Noi reglementari pentru furnizorii de servicii postale
Today, in its Consultative Council meeting, the Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) and the representatives of the industry discussed about the amendment and completion of the statistical indicators reported by the postal providers, as well as about the conditions and procedure for assessing the level of compliance with the minimum quality requirements for the delivery of domestic postal items from the fastest standard category by the National Company “Poșta Română” S.A. (CNPR), in its capacity as a universal service provider in the postal field.
According to the new decision amending the regulations in force on the reporting of statistical data by the postal providers, inasmuch as 2014 is concerned, the providers will report exclusively the postal items they process on their account and not those processed for and on the account of another provider.
The new decision also establishes a unique statistical reporting form. All the postal providers are to complete the statistical data on identical forms and there will no longer be different forms for the universal service provider and the other postal providers.
When they report the 2014 statistical data, the providers will also submit a series of indicators referring to the revenues obtained exclusively from the provision of postal services (broken down by categories), the traffic of paper money orders or the complaints concerning the relationship between the end-users and the postal providers.
The postal providers have the obligation to annually submit the statistical data to ANCOM, by the 15th of March for the previous calendar year. Based on these data, ANCOM draws up statistical data reports on the provision of postal or related services. This decision will become effective as soon as it is published in the Romanian Official Journal.
The other decision discussed with the postal industry concerned the conditions and procedure for assessing the level of compliance by the universal service provider, CNPR, in what regards the minimum quality requirements for the delivery of domestic postal items from the fastest standard category. CNPR will have to perform annual quality measurements on the following services: clearance, sorting, transport and delivery of correspondence and printer matter items, weighing up to (including) 2 kg; clearance, sorting, transport and delivery of postal parcels weighing up to (including) 10 kg and clearance, sorting, transport and delivery of cecogrammes.
The abovementioned annual evaluation of the compliance with the minimum quality requirements regarding the items of correspondence will be made by an independent monitoring body, pursuant to the provisions of SR EN 13850:2013, a standard which must be implemented in all EU Member States. As for the postal services dealing with postal items consisting of printed matter items, parcels and cecogrammes, CNPR will conduct the quality measurements based upon its own methodology.
Furthermore, the universal service provider will have to conclude a contract with an independent audit body for the auditing, in line with the provisions of the SR EN 13850:2013 standard, of the measurements necessary for evaluating the compliance with the minimum quality requirements concerning the transit times of the domestic correspondence itemsfrom the fastest standard category.
This decision will come into force on the date when it is communicated to CNPR.