August 9, 2006, Udupu, Teleorman County. ANRC President, Dan Georgescu, and Vasile Voicu, Deputy Executive Director for Operations in Romtelecom, met with the villagers in Udupu to present and test the telephone and Internet access services provided through the telecentre installed by Romtelecom in this village. On this occasion the National Regulatory Authority for Communications (ANRC) launched an information campaign on telecentres, dedicated to the over 40,000 inhabitants of the 38 villages where telecentres have already been installed.
The village of Udupu is listed among the 38 localities where telecentres have been installed following the tender held by ANRC in September 2005, as part of the national programme dedicated to the installation of telecentres in the communities with limited access to telephone and Internet access services. The village of Udupu has over 1700 inhabitants who will now have the possibility to make telephone calls, send faxes and surf the Internet. By the end of this year, more 170 isolated villages will each benefit from a telecentre. Telecentres are to be financed by ANRC for three years and, subsequently, the local public administrations will transform them into independent self-sustained businesses.