRAFT Decision on updating the inventory value of a real estate asset within the state public domain and in the administration of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (full text in Romanian) |
2020.02.14 |
15 |
Draft Decision on reporting statistical data by the providers of postal services (full text in Romanian) |
2019.12.20 |
16 |
ANCOM’s Draft Action Plan for 2020 (full text in Romanian) |
2019.12.17 |
17 |
Draft Decision on setting the amount of the licence fee for extending the validity of certain frequency usage licences (full text in Romanian) |
2019.12.23 |
18 |
Draft Decision amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 353/2015 on the procedure of awarding frequency usage rights - (withdrawn) (full text in Romanian) |
2019.11.29 |
19 |
Draft Decision on designating the National Company Romanian Post S.A. as a universal service provider in the postal services field (full text in Romanian) |
2019.11.28 |
20 |
Draft DECISION on approving the National Table of Frequency Allocations (full text in Romanian) |
2019.10.31 |
21 |
Draft Decision on approving the procedure for the cancellation of the ancillary payment obligations of the debtors that, on (including) 31 December 2018, are registered with the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications as having main outstanding payment obligations (full text in Romanian) |
2019.11.22 |
22 |
Public consultation on Section 3.3.1 Coverage obligations provided in the Draft Terms of Reference on organizing the competitive selection procedure for awarding frequency usage rights in the 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz and 3400-3800 MHz bands (full text in Romanian) |
2019.10.28 |
23 |
Decision for amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 551/2012 on setting the frequency spectrum usage tariff (full text in Romanian) |
2019.10.28 |
24 |
Draft Decision on the technical conditions regarding the usage of public mobile electronic communications networks and their connection to the RO-ALERT system (full text in Romanian) |
2019.10.08 |
25 |
Draft Decision on the technical conditions regarding the usage of public mobile electronic communications networks and their connection to the RO-ALERT system (full text in Romanian) |
2019.09.06 |
26 |
Draft Decision on approving the necessary forms and the corresponding usage instructions regarding the collection of the arrears due to the budget of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, as well as the template of ANCOM’s revenue agent ID card (full text in Romanian) |
2019.09.06 |
27 |
Measures of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications for setting the maximum mobile call termination rate (full text in Romanian) |
2019.08.12 |
28 |
Public consultation the documentation for the organization of the competitive selection procedure with a view to awarding new spectrum usage rights |
29.07.2019 |
29 |
The Draft Decision regarding the amendment of the frequency usage fee |
28.10.2019 |
30 |
ANCOM’s Position on awarding rights of use for the spectrum resources available in the frequency bands 694-790 MHz, 790-862 MHz, 1427-1517 MHz, 2500-2690 MHz, 3400-3800 MHz and 24.25- 27.5 GHz |
2019.01.31 |
31 |
ANCOM’s Draft Action Plan for 2019 (in Romanian) |
07.12.2018 |
32 |
Draft - The 5G for Romania Strategy |
2018.11.21 |
33 |
The Draft Decision on setting and imposing the technical and economic conditions for access to the physical infrastructure deployed by “NETCITY TELECOM” S.R.L. based on the concession contract no. 4390/02.06.2008, concluded with the Municipality of Bucharest (in Romanian) |
12.10.2018 |
34 |
The draft model for calculating the cost of access services offered to the providers of public electronic communications networks for access to the physical infrastructure deployed within the "Bucharest metropolitan fibre optic network for telecommunications - Netcity” |
2018.10.01 |
35 |
Draft Terms of Reference for the competitive selection procedure to be organised with a view to awarding licences for the use of radio frequencies in terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting (T-DAB+) system |
2018.08.23 |
36 |
Draft measures for identifying and regulating the harmonised technical conditions for IP interconnection with a view to providing fixed and mobile call termination services on public telephony networks and for regulating the tariffs corresponding to IP interconnection-related services |
2018.08.09 |
37 |
The draft decision on the maximum tariffs to be charged for exercising the right of access on, over, in or under public property |
2018.07.20 |
38 |
The draft decision on the use of geographic numbering resources outside the respective area |
2018.07.16 |
39 |
draft decision on setting and imposing technical and economic conditions for the electronic communications network providers’ access to the physical infrastructure built by RCS&RDS S.A. in the Municipality of Oradea |
2018.08.01 |
40 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 1.112/2017 on setting the quality indicators for the provision of the internet access service and the publishing of the corresponding parameters |
2018.07.18 |
41 |
Public consultation on the national roadmap for the allotment and future use of the 470-790 MHz band |
22.05.2018 |
42 |
The draft decision on identifying the relevant market corresponding to high-quality access services (in Romanian) |
2018.05.11 |
43 |
Draft decision on amending number porting tariffs |
2018.01.22 |
44 |
2018 Action Plan (in Romanian) |
2017.12.12 |
45 |
The draft decision on the establishment of the Single Information Point, as well as on the establishment of the conditions and modalities for sending information on the physical infrastructure of network operators |
2017.10.13 |
46 |
Public consultation relating to amateur radiocommunications for emergency situations |
2017.09.21 |
47 |
Draft decision on the identification of relevant markets for the services of analogue terrestrial broadcasting of public television and radio programme services |
2017.10.06 |
48 |
Public consultation on third parties’ access to the number portability database |
22.09.2017 |
49 |
Consultation on a series of regulations within the scope of universal postal service |
2017.09.01 |
50 |
The draft decision on establishing the format and manner of the electronic communications network providers’ sending documents and information on exercising the rights of access on properties, on establishing the access conditions, and on amending and completing certain regulations for sending such documents and information |
07.08.2017 |
51 |
Consultation on awarding the spectrum use rights in the frequency bands 694-790 MHz, 791-796 MHz/832-837 MHz, 1452-1492 MHz, 2530-2570 MHz/2650-2690 MHz, 3410-3420 MHz/3510-3520 MHz, 3450-3465 MHz/3550-3565 MHz |
2017.06.26 |
52 |
Draft decision on the identification of the relevant markets for fixed call termination services, respectively for mobile call termination services, in the electronic communications sector |
06.06.2017 |
53 |
The draft decision regarding the request for the compensation of the net cost incurred in the provision of postal services within the scope of universal service in 2015 |
2017.02.17 |
54 |
The draft decision on the postal service providers’ reporting statistical data |
2017.02.10 |
55 |
The Document on identifying the conditions necessary for the access of other postal providers to the public postal network and containing the answers of the questioned providers |
2017.02.15 |
56 |
Draft regulatory strategy in the postal services sector for 2017-2020 |
2017.01.05 |
57 |
The Draft Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications on the general authorisation regime for the provision of postal services |
2016.11.29 |
58 |
Documents regarding the selection procedure for awarding the licences for the use of the radio frequency spectrum in digital terrestrial television system |
2016.07.08 |
59 |
Draft position document regarding ANCOM’s strategy for digital communications in 2020 |
18.05.2016 |
60 |
Draft decision for amending the Annex to Decision no. 1131/2014 on adopting the Code of conduct for using internal national short numbers and SMS/MMS short codes |
12.05.2016 |
61 |
Public consultation on organizing an auction for awarding the radio spectrum for T-DAB (digital terrestrial radio broadcasting) in the band III VHF (216-230 MHz) – questionnaire |
2015.10.18 |
62 |
Draft Decision on amending and completing certain regulations with the aim of sending documents, data or information by electronic means, and for using such electronic means for other purposes incumbent on postal services providers |
2015.10.19 |
63 |
Discussion Paper – ANCOM’s Strategy for Digital Communications up to 2020 |
2015.09.29 |
64 |
ANCOM’s Action plan proposed for the year 2016 |
2015.09.30 |
65 |
The draft decision regarding the identification of the relevant market for the services of access to infrastructure elements |
2015.08.13 |
66 |
Draft decision regarding licence-free radio frequencies or radio frequency bands |
23.07.2015 |
67 |
The draft Government Decision on establishing the minimum licence fee for awarding the rights of use of the radio frequencies in the 3410-3800 MHz band and the payment conditions therefor |
08.07.2015 |
68 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 551/2012 on establishing the spectrum usage tariff |
2015.07.21 |
69 |
Documentation regarding the organisation of the selection procedure for granting the usage rights of the radio spectrum in the 3410-3800 MHz |
2015.05.14 |
70 |
The draft decision for amending and completing certain regulations in the field of numbering, technical resources and number portability |
9.04.2015 |
71 |
Draft Decision for completing certain provisions in the field of the universal postal service |
20.04.2015 |
72 |
The draft decision regarding the procedure of awarding the radio frequency usage rights for diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania |
02.04.2015 |
73 |
Draft Decision for amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 629/2010 on the procedure of authorising the provision of audio-visual programme services |
05.03.2015 |
74 |
Strategy Document on the implementation and development of broadband communications systems at national level in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band, for the period 2015-2025 |
25.02.2015 |
75 |
The draft decision on establishing measures for the disabled end-users of publicly available electronic communications services |
November 17, 2014 |
76 |
Draft decision on the obligations of informing the end-users |
6 November 2014 |
77 |
Draft decision on the compensation of the net cost of the provision of services within the scope of universal service in 2013 |
3.11.2014 |
78 |
Consultation Document on the future usage of the telephone numbers, given the technological developments in the field |
2014.10.07 |
79 |
ANCOM’s Draft Action Plan for 2015 |
2014.10.22 |
80 |
Questionnaire regarding the use of the 3400-3600 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz bands in Romania |
October 17, 2014 |
81 |
Documents regarding the selection procedure for awarding the licences for the use of the radio frequency spectrum in digital terrestrial television system (2 national licences and regional/local licences) |
25.09.2014 |
82 |
Draft decision establishing the format and manner of sending information on the roll-out and geographical location of the public electronic communications networks and and of the associated infrastructure elements |
08.09.2014 |
83 |
Draft decision on the Code of Conduct regulating the usage of internal national short numbers and SMS/MMS short codes |
2014.06.17 |
84 |
Consultation on the radio frequency 1880-1900 MHz Band |
2014.04.30 |
85 |
Draft decision regarding the procedure on the application for, and issuance of, the licences for the use of radio frequencies |
2014.03.18 |
86 |
Draft decision amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 541/2013 on the conditions and procedure for the designation of the universal service providers in the postal sector |
March 24, 2014 |
87 |
Consultation on the awarding of the frequency usage rights in the 791-796 MHz/832-837 MHz şi 2530-2570 MHz/2650-2690 MHz |
20 January 2014 |
88 |
Draft Government Decision on awarding the licences for the use of the radio spectrum for the digital terrestrial television system |
28.01.2014 |
89 |
Draft Decision amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no.127/2009 on the reporting of certain statistical data by the providers of postal services |
January 23, 2014 |
90 |
Draft Decision on amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no.551/2012 on the approval of tariff for the use of spectrum radio |
January 14, 2014 |
91 |
Documentation regarding the selection procedure for awarding the licences for the use of radio frequencies in digital terrestrial television system |
28.11.2013 |
92 |
ANCOM draft action plan for 2014 |
Octomer 31, 2013 |
93 |
Position paper on the national use of the radio spectrum in the 26 GHz frequency band |
05.11.2013 |
94 |
Draft measures on setting the tariffs for certain electronic communications services, at wholesale level, based on cost calculation models |
August 29, 2013 |
95 |
Measures of the National Authority for Managaement and Regulation in Communications for the identification, analysis and regulation of the relevant markets corresponding to the services of access at fixed locations, call origination at fixed locations on the public telephone networks and call switched transit in the public telephone networks in Romania |
29 august 2013 |
96 |
Consultation on the radio frequency 3400-3800 MHz band |
10.09.2013 |
97 |
Draft decision regarding the conditions and the procedure of designating universal service providers in the postal services field |
11.06.2013 |
98 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Decision of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology no.2858/2007 on the general authorization regime for the provision of postal services |
June 3, 2013 |
99 |
Draft decision on the establishment of minimum security measures to be taken by the providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services and on the reporting of incidents with significant impact on the provision of electronic communications networks and services |
April 24, 2013 |
100 |
Draft Decision amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no.1167/2011 on the reporting of certain statistical data by the providers of public electronic communications |
March 12, 2013 |
101 |
Draft Decision on the means and manner of transmission of certain documents, data or information to the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications and amending the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Communicat 123 |
March 7, 2013 |
102 |
Draft decision amending and completing certain regulations in the field of numbering rersources and technical resources |
December 11, 2012 |
103 |
Draft decision on the use of national national short numbers and of SMS/MMS short codes |
December 11, 2012 |
104 |
ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2013 |
December 20, 2012 |
105 |
Consultation on determining the efficient costs of the provision of certain wholesale electronic communications services in Romania based on certain cost calculation models |
14.11.2012 |
106 |
Questionnaire regarding the IP interconnection |
08.11.2012 |
107 |
The draft Decision for amending and completing the Decision no.168/2010 on the harmonisation of the use of the paired bands 880-915 MHz, 925-960 MHz, 1710-1747.5 MHz and 1805-1842.5 MHz |
25.10.2012 |
108 |
Draft decision amending and completing certain regulations on the designation conditions and procedure, as well as on the designation of the universal service providers in the postal sector |
September 26, 2012 |
109 |
Draft decision on the conditions of preparing and auditing the separate financial statements by the Romanian Post National Company S.A. |
September 26, 2012 |
110 |
Draft decision amending the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no.459/2010 on the allocation and use of national short numbers for services of public interest at national level |
September 20, 2012 |
111 |
draft decision on amending and completing the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 338/2010 on the general authorisation regime for providing electronic communications networks and services |
August 24, 2012 |
112 |
Project - ANCOM Regulatory Strategy for Postal Services |
May 7, 2012 |
113 |
Consultation on the awarding of the frequency usage rights in the 453-457.5 MHz/463-467.5 MHz band |
25.04.2012 |
114 |
Draft Government Decision establishing the amount of the minimum values of the licence fees for the awarding of the radio frequency usage rights in the 790-862 MHz, 880-915 MHz/925-960 MHz, 1710-1785 MHz/1805-1880 MHz and 2500-2690 MHz bands |
12 March, 2012 |
115 |
Draft documentation for the holding of the competitive selection procedure in view of awarding the usage rights for the radio frequencies in the 800, 900, 1800 and 2600 MHz bands |
14.03.2012 |
116 |
Government Decision establishing the amount of the licence fee for the extension of the validity period of the licence for the use of radio frequencies awarded in the 463-467.5 MHz/453-457.5 MHz band |
117 |
Draft guidelines on the activity of the mobile virtual operators (MVNO) in the Romanian electronic communications market, |
09.02.2012 |
118 |
Draft decision on the amendment and completion of certain regulations in the field of telephone number porting |
February 8, 2012 |
119 |
Draft Emergency Ordinance on the release of the 830-862 MHz, 1747.5-1785 MHz, 1842.5-1880 MHz and 2500-2690 MHz frequency bands |
24.01.2011 |
120 |
Draft decision on approving the rules for the achievement by Romtelecom S.A. of accounting separation within the internal cost accounting system |
02.12.2011 |
121 |
Draft Decision on amending and completing the Decision of the president of the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology no.686/2005 on the approval of the tariff procedure and of the list of tariffs for the use of radio spectrum |
30.11.2011 |
122 |
Draft decision on the award of the rights to use the frequencies in the 880-915 MHz/925-960 MHz and 1710-1785 MHz/1805-1880 MHz bands |
30.11.2011 |
123 |
Draft of ANCOM's 2012 Action Plan |
2011.11.10 |
124 |
Draft decision on the identification of the relevant markets for services of call termination provided at fixed, respectively at mobile locations |
4 August, 2011 |
125 |
Draft decision on amending the National Table for Frequency Allocation, approved by Order of the Minister for Communications and Information Society no.789/2009, with the subsequent amendments |
30 August, 2011 |
126 |
Draft decision on the radio frequencies and radio frequency bands exempted from licensing |
May 16, 2011 |
127 |
Draft decision on the reporting of certain statistical data by the providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services
03.02.2011 |
128 |
Draft Decision on amending and completing the Decision of the President of the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology no.686/2005 on approving the Tariff procedure and the List of tariffs for the use of radio spectrum, annually |
14.01.2011 |
129 |
Draft decision on the allocation and use of national short numbers for value-added services of general interest
21.12.2010 |
130 |
Draft decision on certain measures in the numbering resources and technical resources field
21.12.2010 |
131 |
Draft Law on the Electronic Communications |
13.12.2010 |
132 |
ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2011 |
November 4, 2010 |
133 |
Draft decision on the Universal Service implementation in the electronic communications sector |
18.10.2010 |
134 |
Draft decision on the blueprints of the philatelic issuances, the issuance, printing, circulation, withdrawal and trading conditions for the postage stamps and postal stationeries |
October 7, 2010 |
135 |
Draft decision on the blueprints of the philatelic issuances, the issuance, printing, circulation, withdrawal and trading conditions for the postage stamps and postal stationeries |
October 7, 2010 |
136 |
Draft decision on the establishment of the quality indicators for the provision of the Internet access service and on the publication of the corresponding parameters |
27.09.2010 |
137 |
Draft Decision on the approval of the Regulation on the cost calculation model to be developed by the Radiocommunications National Company (SNR), based on the fully allocated cost method |
September 15, 2009 |
138 |
Draft decision on harmonising the use of the frequency bands 880-915 MHz, 925-960 MHz, 1710-1747,5 MHz and 1805-1842,5 MHz |
September 1, 2009 |
139 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology no. 2.858/2007 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of postal services
August 20, 2009 |
140 |
Draft decisions on reviewing the retail and wholesale markets for telephone services provided at fixed locations |
July 15, 2009 |
141 |
Draft decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulatiopn in Communications on amending the Decision of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no. 321/2008 on the allocation and use of national short numbers fo |
7.05.2009 |
142 |
Draft decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulatiopn in Communications on amending the Decision of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no. 321/2008 on the allocation and use of national short numbers fo |
143 |
Draft decision of the President of the NAtional Authority for Management and Regulatiopn in Communications on amending the Decision of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no. 321/2008 on the allocation and use of national short numbers fo |
144 |
Draft decision for the terms for unlocking telephone handsets |
January 20, 2009 |
145 |
Draft decision regarding the amendment of ANRC President’s Decision no. 1.074/2004 on the implementation of Universal Service in the electronic communications sector |
December 22, 2008 |
146 |
Draft decision on the mechanism of checking electronic signatures |
December 22, 2008 |
147 |
ANC 2009 Draft Action Plan |
December 22, 2008 |
148 |
Draft decision on the procedure of agreeing the bodies that certify the secured devices for generating electronic signature |
December 22, 2008 |
149 |
Draft decision on the identification of the relevant markets for the services of call termination at mobile locations (full text in Romanian) |
November 20, 2008 |
150 |
Draft decision on the obligations of the electronic communications providers to inform the end-users |
November 13, 2008 |
151 |
The draft decision on the identification of the relevant markets for the services of analogue broadcasting public audio and video programme services by means of terrestrial radioelectric systems |
October 9, 2008 |
152 |
Draft decision on the harmonised use of the 880-915 MHz, 925-960 MHz, 1710-1747.5 MHz and 1805-1842.5 MHz bands. |
October 23, 2008 |
153 |
Draft decision on the amendment of paragraph (1) of Article 11 of the ANRCTI President's Decision no.732/2008 on the procedure of awarding the licences for the use of radio frequencies in the 3600-3657 MHz and 3700-3757 MHz bands and on the amount of the |
October 17, 2008 |
154 |
Draft Terms of Reference for the comparative selection procedure in view of granting the two licences for the use of the radio frequencies that enable the provision of communications services by means of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA), WiMAX systems |
October 15, 2008 |
155 |
Draft decision on the initiation of communications to the National Unique System for Emergency Calls |
September 24, 2008 |
156 |
Terms of Reference for the designation of a universal service provider that should provide directory enquiry services and a subscriber directory |
August 11, 2008 |
157 |
Draft decision on the amendment of the IGCTI President's Decision no.660/2005 on the approval of the Radiocommunications Regulation for the amateur use in Romania
August 21, 2007 |
158 |
Draft Decision on amending the IGCTI President's Decision no.699/2005 regarding the approval of the Regulation for the personnel operating the radiocommunications stations in Romania |
August 21, 2007 |
159 |
Draft Decision on the amendment and completion of ANRC President's Decision no.144/2006 on implementation of numbers portability |
2007.07.25 |
160 |
Draft Decision for the amendment of the IGCTI President's Decision no.686/2005 for the approval of the Tariffs Procedure and of the List of the radio spectrum using tariffs, annually owed to the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Tech |
18.07.2007 |
161 |
Draft decision on the procedure of determining the monitoring tariff, as well as the exertion of the right to choose the computation formulas of the financial obligations due to the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Techno |
16.07.2007 |
162 |
Draft Decision for amending and completing the ANRC President's Decision no.1074/2004 on the implementation of universal service in the field of electronic communications |
17.06.2007 |
163 |
Draft decision on the interconnection with the public telephone network operated by S.C. „RCS & RDS” S.A., for the purpose of call termination at fixed locations |
21.06.2007 |
164 |
Draft decision regarding the approval of the new Regulation on the organisation and operation of ANRCTI |
14.03.2007 |
165 |
Draft 2006 ANRC Action Plan |
17.01.2006 |
166 |
Draft Decision on the adoption of technical and comercial terms for the implementation of numbers portability |
05.02.2007 |
167 |
Draft decision on the establishment and collection of tariffs for the use of numbering respurces |
02.02.2007 |
168 |
Draft Decision for ammending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no. 1250/2005 |
06.12.2006 |
169 |
Draft decision on the procedure for the authorisation of the postal services providers |
November 30, 2006 |
170 |
The draft decisions of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications on the amendment and completion of the decisions of ANRC President no.436/2006 and no.437/2006 establishing the tariffs for the interconnection services offered b |
October 18, 2006 |
171 |
Draft decision on the establishment of the price cap formulas for the services provided by S.C. Romtelecom S.A. on the specific relevant retail markets where it has been designated as having significant power |
September 25, 2006 |
172 |
Draft Decision on the amendment and completion of ANRC President's Decision no.147/2002 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services, with the subsequent amendments and completions, and ANRC Pres |
August 9, 2006 |
173 |
Draft decision on the electronic communcations providers' obligation to inform the end-users |
July 19, 2006 |
174 |
Draft ordinance on the amendment and completion of certain normative acts in the fields of electronic communications and of postal services |
July 12, 2006 |
175 |
Draft documentation for the elaboration and presentation of the offer for the designation of the Universal Service Provider with a view to ensuring access to public pay telephones |
June 20, 2006 |
176 |
The consultation document regarding the strategic approach to be used in the elaboration of the regulatory strategy for the electronic communications sector during 2007-2009 |
May 11 |
177 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no.338/2010 on the general authorisation regime for providing electronic communications networks and services |
06.09.2010 |
178 |
Draft decision on the procedure for granting licences for the use of radio frequencies in the 3600-3657 MHz and 3700-3757 MHz ranges and on establishing the amount of the licence fee for granting the right to use radio frequencies in the 3657-3685 MHz and |
July 21, 2008 |
179 |
The draft decisions of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications on establishing the tariffs for the interconnection services provided by S.C. „Mobifon” – S.A. and S.C. „Orange Romania” – S.A. on the markets of access to their |
April 5, 2006 |
180 |
Public consultation on the objectives of the market studies to be carried out by ANRC for the identification of the specific relevant telecom retail markets
181 |
Draft decisions on reviewing the markets for the services of leased lines - terminating segments |
September 2, 2010 |
182 |
Draft Decision on the authorisation procedure for the provision of audio-visual programme services |
July 19, 2010 |
183 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Decision of the President of the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology no. 686/2005 on approving the charging procedure and the list of tariffs for the use of the radio spectrum, a |
07.07.2010 |
184 |
Terms of Reference for the comparative selection procedure for granting the licence for the use of radio frequencies in the digital terrestrial television system in view of operating the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) Multiplex no.2 in R |
14.06.2010 |
185 |
Terms of Reference for the comparative selection procedure for granting the licence for the use of radio frequencies in the digital terrestrial television system in view of operating the DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) Multiplex no.1 in R |
14.06.2010 |
186 |
Decision on amending the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Communications no.1023/2008 on establishing communications to the Unique National System for Emergency Calls |
09.06.2010 |
187 |
Draft decision on establishing the amount of the licence fee for granting the licences for the use of radio frequencies in the digital terrestrial system |
09.06.2010 |
188 |
Draft decision on the procedure of granting two licences for the use of radio frequencies in the digital terrestrial broadcasting system |
01.06.2010 |
189 |
Draft decision on the procedure of settlement of disputes which fall within the scope of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications |
20.04.2010 |
190 |
Public consultation on the implementation of Universal Service in the Romanian electronic communications sector |
191 |
Public consultation regarding the implementation of Universal Service in the Romanian electronic communications sector |
19.03.2010 |
192 |
Draft decision on the allotment and use of national short numbers for national services of public interest |
23.03.2010 |
193 |
Draft decision on amending and completing certain regulations in the field of numbering resources |
23.03.2010 |
194 |
Draft decisions on reviewing the relevant markets for services of access to infrastructure elements and for broadband access services |
9 March 2010 |
195 |
Draft decision on the general authorisation regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services |
10.02.2010 |
196 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Regulation of the personnel operating the radiocommunications stations from Romania enlisted in Annex no.1 to the Decision of the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology no.699/2005 |
10.12.2009 |
197 |
Draft Decision on amending and completing the Annexes no.1, 2, 3 to the Decision of the President of the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology no.660/2005 on the approval of the Radiocommunications Regulation for the amateur s |
January 22, 2010 |
198 |
Public consultation on the transfer of the 118931 number for directory enquiry services from S.C. IL NUMERO ITALIA S.R.L., represented in Romania by S.C. IL NUMERO ITALIA S.R.L. MILANO - Bucharest branch, to S.C. INFOCLICK - S.A.
13.01.2010 |
199 |
Decision on reviewing the porting tariffs |
21.01.2010 |
200 |
Draft decision on amending and completing the Regulations for the radio operators in Romania stated in Annex no. 1 to the Decision of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology no. 699/2005 |