Press Releases

Digital Multiplex Auction Continues with the Allocation Round



After the two primary bid rounds held yesterday and the additional primary round held today within the auction for awarding the digital television multiplexes, the winners, as well as the base prices have been established. The auction continues with an allocation round scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 10 June, starting from 10.00 hrs.

The allocation round is the last auction stage and it is aimed at distributing the multiplexes won in the UHF band among the winners, excepting the multiplex under the free-to-air obligation. The winning bidders will express their preferences regarding a specific allocation and will submit a bid with the additional amount they are willing to pay therefor. The allocation round will determine the final prices the winners must pay for the won multiplex/multiplexes. The auction results will be made publicly available after the completion of the procedure.

The auction rounds are held at the ANCOM premises – Bucharest Regional Division in 4 Lucian Blaga Street, Block M110, Sector 3, Bucharest, where each bidder is allocated a room endowed with a telephone and Internet access. Only the persons mandated to represent the bidding operators are allowed to access the auction place.

ANCOM auctioned out five multiplexes, four in UHF and one in VHF, in the DVB-T2 standard. The first multiplex in UHF (MUX 1) will be used to broadcast free-to-air the public and private television stations that are currently broadcast in analogue terrestrial system, under transparent, competitive and non-discriminatory conditions, in accordance with the provisions of the Audiovisual Law.