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Debate on the regulations proposed by the European Commission for the electronic communications sector



ANRCTI hosted a debate on the regulations proposed by the European Commission for the electronic communications sector, presenting the main conclusions of the latest meeting of the European Regulators Group, the body that assembles all the regulatory authorities in the European Union.


„Romania upholds, within ERG, the position adopted by the European Commissioner Viviane Reding, i.e. promote lower mobile termination rates. In Romania, ANRCTI established cost-oriented tariffs, but there are many European countries where mobile termination rates are still high, which is detrimental to the Romanian operators. We do not want our operators to pay - for the calls terminated abroad - more than they receive for the calls terminated on the national networks, therefore we asked ERG to sustain calculation models that reflect the costs of an efficient operator,” Mr. Dan Georgescu highlighted.


During the meeting, Mr. Cristian Busoi, deputy of the European Parliament, presented the set of telecom regulations submitted these days to the vote of the Speciality Commissions of the European Parliament.


The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology exposed Romania’s official standpoint – which has been presented recently, during the reunion of the Ministers for Transport, Telecommunications and Energy – regarding the European Commission’s proposals on reforming telecom regulations.

Debate on the regulations proposed by the European Commission for the electronic communications sector



ANRCTI hosted a debate on the regulations proposed by the European Commission for the electronic communications sector, presenting the main conclusions of the latest meeting of the European Regulators Group, the body that assembles all the regulatory authorities in the European Union.


„Romania upholds, within ERG, the position adopted by the European Commissioner Viviane Reding, i.e. promote lower mobile termination rates. In Romania, ANRCTI established cost-oriented tariffs, but there are many European countries where mobile termination rates are still high, which is detrimental to the Romanian operators. We do not want our operators to pay - for the calls terminated abroad - more than they receive for the calls terminated on the national networks, therefore we asked ERG to sustain calculation models that reflect the costs of an efficient operator,” Mr. Dan Georgescu highlighted.


During the meeting, Mr. Cristian Busoi, deputy of the European Parliament, presented the set of telecom regulations submitted these days to the vote of the Speciality Commissions of the European Parliament.


The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology exposed Romania’s official standpoint – which has been presented recently, during the reunion of the Ministers for Transport, Telecommunications and Energy – regarding the European Commission’s proposals on reforming telecom regulations.

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