Events organised by ANCOM
Seminar pe tema Regulamentului privind serviciile digitale în România details...
On 23 November 2023, the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) will organise an open workshop in Bucharest in which aspects on user awareness regarding environmental sustainability will be approached. details...
The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania (ANCOM) will organize the international conference entitled TechCo for a digital sunrise details...
Acoperirea cu servicii de comunicații în Delta Dunarii, în dezbatere la Tulcea details...
ANCOM organises the international conference themed "A golden compass for the end-users in an interconnected world" details...
Conferința 5G − tehnologia ca vector al progresului details...
ANCOM organises the international conference themed "5G – to Fuel the Fourth Industrial Revolution" details...
ANCOM organises a new edition of its annual international conference, under the heading "Regulation 360⁰ - from word to terabyte, in 15 years" details...
ANCOM organises its annual international conference, under the heading "Riding the (RADIO)waves of change" details...
ANCOM is organising a new edition of its international conference, this year entitled “2020: A Telecom Odyssey” details...
ANCOM hosted this year’s second plenary session of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) details...
ANCOM will host the first stakeholder dialogue workshop of the European Regulators Group for postal services (ERGP) details...
ANCOM organises its annual international conference, under the heading "Knowledge is Power - Information Tools for Telecom Consumers" details...
ANCOM organizeaza seminarul - Utilizarea sistemului de colectare, prelucrare şi raportare a datelor statistice details...
ANCOM organises its annual international conference, under the heading “ The Communications Infrastructure - A Topical Issue in Europe” details...
ANCOM organized the third meeting of CEE Regional Working Group details...
ANCOM organises its annual international conference, under the heading “Back to the Future: the Romanian Telecoms in the Next Decade” details...
Spectrum Auction Successfully Concluded details...
Topical Telecom Issues Approached with the Industry at Timisoara details...
ANCOM Discusses with Operators about Novelties in the Telecom Field at Brasov details...
Topical Telecom Issues Debated with the Industry at Slatina details...
ANCOM Face-to-Face with the Industry in Constanta details...
ANCOM Meets the Electronic Communications Providers in Galati details...
Net Neutrality and the Quest for Sustainable Internet details...
The ANCOM representatives face-to-face with the electronic communications industry in Suceava details...
ANCOM, Face-to-Face with the Industry in Iasi details...
ANCOM Meets the Telecom Providers in Baia Mare details...
ANCOM Reruns the Regional Meetings with the Telecom Industry details...
ANCOM a găzduit semnarea „Bucureşti Arrangement 2012” details...
ANCOM Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency details...
ANCOM Hosted the Second Meeting of the CEE Regional Working Group on Spectrum Usage Harmonisation details...
Press release for the launch in public consultation of the documentation for the holding of the spectrum tender which will take place this year details...
The telecom equipment exhibition is open for visitors in Craiova details...
The telecom equipment exhibition is open for visitors in Alexandria details...
ANCOM deschide expoziţia de echipamente telecom la Iaşi details...
E-learning Platform for ANCOM Project Financed from Non-Reimbursable Funds details...
Telecom Equipment Exhibition Opened in Cluj Napoca details...
Telecom Equipment Exhibition details...
ANCOM submits to public consultation the strategy on the development of BWA systems in the 3400 – 3800 MHz frequency bands details...
ANCOM opened a telecom equipment exhibition, on the Occasion of the World Telecommunication Day details...
ANCOM organized the international conference "Radio spectrum strategies – necessity, opportunity, involvement" details...
ANCOM’s President took part in the Mobile Communications Gala details...
ANCOM organized the last Regional Meeting of the year in Iasi details...
ANCOM organized a new Regional Meeting in Craiova details...
ANCOM organized a new Regional Meeting in Cluj details...
ANCOM organizeaza noi stagii de practica pentru studenti details...
ANCOM organized a new Regional Meeting in Brasov details...
ANCOM organized a new Regional Meeting in Constanta details...
ANCOM organized a new Regional Meeting in Bucharest details...
ANCOM organized the first Regional Meeting in Timisoara details...
ANCOM organized the regional think tank "Digital Dividend - Challenges and Opportunities in the Region" details...
ANCOM organised the seminar Digital switchover – technical and administrative aspects details...
ANCOM talks about “Mobile Broadband Wireless Access” details...
Collaboration protocol between the Competition Council and ANCOM details...
ANCOM Supports the Student Community details...
This event emphasized the policies and instruments that could ensure the end-users enhanced Protection, more Freedom and more Power details...
Starting May 3rd, 2008, Romania will enter the final stages of the process of closing the National Numbering Plan (PNN) details...
The visit of the European Commissioner Viviane Reding details...
The 300th telecentre – Sighetu Silvaniei Village, Salaj County details...
ANRCTI organized the international conference entitled "Reforming the Communications Regulation: In Search of the Winning Strategy” details...
ANRCTI and Vodafone Romania inagurated the Mologesti telecentre details...
Inauguration of Curtisoara telecentre details...
ANRCTI and Orange Romania inaugurated the telecentres from Padureni, Botosani County details...
ANRCTI and Vodafone are launching a new telecenter in the country details...
ANRCTI and Radiocom have met with the users of the telecentre installed in Zimbru details...
ANRCTI President visits the televentre installed by Orange Romania in Valea Lupsii details...
ANRCTI president, Dan Georgescu launches two telecentres in Tulcea and Dunavatu de Jos counties details...
ANRCTI Proposes Certain Measures Regarding the Interconnection with the RCS&RDS Network details...
ANRCTI Supports the Educational Programmes by Developing the Internet Access Network in the Rural Areas details...
ANRCTI vicepresident, Codruta Meran, visits the Orange Telecentre in Costesti details...
ANRCTI and Radiocom launch a new telecentre in Perisor, Bistrita Nasaud county details...
ANRCTI visits the Vodafone Telecentre in Maguri details...
ANRCTI and Rartel launch a new telecentre in Plesani, Botosani county details...
ANRCTI and Vodafone launch a new telecentre in Sarateni, Vaslui county details...
ANRC Meets in Bacau the Industry in North - Eastern Romania details...
ANRCTI president, Dan Georgescu, participates to the conference ”European Communications in Romania” details...
ANRC in collaboration with Detecon International organized training sessions for helping the local administrations to promote their telecentres details...
ANRC Caravan meets the industry in Alba Iulia details...
ANRC takes part in the official opening of the Udupu telecentre installed by Romtelecom details...
ANRC Meets in Buzau the Industry in South-Eastern Romania details...
ANRC visits the RADIOCOM Telecentre in Fagetu details...
Timisoara: ANRC Meets the Industry in South-Western Romania details...
ANRC and Orange Romania launch a new telecentre in Moieciu de Sus, Brasov county details...
ANRC President, Mr. Dan Georgescu, together with the Romanian delegation visited the 20th edition of CeBIT details...
ANRC announces the regulatory priorities for 2006 details...
Official conclusion of agreements for the installation of telecentres details...
ANRC Caravan meets the industry in Iasi details...
International Broadband Communications Conference details...
ANRC Caravan in Pitesti details...
A new caravan stop - Constanta details...
The ANRC representatives had the first dialogue in a series of meetings with the representatives of the electronic communications industry in the territory. details...
On Wednesday, April, 6th, 2005 took place the international conference details...
Wednesday, October 6, 2004, the ANRC Vice-president details...
On January 22 and 23, 2004, Bucharest hosted the sessions details...
On October 31, 2003, ANRC organised details...
Under the ANRC patronage, FINMEDIA organised the conference details...