According to the data reported by the 49 active fixed telephony providers, the number of access lines and the number of subscribers grew, whereas the traffic volume and the average call length dropped in the second half of 2011 as compared to the previous semester. The full report on the telephone services provided over terrestrial public networks with access at a fixed location or with limited mobility, for the second semester of 2011, was published today by the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) on www.ancom.org.ro.
Thus, the number of access lines (telephone posts) grew in 2011 to 4.69 million, by +4%, and the same percentage growth was registered by the number of subscribers, who amounted to 4.04 million.
The fixed telephony penetration rate per 100 inhabitants (computed as the ratio between the total amount of access lines and the number of inhabitants in Romania) reached 24.6%, while the fixed telephony penetration rate per 100 households (computed as the ratio between the amount of access lines provided to residential subscribers and the number of households in Romania) amounted to 54.1%. Â
Out of the 4.69 million fixed access lines, 3.84 million are installed to the residential subscribers (+3.8% as compared to end-2010), and 0.85 million are installed to business subscribers (up by 5.4% as compared to 2010).
In 2011, the end-users’ traffic volume on the fixed public telephone networks decreased by 14%, down to 6 billion minutes. The voice traffic on the providers’ own fixed networks fell by 19% (to approx. 3.5 billion minutes), the traffic to other fixed networks declined by 14% (to 1 billion minutes), the traffic to international networks went down by 4% (to 280 million minutes), whereas the voice traffic to mobile networks is the only main traffic category which saw a take-up of 5% (to 1.1 billion minutes) in 2011.
In the second half of 2011, each call initiated on the fixed telephone lasted on average 3 minutes and 10 seconds, down by 4 seconds as compared to the first semester of 2011. Furthermore, the average monthly voice traffic per access line decreased by 9 minutes, a Romanian user talking - per month - for 1 hour and 42 minutes on the landline telephone.
The statistical data report on the telephone services provided over terrestrial public networks with access at a fixed location or with limited mobility was elaborated based on the data reported by the providers of fixed telephone services which carried out commercial activities between 1 July and 31 December 2011, and is available for consultation here.