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Public consultation on the procedure of awarding the frequency usage rights for specific categories of users


The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) launches for public consultation a draft decision establishing the procedure of awarding the radio frequency usage rights for diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania, as well as the conditions for temporary use of the radio frequency spectrum during visits of foreign officials in Romania.
Thus, according to the draft decision under public consultation, diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania that are interested in using the radio spectrum must obtain a licence. For this purpose, they will have to transmit a Note Verbale and two notification standard forms with specific information about the radio service and the requested application type to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division will transmit to ANCOM this request for awarding the licences for the use of the radio frequency spectrum, within 10 working days, and ANCOM will issue the licence and the frequency assignment authorisation within 6 weeks.
The validity term of licences for the use of radio frequency spectrum is 5 years. However, this term may be shorter, as, for instance, when licencing occasional transmissions or upon request. ANCOM may reject a licence application from a diplomatic mission if the requester had not submitted all the documents, there is no radio spectrum available under the required conditions, the technical or legal conditions within the electronic communications field are not fulfilled or if the allocation of the spectrum resource requested is not justified, objectively, for reasons of rational an efficient use of radio spectrum.
The draft decision establishes the procedure for awarding the temporary use of radio frequencies during the visits of certain foreign officials in Romania, as well. In this case, the diplomatic mission concerned shall submit a request for establishing the conditions of temporary radio spectrum usage to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division shall submit the request to ANCOM at least 12 working days prior to the starting date of the effective use.
The draft decision also proposes a procedure for amending licences for the use of radio spectrum and the frequency assignment authorisation awarded to the diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania.
The draft decision regarding the procedure of awarding the radio frequency usage rights for diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania are available, in Romanian, here.The interested persons are invited to send their opinions and suggestions, by 15.04.2015, to the ANCOM headquarters at 2, Delea Nouă Street, Bucharest 3, or directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or by means of the Authority’s regional offices. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to

Public consultation on the procedure of awarding the frequency usage rights for specific categories of users


The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) launches for public consultation a draft decision establishing the procedure of awarding the radio frequency usage rights for diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania, as well as the conditions for temporary use of the radio frequency spectrum during visits of foreign officials in Romania.
Thus, according to the draft decision under public consultation, diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania that are interested in using the radio spectrum must obtain a licence. For this purpose, they will have to transmit a Note Verbale and two notification standard forms with specific information about the radio service and the requested application type to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division will transmit to ANCOM this request for awarding the licences for the use of the radio frequency spectrum, within 10 working days, and ANCOM will issue the licence and the frequency assignment authorisation within 6 weeks.
The validity term of licences for the use of radio frequency spectrum is 5 years. However, this term may be shorter, as, for instance, when licencing occasional transmissions or upon request. ANCOM may reject a licence application from a diplomatic mission if the requester had not submitted all the documents, there is no radio spectrum available under the required conditions, the technical or legal conditions within the electronic communications field are not fulfilled or if the allocation of the spectrum resource requested is not justified, objectively, for reasons of rational an efficient use of radio spectrum.
The draft decision establishes the procedure for awarding the temporary use of radio frequencies during the visits of certain foreign officials in Romania, as well. In this case, the diplomatic mission concerned shall submit a request for establishing the conditions of temporary radio spectrum usage to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Protocol Division shall submit the request to ANCOM at least 12 working days prior to the starting date of the effective use.
The draft decision also proposes a procedure for amending licences for the use of radio spectrum and the frequency assignment authorisation awarded to the diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania.
The draft decision regarding the procedure of awarding the radio frequency usage rights for diplomatic missions, consular offices and representation offices of international organizations accredited in Romania are available, in Romanian, here.The interested persons are invited to send their opinions and suggestions, by 15.04.2015, to the ANCOM headquarters at 2, Delea Nouă Street, Bucharest 3, or directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or by means of the Authority’s regional offices. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to

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