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Nr Title Date the document was submitted to public consultation: [Details]
201 ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2010 09.11.2009 [Details...]
202 ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2010 [Details...]
203 ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2010 [Details...]
204 Draft Decision on reporting certain statistical data by the providers of electronic communications networks and services. 09.02.2006 [Details...]
205 Consultation document regarding the regulatory strategy for electronic communications sector in Romania (2007 – 2009) 11.05.2006 [Details...]
206 Draft decision on the establishment of the monitoring tariff and of the contribution for compensating the net cost of the provision of services within the scope of universal service considering certain types of revenue and on conducting separate accounts 10.01.2006 [Details...]
207 Draft decision on the implementation of number portability 28.12.2005 [Details...]
208 Draft law regarding the regime of the electronic communications infrastructure 01.11.2005 [Details...]
209 Draft decision on the amendment and completion of the ANRC President’s Decision no.1098/2004 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for the unbundled access to the local loop and the imposition of clauses in the Reference Unbundling Of 29.09.2005 [Details...]
210 Draft decision on the conditions for elaborating and auditing separate finacial statements by the National Company „Posta Româna” – S.A. 21.09.2005 [Details...]
211 Explanatory Memorandum on the testing conditions in the access network of „Romtelecom” – S.A for the purpose of evaluating VDSL technologies 14.09.2005 [Details...]
212 Draft decision on the application and granting procedure regarding the licenses for the use of the numbering resources 02.02.2007 [Details...]
213 Draft decision on the National Numbering Plan 02.02.2007 [Details...]
214 Draft decision on establishing the conditions and procedure for monitoring the compliance of N.C. „Posta Romana” - S.A. with the quality objectives imposed by the decision on the designation of the universal service provider in postal services field September 6, 2005 [Details...]
215 Draft Decision on the adoption of the Management Plan for the Frequency Spectrum of the Local Loop and Sub-loop April 12, 2005 [Details...]
216 Public consultation on the implementation of universal service in the field of electronic communications May 19, 2005 [Details...]
217 Draft Decision for the amendment and completion of the ANRC President's Decision no.1.074/2004 on the implementation of universal service in the electronic communications sector 28.07.2005 [Details...]
218 Draft decision for establishing the tariffs for the interconnection services provided by S.C. "Romtelecom" - S.A. on the market of access to the fixed public telephony network for the purpose of call origination, termination and transit, based on a long r July 18, 2005 [Details...]
219 Draft Decision for amending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.1311/2004 regarding certain measures for the efficient use of the numbering resources. June 6, 2005 [Details...]
220 Draft Decision on imposing obligations on the provider with significant market power in the specific relevant retail markets May 12, 2005 [Details...]
221 Draft Decision on the adoption of the Management Plan for the frequency spectrum of the local loop and sub-loop April 12 [Details...]
222 Draft Decision for amending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.123/2003 on the interconnection with the public mobile telephony network operated by S.C. “Mobifon” – S.A. for the purpose of call termina April 5, 2005 [Details...]
223 Draft Decision for ammending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.147/2002 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for interconnection with the public fixed telephony network April 5, 2005 [Details...]
224 Draft Decision for ammending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.124/2003 on the interconnection with the public mobile telephony network operated by S.C. “Orange Romania” – S.A. for the purpose of call April 5, 2005 [Details...]
225 Draft decision for amending and completing the Decision of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology no. 686/2005 in view of establishing the tariff for the use of the radio spectrum that will be paid by the w 11.06.2008 [Details...]
226 Draft Terms of Reference in view of the comparative selection for granting a licence for the use of radioelectric frequencies for the purpose of providing mobile electronic communications networks and services in the 410-415/420-425 MHz frequency bands June 2, 2008 [Details...]
227 Draft decision for amending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology no. 2.896/2007 on the request and granting of procedures of the licences for the use of the numbering resources 14.05.2008 [Details...]
228 Draft decision of the President of the Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology on the methodological rules for authorising the data centres where the electronic archives are stored [Details...]
229 Draft decisions on the identification of relevant markets for fixed call termination services, the designation of providers with significant market power and the imposition of remedies on these markets (completion regarding 6 providers) April 1, 2008 [Details...]
230 Draft decision on the technical and methodological rules for the enforcement of Law no.135/2007 for electronic archiving. April 10, 2008 [Details...]
231 The draft emergency ordinance amending and completing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 79/2002 on the general regulatory framework for communications March 11, 2008 [Details...]
232 Draft Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology on the allocation and use of technical resources March 4, 2008 [Details...]
233 Draft decision on the procedure of granting a licence for the use of radio frequencies in view of providing mobile electronic communications networks and dservices within the frequency bands 410-415/420-425 MHz February 22, 2008 [Details...]
234 Draft decision on the procedure for the assessment and certification of electronic invoicing systems February 12, 2008 [Details...]
235 Draft decision on the allocation and use of national short numbers for European harmonised services February 12, 2008 [Details...]
236 Draft decisions on the identification of relevant markets for services of call termination, at fixed locations, the designation of the providers with significant power and the imposition of remedies on these markets January 22, 2008 [Details...]
237 Draft technical and methodological rules for the enforcement of Law no.451/2004 on time-stamp February 12, 2008 [Details...]
238 The position paper on the regulatory strategy for the Romanian electronic communications sector for 2007-2010 13 November 2007 [Details...]
239 Draft decision on the procedure of accrediting the providers of electronic signature certification services November 28, 2007 [Details...]
240 Draft decision completing the Decision of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology no.686/2005 on the approval of the Tariff Calculation Procedure and of the List of Spectrum Usage Tariffs to be paid to IGCTI November 19, 2007 [Details...]
241 Draft decision on the conditions for conducting and auditing the separate accounts of the National Company Romanian Post S.A. October 25, 2007 [Details...]
242 The draft decision on the conditions for conducting and auditing the separate accounts of the National Company Romanian Post S.A. October 25, 2007 [Details...]
243 Draft 2005 ANRC Action Plan. December 28, 2004 [Details...]
244 Draft Decision on publishing the List of Technical Standards and Specifications for Electronic Communications Networks and Services and the Associated Infrastructure and Services. December 8, 2004 [Details...]
245 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services [Details...]
246 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services [Details...]
247 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services [Details...]
248 Draft Minimal Quality Standards for Non-Vocal Electronic Communication Services [Details...]
249 Draft decision on the ammendment of the ANRC president's decision nr.88/2004 on the designation of the universal service provider in the field of postal services. May 27, 2004 [Details...]
250 Draft decision on the designation of the universal service provider in the field of postal services February 27, 2004 [Details...]
251 Draft Decision regarding the reporting of statistical data by the postal services providers August 9, 2004 [Details...]
252 Draft decision on the ammendment of ANRC President’s Decision no.140/2002 on the approval of the National Numbering Plan and of ANRC President’s Decision no.141/2002 on the application and granting procedure regarding the licences for the use of the numbe April 28, 2004 [Details...]
253 Draft Decision on the Approval of the necessary forms and the instructions for their use regarding the exercise of ANRC budgetary duties November 26, 2004 [Details...]
254 Draft decision on the completion of the ANRC President’s Decision no.136/2002 for the approval of the Regulation on the identification of the relevant markets within the electronic communications sector May 28, 2004 [Details...]
255 Preliminary public consultation on the identification of electronic communications retail markets August 28, 2003 [Details...]
256 Draft decision on some transient measures for efficient usage of the numbering resources July 5, 2004 [Details...]
257 Preliminary consultation regarding the updating of the National Numbering Plan August 5, 2004 [Details...]
258 Draft decision on the principles and prerequisites of the refference offer for the local loop unconditioned access June 24, 2004 [Details...]
259 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by the „Orange” – S.A. as Regards Call Termination December 22, 2003 [Details...]
260 Draft decision on the amendment of the ANRC President’s Decision no.123/2003 on the interconnection with the public mobile telephony network operated by S.C. “Mobifon” – S.A. for the purpose of call termination December 23, 2003 [Details...]
261 Draft Decision on ammending ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 and no.1379/2003 and imposing the introduction of new clauses in RIO August 12, 2004 [Details...]
262 The drafts of the ANRC President’s Decisions on the designation of the providers with significant power on the relevant specific retail markets, identified by the ANRC President’s Decision no.1124/2004 September 28, 2004 [Details...]
263 Draft decision on the designation of the Universal Service Provider in the field of electronic communications for the purpose of subsidizing the public telephone network access service and providing facilities in the case of non-payment of the telephone b May 28, 2004 [Details...]
264 Draft ANRC President’s decision on the conditions and procedure for the designation of the universal service providers in the field of electronic communications May 26, 2004 [Details...]
265 Draft Decision on the amendments and additions to ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for interconnection with the public fixed telephony network - provisions regarding the indirect interconnect [Details...]
266 Draft Decision on the Principles and Prerequisites of the Reference Offer for Unbundled Access to the Local Loop [Details...]
267 Draft Decision on the Interconnection of Leased Lines - Terminal Segments with the Fixed Public Telephone Network [Details...]
268 Draft Decision on the Modification and addition to the ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 on the Principles and Prerequisites of the Reference Offer for Interconnection with the Public Fixed Telephony Network [Details...]
269 Draft Decision on the Leased Lines - Terminal Segments Interconnection with the Public Fixed Telephony Network [Details...]
270 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by „Telemobil” – S.A. the as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
271 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by „Cosmorom” – S.A. the as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
272 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by the „Orange” – S.A. as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
273 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by the „Mobifon” – S.A. as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
274 Draft Decision on the Designation of S. C. „Romtelecom” – S.A. as Having Significant Power on the Market of Provision of Unconditioned, Full or Shared Twisted Pair Local Loop Access , for the Provision of broadband Communications Services and Public Fixed [Details...]
275 Draft Decision on the Designation of S. C. „Romtelecom” – S.A. as Having Significant Power on the Market of Leased Lines-Terminal Segments [Details...]
276 Draft Decision on the Approval of the Regulation for the Elaboration of the Top-Down Model for the calculation of the Long Run Incremental Cost by Romtelecom S.A. [Details...]
277 Draft decision on the Approval of the Regulations Regarding the Realization of the „Top-Down” Long Run Incremental Cost Calculation by „Orange Romania” – S.A. [Details...]
278 Draft decision on the Approval of the Regulations Regarding the Realization of the „Top-Down” Long Run Incremental Cost Calculation by „Mobifon” – S.A. [Details...]
279 Draft Decision on the Establishment of the Procedure for the Resolution of Disputes within the Competence of ANRC [Details...]
280 Draft Decision on the Organization of the ANRC Budgetary Duties Collection [Details...]
281 Draft Decision on Reporting Several Statistical Data by the Electronic Communications Networks and Services Providers [Details...]
282 Draft ANRC President’s Decision for the addition to the ANRC President’s Decision no.136/2002 for the approval of the Regulation on the identification of the relevant markets within the electronic communications sector [Details...]
283 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC regarding the Procedures for the Mediation and the Settlement of the Disputes in the Jurisdiction of The National Regulatory Authority for Communications [Details...]
284 Draft Minimal Quality Standards for All Leased Line Types [Details...]
285 Draft Minimal Quality Standards for Public Telephony Services [Details...]
286 Draft of 2002 National Numbering Plan [Details...]
287 Draft Licensing Procedure for the Assignment of the Numbering Resources Included in the National Numbering Plan [Details...]
288 Numbering Resources Utilization Standard Form [Details...]
289 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Principles and the Preconditions of the Reference Collocation Offer [Details...]
290 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Principles and the Preconditions of the Reference Interconnection Offer [Details...]
291 Draft decision on the amendment and completion of the Decision of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communicaitons and Information Technology no.686/2005 approving the Procedure of charging tariffs and the List of tariffs for the use of the ra October 21, 2009 [Details...]
292 Draft Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology on the conditions and procedure of designating the Universal Service providers in the postal services sector October 23, 2007 [Details...]
293 Draft Decision regarding the designation of Romtelecom as a provider with significant power on the market of calls to public mobile telephone networks, at a fixed location, for legal persons. April 5, 2005 [Details...]
294 Draft Decision on the amendments and additions to ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for interconnection with the public fixed telephony network – intelligent network services. [Details...]
295 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Telemobil” - S.A. as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
296 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Mobifon” - S.A. as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
297 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Orange Romania” - S.A. as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
298 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Cosmorom” - S.A as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
299 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of S.N.Tc. Romtelecom S.A. as Having a Significant Power on the Market of Public Fixed Telephony Network Access. [Details...]
300 Draft Regulations Regarding the Identification of Relevant Markets Within the Electronic Communications Sector (Part III) [Details...]
301 Draft Regulation Regarding the Identification of the Relevant Markets within the Electronic Communications Sector (Part II) [Details...]
302 Draft Regulations Regarding the Identification of Relevant Markets Within the Electronic Communications Sector (Part I) [Details...]
303 Draft Regulations Regarding the Conducting of Market Analyses and the Determination of the Dominant Position on the Market [Details...]
304 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC on the Identification of S.N. Tc. "Romtelecom" - S.A as Having a Significant Power on the Twisted Metallic Pairs Local Loop Unconditioned Access Market as Regards the Provision of Broadband Data Servic [Details...]
305 Draft General Authorization for Providing Leased Lines Services [Details...]
306 Draft General Authorization for Providing Public Telepohony Services [Details...]
307 Project for the Decision of the President of ANRC regarding the establishment of conditions for granting the General Authorization to electronic communications networks and services providers [Details...]
308 Draft decision on granting procedure for the usage rights of the national and international signaling points codes. [Details...]
309 Draft Decision on the Conditions and Procedure for the Designation of the Universal Service Provider in the Field of Postal Services [Details...]
310 Draft Decision on the Postal Service Providers Authorization Procedure [Details...]
311 Draft Decision on the Approval of the Regulation for the Implementation of Accounting Separation, within the Internal Cost Accounting System, by Romtelecom S.A. [Details...]
312 Draft Decision on the Approval of the Regulation for the Implementation of Accounting Separation, within the Internal Cost Accounting System, by Romtelecom S.A. [Details...]
313 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services October 06, 2003 [Details...]
314 Draft General Authorization for Providing Electronic Communications Networks and Services Exclusively for Own Needs [Details...]
315 Draft General Authorization for the Provision of Public Electronic Communications Networks [Details...]
316 Project for the General Authorization for Providing Public Electronic Communications Services [Details...]
317 Consultation on the provision of mobile virtual networks on the national electronic communications market - QUESTIONNAIRE 7 June 2011 [Details...]
318 Consultation on extending the validity of the rights to use the frequencies in the 890 – 915 MHz / 935 – 960 MHz and 1722.7 MHz – 1747.5 MHz / 1817.7 – 1842.5 MHz bands July 14, 2011 [Details...]

Nr Title Date the document was submitted to public consultation: [Details]
201 ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2010 09.11.2009 [Details...]
202 ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2010 [Details...]
203 ANCOM Action Plan Draft for 2010 [Details...]
204 Draft Decision on reporting certain statistical data by the providers of electronic communications networks and services. 09.02.2006 [Details...]
205 Consultation document regarding the regulatory strategy for electronic communications sector in Romania (2007 – 2009) 11.05.2006 [Details...]
206 Draft decision on the establishment of the monitoring tariff and of the contribution for compensating the net cost of the provision of services within the scope of universal service considering certain types of revenue and on conducting separate accounts 10.01.2006 [Details...]
207 Draft decision on the implementation of number portability 28.12.2005 [Details...]
208 Draft law regarding the regime of the electronic communications infrastructure 01.11.2005 [Details...]
209 Draft decision on the amendment and completion of the ANRC President’s Decision no.1098/2004 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for the unbundled access to the local loop and the imposition of clauses in the Reference Unbundling Of 29.09.2005 [Details...]
210 Draft decision on the conditions for elaborating and auditing separate finacial statements by the National Company „Posta Româna” – S.A. 21.09.2005 [Details...]
211 Explanatory Memorandum on the testing conditions in the access network of „Romtelecom” – S.A for the purpose of evaluating VDSL technologies 14.09.2005 [Details...]
212 Draft decision on the application and granting procedure regarding the licenses for the use of the numbering resources 02.02.2007 [Details...]
213 Draft decision on the National Numbering Plan 02.02.2007 [Details...]
214 Draft decision on establishing the conditions and procedure for monitoring the compliance of N.C. „Posta Romana” - S.A. with the quality objectives imposed by the decision on the designation of the universal service provider in postal services field September 6, 2005 [Details...]
215 Draft Decision on the adoption of the Management Plan for the Frequency Spectrum of the Local Loop and Sub-loop April 12, 2005 [Details...]
216 Public consultation on the implementation of universal service in the field of electronic communications May 19, 2005 [Details...]
217 Draft Decision for the amendment and completion of the ANRC President's Decision no.1.074/2004 on the implementation of universal service in the electronic communications sector 28.07.2005 [Details...]
218 Draft decision for establishing the tariffs for the interconnection services provided by S.C. "Romtelecom" - S.A. on the market of access to the fixed public telephony network for the purpose of call origination, termination and transit, based on a long r July 18, 2005 [Details...]
219 Draft Decision for amending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.1311/2004 regarding certain measures for the efficient use of the numbering resources. June 6, 2005 [Details...]
220 Draft Decision on imposing obligations on the provider with significant market power in the specific relevant retail markets May 12, 2005 [Details...]
221 Draft Decision on the adoption of the Management Plan for the frequency spectrum of the local loop and sub-loop April 12 [Details...]
222 Draft Decision for amending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.123/2003 on the interconnection with the public mobile telephony network operated by S.C. “Mobifon” – S.A. for the purpose of call termina April 5, 2005 [Details...]
223 Draft Decision for ammending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.147/2002 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for interconnection with the public fixed telephony network April 5, 2005 [Details...]
224 Draft Decision for ammending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications no.124/2003 on the interconnection with the public mobile telephony network operated by S.C. “Orange Romania” – S.A. for the purpose of call April 5, 2005 [Details...]
225 Draft decision for amending and completing the Decision of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology no. 686/2005 in view of establishing the tariff for the use of the radio spectrum that will be paid by the w 11.06.2008 [Details...]
226 Draft Terms of Reference in view of the comparative selection for granting a licence for the use of radioelectric frequencies for the purpose of providing mobile electronic communications networks and services in the 410-415/420-425 MHz frequency bands June 2, 2008 [Details...]
227 Draft decision for amending the Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology no. 2.896/2007 on the request and granting of procedures of the licences for the use of the numbering resources 14.05.2008 [Details...]
228 Draft decision of the President of the Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology on the methodological rules for authorising the data centres where the electronic archives are stored [Details...]
229 Draft decisions on the identification of relevant markets for fixed call termination services, the designation of providers with significant market power and the imposition of remedies on these markets (completion regarding 6 providers) April 1, 2008 [Details...]
230 Draft decision on the technical and methodological rules for the enforcement of Law no.135/2007 for electronic archiving. April 10, 2008 [Details...]
231 The draft emergency ordinance amending and completing the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 79/2002 on the general regulatory framework for communications March 11, 2008 [Details...]
232 Draft Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology on the allocation and use of technical resources March 4, 2008 [Details...]
233 Draft decision on the procedure of granting a licence for the use of radio frequencies in view of providing mobile electronic communications networks and dservices within the frequency bands 410-415/420-425 MHz February 22, 2008 [Details...]
234 Draft decision on the procedure for the assessment and certification of electronic invoicing systems February 12, 2008 [Details...]
235 Draft decision on the allocation and use of national short numbers for European harmonised services February 12, 2008 [Details...]
236 Draft decisions on the identification of relevant markets for services of call termination, at fixed locations, the designation of the providers with significant power and the imposition of remedies on these markets January 22, 2008 [Details...]
237 Draft technical and methodological rules for the enforcement of Law no.451/2004 on time-stamp February 12, 2008 [Details...]
238 The position paper on the regulatory strategy for the Romanian electronic communications sector for 2007-2010 13 November 2007 [Details...]
239 Draft decision on the procedure of accrediting the providers of electronic signature certification services November 28, 2007 [Details...]
240 Draft decision completing the Decision of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology no.686/2005 on the approval of the Tariff Calculation Procedure and of the List of Spectrum Usage Tariffs to be paid to IGCTI November 19, 2007 [Details...]
241 Draft decision on the conditions for conducting and auditing the separate accounts of the National Company Romanian Post S.A. October 25, 2007 [Details...]
242 The draft decision on the conditions for conducting and auditing the separate accounts of the National Company Romanian Post S.A. October 25, 2007 [Details...]
243 Draft 2005 ANRC Action Plan. December 28, 2004 [Details...]
244 Draft Decision on publishing the List of Technical Standards and Specifications for Electronic Communications Networks and Services and the Associated Infrastructure and Services. December 8, 2004 [Details...]
245 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services [Details...]
246 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services [Details...]
247 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services [Details...]
248 Draft Minimal Quality Standards for Non-Vocal Electronic Communication Services [Details...]
249 Draft decision on the ammendment of the ANRC president's decision nr.88/2004 on the designation of the universal service provider in the field of postal services. May 27, 2004 [Details...]
250 Draft decision on the designation of the universal service provider in the field of postal services February 27, 2004 [Details...]
251 Draft Decision regarding the reporting of statistical data by the postal services providers August 9, 2004 [Details...]
252 Draft decision on the ammendment of ANRC President’s Decision no.140/2002 on the approval of the National Numbering Plan and of ANRC President’s Decision no.141/2002 on the application and granting procedure regarding the licences for the use of the numbe April 28, 2004 [Details...]
253 Draft Decision on the Approval of the necessary forms and the instructions for their use regarding the exercise of ANRC budgetary duties November 26, 2004 [Details...]
254 Draft decision on the completion of the ANRC President’s Decision no.136/2002 for the approval of the Regulation on the identification of the relevant markets within the electronic communications sector May 28, 2004 [Details...]
255 Preliminary public consultation on the identification of electronic communications retail markets August 28, 2003 [Details...]
256 Draft decision on some transient measures for efficient usage of the numbering resources July 5, 2004 [Details...]
257 Preliminary consultation regarding the updating of the National Numbering Plan August 5, 2004 [Details...]
258 Draft decision on the principles and prerequisites of the refference offer for the local loop unconditioned access June 24, 2004 [Details...]
259 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by the „Orange” – S.A. as Regards Call Termination December 22, 2003 [Details...]
260 Draft decision on the amendment of the ANRC President’s Decision no.123/2003 on the interconnection with the public mobile telephony network operated by S.C. “Mobifon” – S.A. for the purpose of call termination December 23, 2003 [Details...]
261 Draft Decision on ammending ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 and no.1379/2003 and imposing the introduction of new clauses in RIO August 12, 2004 [Details...]
262 The drafts of the ANRC President’s Decisions on the designation of the providers with significant power on the relevant specific retail markets, identified by the ANRC President’s Decision no.1124/2004 September 28, 2004 [Details...]
263 Draft decision on the designation of the Universal Service Provider in the field of electronic communications for the purpose of subsidizing the public telephone network access service and providing facilities in the case of non-payment of the telephone b May 28, 2004 [Details...]
264 Draft ANRC President’s decision on the conditions and procedure for the designation of the universal service providers in the field of electronic communications May 26, 2004 [Details...]
265 Draft Decision on the amendments and additions to ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for interconnection with the public fixed telephony network - provisions regarding the indirect interconnect [Details...]
266 Draft Decision on the Principles and Prerequisites of the Reference Offer for Unbundled Access to the Local Loop [Details...]
267 Draft Decision on the Interconnection of Leased Lines - Terminal Segments with the Fixed Public Telephone Network [Details...]
268 Draft Decision on the Modification and addition to the ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 on the Principles and Prerequisites of the Reference Offer for Interconnection with the Public Fixed Telephony Network [Details...]
269 Draft Decision on the Leased Lines - Terminal Segments Interconnection with the Public Fixed Telephony Network [Details...]
270 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by „Telemobil” – S.A. the as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
271 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by „Cosmorom” – S.A. the as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
272 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by the „Orange” – S.A. as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
273 Draft Decision on the Interconnection with the Mobile Public Telephony Network operated by the „Mobifon” – S.A. as Regards Call Termination [Details...]
274 Draft Decision on the Designation of S. C. „Romtelecom” – S.A. as Having Significant Power on the Market of Provision of Unconditioned, Full or Shared Twisted Pair Local Loop Access , for the Provision of broadband Communications Services and Public Fixed [Details...]
275 Draft Decision on the Designation of S. C. „Romtelecom” – S.A. as Having Significant Power on the Market of Leased Lines-Terminal Segments [Details...]
276 Draft Decision on the Approval of the Regulation for the Elaboration of the Top-Down Model for the calculation of the Long Run Incremental Cost by Romtelecom S.A. [Details...]
277 Draft decision on the Approval of the Regulations Regarding the Realization of the „Top-Down” Long Run Incremental Cost Calculation by „Orange Romania” – S.A. [Details...]
278 Draft decision on the Approval of the Regulations Regarding the Realization of the „Top-Down” Long Run Incremental Cost Calculation by „Mobifon” – S.A. [Details...]
279 Draft Decision on the Establishment of the Procedure for the Resolution of Disputes within the Competence of ANRC [Details...]
280 Draft Decision on the Organization of the ANRC Budgetary Duties Collection [Details...]
281 Draft Decision on Reporting Several Statistical Data by the Electronic Communications Networks and Services Providers [Details...]
282 Draft ANRC President’s Decision for the addition to the ANRC President’s Decision no.136/2002 for the approval of the Regulation on the identification of the relevant markets within the electronic communications sector [Details...]
283 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC regarding the Procedures for the Mediation and the Settlement of the Disputes in the Jurisdiction of The National Regulatory Authority for Communications [Details...]
284 Draft Minimal Quality Standards for All Leased Line Types [Details...]
285 Draft Minimal Quality Standards for Public Telephony Services [Details...]
286 Draft of 2002 National Numbering Plan [Details...]
287 Draft Licensing Procedure for the Assignment of the Numbering Resources Included in the National Numbering Plan [Details...]
288 Numbering Resources Utilization Standard Form [Details...]
289 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Principles and the Preconditions of the Reference Collocation Offer [Details...]
290 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Principles and the Preconditions of the Reference Interconnection Offer [Details...]
291 Draft decision on the amendment and completion of the Decision of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communicaitons and Information Technology no.686/2005 approving the Procedure of charging tariffs and the List of tariffs for the use of the ra October 21, 2009 [Details...]
292 Draft Decision of the President of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology on the conditions and procedure of designating the Universal Service providers in the postal services sector October 23, 2007 [Details...]
293 Draft Decision regarding the designation of Romtelecom as a provider with significant power on the market of calls to public mobile telephone networks, at a fixed location, for legal persons. April 5, 2005 [Details...]
294 Draft Decision on the amendments and additions to ANRC President’s Decision no.147/2002 on the principles and prerequisites of the reference offer for interconnection with the public fixed telephony network – intelligent network services. [Details...]
295 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Telemobil” - S.A. as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
296 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Mobifon” - S.A. as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
297 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Orange Romania” - S.A. as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
298 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of „Cosmorom” - S.A as Having a Significant Power on Its Own Mobile Telephony Network Acces Market as Regards Voice Services Call Terminations [Details...]
299 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC Regarding the Identification of S.N.Tc. Romtelecom S.A. as Having a Significant Power on the Market of Public Fixed Telephony Network Access. [Details...]
300 Draft Regulations Regarding the Identification of Relevant Markets Within the Electronic Communications Sector (Part III) [Details...]
301 Draft Regulation Regarding the Identification of the Relevant Markets within the Electronic Communications Sector (Part II) [Details...]
302 Draft Regulations Regarding the Identification of Relevant Markets Within the Electronic Communications Sector (Part I) [Details...]
303 Draft Regulations Regarding the Conducting of Market Analyses and the Determination of the Dominant Position on the Market [Details...]
304 Project for the Decision of the President of the ANRC on the Identification of S.N. Tc. "Romtelecom" - S.A as Having a Significant Power on the Twisted Metallic Pairs Local Loop Unconditioned Access Market as Regards the Provision of Broadband Data Servic [Details...]
305 Draft General Authorization for Providing Leased Lines Services [Details...]
306 Draft General Authorization for Providing Public Telepohony Services [Details...]
307 Project for the Decision of the President of ANRC regarding the establishment of conditions for granting the General Authorization to electronic communications networks and services providers [Details...]
308 Draft decision on granting procedure for the usage rights of the national and international signaling points codes. [Details...]
309 Draft Decision on the Conditions and Procedure for the Designation of the Universal Service Provider in the Field of Postal Services [Details...]
310 Draft Decision on the Postal Service Providers Authorization Procedure [Details...]
311 Draft Decision on the Approval of the Regulation for the Implementation of Accounting Separation, within the Internal Cost Accounting System, by Romtelecom S.A. [Details...]
312 Draft Decision on the Approval of the Regulation for the Implementation of Accounting Separation, within the Internal Cost Accounting System, by Romtelecom S.A. [Details...]
313 Draft decision on the general authorization regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services October 06, 2003 [Details...]
314 Draft General Authorization for Providing Electronic Communications Networks and Services Exclusively for Own Needs [Details...]
315 Draft General Authorization for the Provision of Public Electronic Communications Networks [Details...]
316 Project for the General Authorization for Providing Public Electronic Communications Services [Details...]
317 Consultation on the provision of mobile virtual networks on the national electronic communications market - QUESTIONNAIRE 7 June 2011 [Details...]
318 Consultation on extending the validity of the rights to use the frequencies in the 890 – 915 MHz / 935 – 960 MHz and 1722.7 MHz – 1747.5 MHz / 1817.7 – 1842.5 MHz bands July 14, 2011 [Details...]

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