The page dedicated to the industry contains all the information of interest for the providers of electronic communications networks and services, and of postal services, as well as for the holders of licences for the use of radio spectrum and numbering resources.
The “Authorisation” section provides detailed information on the general authorisation procedure for the provision of networks, electronic communications services, postal services, as well as the forms required for the authorisation of the radiocommunication networks.
The “Electronic communications” section gathers all the information necessary for the providers of electronic communications networks and services, whereas the scarce resources section is directed at the current or future holders of licences for the use of spectrum or of numbering resources. The postal service providers have also a dedicated section.
ANCOM watches the fulfilment of obligations deriving from the capacity as a communications provider through its control personnel, which monitor the radio frequency spectrum and conduct control actions on the market of electronic communications and of postal services.
Further details on the tariffs ANCOM charges from the authorised providers may be found at the “Tariffs” section.
The capacity as a provider of electronic communications services or networks, and that as a postal service provider entail the obligation of the undertakings to send ANCOM a series of parameters and statistical data, which may vary as the case may be. These obligations are detailed in the “Information obligations” section.