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The National  Authority for Communications observes the consultation procedure in the process of elaborating the regulations, as all the decisions with a significant impact on the market are published for the purpose of public consultation on the Authority’s website, according to the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2011. Therefore, the text of the draft decision published on the ANCOM website is accompanied by details regarding the publishing date, the deadline for submission of comments and observation as well as the contact person.
ANCOM elaborated and observes - in all its specific activities - a public consultation procedure. 

Comments and recommendations the ANCOM Draft Decisions may be sent by mail to the ANCOM Headquarters - 2 Delea Noua St., 3rd District, Bucharest - or may be submitted directly to the ANCOM Registry, or to the ANCOM territorial offices. As well, comments and recommendations may be sent by fax to: +40 372 845 402 or by e-mail to:

The comments received by ANCOM in relation to the draft decisions submitted to consultation may be published on the Authority's website. If the respondents deem that certain information under the documents they transmit to ANCOM during the consultation process is confidential, then they are asked to mark that information as such, in order for ANCOM to remove it from the documents that are made publicly available.


The National  Authority for Communications observes the consultation procedure in the process of elaborating the regulations, as all the decisions with a significant impact on the market are published for the purpose of public consultation on the Authority’s website, according to the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2011. Therefore, the text of the draft decision published on the ANCOM website is accompanied by details regarding the publishing date, the deadline for submission of comments and observation as well as the contact person.
ANCOM elaborated and observes - in all its specific activities - a public consultation procedure. 

Comments and recommendations the ANCOM Draft Decisions may be sent by mail to the ANCOM Headquarters - 2 Delea Noua St., 3rd District, Bucharest - or may be submitted directly to the ANCOM Registry, or to the ANCOM territorial offices. As well, comments and recommendations may be sent by fax to: +40 372 845 402 or by e-mail to:

The comments received by ANCOM in relation to the draft decisions submitted to consultation may be published on the Authority's website. If the respondents deem that certain information under the documents they transmit to ANCOM during the consultation process is confidential, then they are asked to mark that information as such, in order for ANCOM to remove it from the documents that are made publicly available.

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