Electronic Communications
- LAW no.175/2022, on the ensuring the access of natural persons to fixed broadband Internet services - 114Kb
- LAW no. 159/2016, regarding the regime of electronic communications networks infrastructure and on establishing certain measures for reducing the cost of electronic communications networks roll-out - 278Kb
- GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 111/2011 of 14 December 2011 on electronic communications, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 140/2012, with the subsequent amendments and completions - 1058Kb
- LAW No. 154/2012 regarding the regime of the electronic communications networks infrastructure, published in the Romanian Official Journal no 680/1.X.2012 - 71Kb
- LAW no.506/2004 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, with the subsequent completions (unofficially consolidated text, including the legal provisions in force as of 17 October 2015) - 106Kb
- GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no.34/2008 on the organisation and functioning of the Unique National System for Emergency Calls, approved with amendments and completions by Law no.160/2008 (unofficially consolidated text as of 4 October 2008) - 286Kb
- GOVERNMENT DECISION no. 810/2009 regarding the conditions related to the systems with conditional access to the services of broadcasting in digital format radio and television programs (unoficially consolidated text, including the legal provisions in force as of 27 December 2011) - 77Kb
- National Strategy for implementing universal service in the electronic communications sector, approved by ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY no. 461/2009 - 133Kb
- Government Emergency Ordinance no. 11/2012 on the release of the 830-862 MHz, 1747.5-1785 MHz, 1842.5-1880 MHz and 2500-2690 MHz frequency bands - 101Kb
- EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 34 of 4 June 2014 regarding consumer’s rights within agreements concluded with professionals, as well as for modifying and completing certain normative acts, approved, with amendments, by Law no. 157/2015 - 228Kb
- The National Strategy for Romanian Digital Agenda 2020, approved by GOVERNMENT DECISION no. 245/2015 - 5317Kb
- The National Plan for NGN (Next Generation Network) infrastructure development, approved by GOVERNMENT DECISION no. 414/2015 - 1384Kb
Postal services
- Ordinance no. 27/2016 on amending and completing Government Emergency Ordinance no. 13/2013 on postal services - 132Kb
- Government Emergency Ordinance no.13/2013 on postal services, with the subsequent amendments and completions (unofficially consolidated text including the amendments and completions brought by Law no. 238/2016 approving Government Ordinance no. 27/2016, effective as of 2 December 2016) - 489Kb
- Government Ordinance no.31/2002 on the philatelic conservatory, unofficially consolidated text, in force as of 4 July 2013 - 58Kb
- Policy and Strategy Document regarding the implementation of universal service in the postal services sector, approved by ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY no. 225/2003 - 298Kb
Audio-visual communications:
- Ordinance no.21/2016 for the prorogation of certain terms provided in Government Emergency Ordinance no. 18/2015 on the establishment of certain measures required for ensuring transition from analogue terrestrial television to digital terrestrial television and implementing multimedia services on a national level - 88Kb
- EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 18/2015 on establishing certain measures required for ensuring transition from analogue terrestrial television to digital terrestrial television and implementing multimedia services on a national level, and on completing the Audiovisual Law no. 504/2002 - 61Kb
- DECISION of the Government of Romania no. 86/2014 regarding the granting of licenses to use radio frequencies in the terrestrial digital TV system (published in the Romanian Official Journal no. 133/24.02.2014, Part I) - 130Kb
- Government Decision no. 403/03.07.2013 on approving the Strategy for transition from analogue terrestrial television to digital terrestrial television and implementing digital multimedia services on a national level - 1559Kb
- LAW no.504/2002 on audio-visual, with the subsequent amendments and completions (unofficially consolidated text, including the legal provisions in force as of 12 November 2009) - 571Kb
- GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 18/2008 establishing certain measures for refarming the use of the radio spectrum in the 3600-3800 MHz frequency band, approved, with amendments, by Law no. 259/2008 (unofficially consolidated text including the legal provisions in force as of 13 November 2008) - 501Kb
- GOVERNMENT DECISION no. 1.113/2002 on granting licenses for the use of radio electric frequencies in order to supply third generation mobile communication networks and services, with the subsequent amendments and completions (unofficially consolidated text including the legal provisions in force as of 14 April 2006) - 371Kb
- GOVERNMENT DECISION no. 61/2008 on granting a national licence for the use of radio frequencies for the purpose of providing data networks and mobile electronic communications services in the 410-415/420-425 MHz bands - 485Kb
- GOVERNMENT DECISION no. 638/2008 on the amount of the licence fee for granting the right to use the radio frequencies in the 3600-3657 MHz and 3700- 3757 MHz ranges - 107Kb