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Compensation of the net cost for the year 2016

On 14 August 2017, ANCOM received a request from The National Company “Romanian Post” (CNPR) regarding the compensation of the net cost, together with the statements on the costs, revenues and capital employed  corresponding to the provision of services within the scope of universal service in 2016 and, furthermore, a statement of facts drawn up by an independent auditor, required for verifying the request regarding the compensation of the net cost for the provision of services within the scope of universal service.


ANCOM analysed the data and assumptions used by CNPR in preparing the net cost compensation request, the methodology and the actual calculation of the net cost, as well as the additional information provided by CNPR. Where necessary, based on alternative sources of information, the data, the assumptions and the actual calculation of certain parameters were adjusted, so that the final amount resulting from such a complex process should reflect the value of the net cost for the provision of services within the scope of universal service in 2016.


ANCOM also assessed the unfair burden character according to the criteria provided by the law. Having considered the two criteria, the Authority found that the conditions required for establishing the unfair burden character of the net cost for the provision of universal service in 2016, stipulated under Art. 14(2)1 of ANCOM President’s Decision no. 541/2013, are not cumulatively met. Thus, CNPR’s obligations as a universal service provider were not an unfair burden in 2016, and the corresponding net cost cannot be compensated.


Additional information on the assessment of the net cost for 2016 is available in the Explanatory memorandum  to ANCOM President’s Decision no. 438/2018 on the request for compensation of the net cost of providing services within the scope of universal service in 2016. 

Compensation of the net cost for the year 2016

On 14 August 2017, ANCOM received a request from The National Company “Romanian Post” (CNPR) regarding the compensation of the net cost, together with the statements on the costs, revenues and capital employed  corresponding to the provision of services within the scope of universal service in 2016 and, furthermore, a statement of facts drawn up by an independent auditor, required for verifying the request regarding the compensation of the net cost for the provision of services within the scope of universal service.


ANCOM analysed the data and assumptions used by CNPR in preparing the net cost compensation request, the methodology and the actual calculation of the net cost, as well as the additional information provided by CNPR. Where necessary, based on alternative sources of information, the data, the assumptions and the actual calculation of certain parameters were adjusted, so that the final amount resulting from such a complex process should reflect the value of the net cost for the provision of services within the scope of universal service in 2016.


ANCOM also assessed the unfair burden character according to the criteria provided by the law. Having considered the two criteria, the Authority found that the conditions required for establishing the unfair burden character of the net cost for the provision of universal service in 2016, stipulated under Art. 14(2)1 of ANCOM President’s Decision no. 541/2013, are not cumulatively met. Thus, CNPR’s obligations as a universal service provider were not an unfair burden in 2016, and the corresponding net cost cannot be compensated.


Additional information on the assessment of the net cost for 2016 is available in the Explanatory memorandum  to ANCOM President’s Decision no. 438/2018 on the request for compensation of the net cost of providing services within the scope of universal service in 2016. 

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