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The implementation of the Agreement on the reduction of roaming tariffs between Romania and the Republic of Moldova - the main topic on the agenda of the meetings between ANCOM, ANRCETI and the Government of the Republic of Moldova


The reduction of the tariffs for the roaming and calls services between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, the dynamics of the electronic communications markets in the two states, and the prospects for advancing bilateral cooperation were the main topics discussed in Chisinau, during the meetings the ANCOM delegation has had with the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, as well as during the ANCOM - ANRCETI bilateral meeting.


During the trip to Chisinau, the ANCOM delegation had several meetings with representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, namely the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, and the Deputy Prime Minister for digitalization. The meetings took place in the presence of the Romanian Embassy in the Republic of Moldova.


The most important topics tackled in the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova, concerned the progress on bilateral roaming, the Delegated Regulation on call termination, the prospects for expanding the Union’s Roam Like At Home scope to the Republic of Moldova, the availability of more Romanian content in the Moldovan audio-visual media, the potential contribution of Romanian electronic communications operators to the advancement of competitive dynamics in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the security of 5G networks and services.


The meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova focused on the progress and the ongoing initiatives to advance the digitalization of the Republic of Moldova, especially with regard to public services.


Moreover, the representatives of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) and of the National Agency for Regulation in Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), the ANCOM’s counterpart in the Republic of Moldova, held a bilateral meeting. At the center of their discussions and exchange of information were the benefits of electronic communications users in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, as a result of the implementation of the Agreement on the reduction of the tariffs for the services of international roaming and international calls between the two countries.


During this bilateral meeting, the traffic data, and the offers of roaming and calls between Romania and the Republic of Moldova for the first half of 2022 were analyzed. These data were gathered by the two authorities based on a joint questionnaire among the communications operators from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The ANCOM – ANRCETI joint work on the quarterly monitoring of developments will continue, and the next complete public report, expected to be released in April-May 2023, will contain data for the entire 2022 year.


More information on the international roaming tariffs with the Republic of Moldova is available here.


The agenda of the bilateral discussions also included topics such as the independence and the human and financial resources the sector regulators need in order to fulfill their legal duties, the status and prospects for advancing the bilateral cooperation, the challenges and perspectives related to 5G and the competitive and investment dynamics in the electronic communications markets of the two states.

The implementation of the Agreement on the reduction of roaming tariffs between Romania and the Republic of Moldova - the main topic on the agenda of the meetings between ANCOM, ANRCETI and the Government of the Republic of Moldova


The reduction of the tariffs for the roaming and calls services between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, the dynamics of the electronic communications markets in the two states, and the prospects for advancing bilateral cooperation were the main topics discussed in Chisinau, during the meetings the ANCOM delegation has had with the representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, as well as during the ANCOM - ANRCETI bilateral meeting.


During the trip to Chisinau, the ANCOM delegation had several meetings with representatives of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, namely the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, and the Deputy Prime Minister for digitalization. The meetings took place in the presence of the Romanian Embassy in the Republic of Moldova.


The most important topics tackled in the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova, concerned the progress on bilateral roaming, the Delegated Regulation on call termination, the prospects for expanding the Union’s Roam Like At Home scope to the Republic of Moldova, the availability of more Romanian content in the Moldovan audio-visual media, the potential contribution of Romanian electronic communications operators to the advancement of competitive dynamics in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the security of 5G networks and services.


The meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova focused on the progress and the ongoing initiatives to advance the digitalization of the Republic of Moldova, especially with regard to public services.


Moreover, the representatives of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) and of the National Agency for Regulation in Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), the ANCOM’s counterpart in the Republic of Moldova, held a bilateral meeting. At the center of their discussions and exchange of information were the benefits of electronic communications users in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, as a result of the implementation of the Agreement on the reduction of the tariffs for the services of international roaming and international calls between the two countries.


During this bilateral meeting, the traffic data, and the offers of roaming and calls between Romania and the Republic of Moldova for the first half of 2022 were analyzed. These data were gathered by the two authorities based on a joint questionnaire among the communications operators from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The ANCOM – ANRCETI joint work on the quarterly monitoring of developments will continue, and the next complete public report, expected to be released in April-May 2023, will contain data for the entire 2022 year.


More information on the international roaming tariffs with the Republic of Moldova is available here.


The agenda of the bilateral discussions also included topics such as the independence and the human and financial resources the sector regulators need in order to fulfill their legal duties, the status and prospects for advancing the bilateral cooperation, the challenges and perspectives related to 5G and the competitive and investment dynamics in the electronic communications markets of the two states.

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