Monitoring and Control
The monitoring and control activity of ANCOM is conducted for the purpose of ensuring the enforcement and observance of the provisions under the legislation and regulations imposed by the Authority in order to promote competition in the markets of electronic communications and postal services, and protect the users’ rights and interests. An important component of the control activity is the monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum for non-governmental use, which aims both at upholding the process of efficient spectrum management, and ensuring the compliance with the obligations under the licences for the use radio frequencies /broadcasting licenses and under the frequency assignment authorisations/ technical authorisations, or in the regulations in the field of electronic communications using the radio spectrum.
At the central level, the activity of monitoring and control of compliance with the obligations imposed by the specific legislation in the activity field of ANCOM is carried out by tree units within the Technical Coordinations Division, Monitoring and Control Executive Division, which coordinates the main activities in the territory, i.e. control and monitoring.
ANCOM holds in each county capital city a county office. These offices guide, survey and control the compliance with the obligations imposed by the specific legislation in the activity field of ANCOM or imposed by ANCOM itself, as well as with other obligations applicable to the providers of electronic communications networks and services, to the postal service providers and to the users of the scarce resources managed by the Authority. Furthermore, the control personnel support the communications operators in acquiring the provisions under the normative acts and the procedures which need to be followed for operating in line with the legal provisions.