National  Numbering Plan
Presentation of Romania's NNP, in accordance with Recommendation ITU-T E.129Â
ANCOM President’s Decision no. 375/2013 on the National Numbering Plan, with subsequent amendments (ANCOM President’s Decision no. 1069/2018 and ANCOM  Decision no. 71/2023), is the official act by which the National Numbering Plan was adopted, setting out the structure and destination of the numbering resources used in Romania as well as  the rules for the administration and management at national level of the numbering resources used for the provision of publicly available electronic communications services.
For additional information on the allocation/use of numbering resources, ANCOM makes available the e-mail address
How is the right to use certain numbering resources granted?
Current allocatable resources:
1. According to the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 376/2013 on the procedure for requesting and issuing licences for the use of numbering resources, with subsequent amendments and completions (ANCOM President’s Decision no.  651/2015, ANCOM President’s Decision no. 1.069/2018 and ANCOM Decision no.  71/2023), the following resources can be allocated:
- blocks of 10,000 geographic numbers consisting of 9 digits, for electronic communications services  provided at fixed locations, included in the NNP in the domains 0Z = 02 and 0Z = 03;
- blocks of 10 geographic numbers consisting of 6 digits for services of general interest provided at local level, included in the NNP in the domains 0Z = 02 and 0Z = 03;
- blocks of 10,000 or 100,000 location-independent numbers for electronic communications services  provided mainly at fixed locations, included in the NNP in the domain 0Z = 03;
- blocks of 100,000 or 1,000,000 non-geographic numbers for electronic communications services  provided at mobile locations, included in the NNP in the domain 0Z = 06, subdomains 0ZA = 065, 066, 067, 068 and 069, or for electronic  communications services other than interpersonal communications services, provided at fixed or mobile locations, included in the NNP in the domain 0Z = 06, subdomains 0ZA = 060, 061, 062, 063 and 064;
- blocks of 100,000 or 1,000,000 non-geographic numbers for electronic communications services  provided at mobile locations, included in the NNP in the domain 0Z = 07, except for those in subdomain 0ZA = 070;
- blocks of 100,000 non-geographic numbers for electronic communications services  provided at mobile locations for providers of virtual mobile networks, included in the NNP in subdomain 0ZA = 070;
- blocks of 1,000 non-geographic numbers included in the NNP in the domains 0Z = 08 and 0Z = 09;
- individual code of the form 10xy and 16xy for carrier selection. The carrier shall be the provider of the publicly available electronic communications service which, without affecting the content of the information, carries out the transport of the signal from the network in which the call is initiated to the destination network.
2. According to the ANRCTI President’s Decision no. 321/2008 on the allocation and use of national short numbers for harmonised services at European level, with subsequent amendments (ANCOM President’s Decision no. 379/2009, ANCOM President’s Decision no. 378/2013 and ANCOM President’s Decision no. 651/2015), the following resources can be allocated:
- national short numbers  for harmonised social services, in the form 116(xyz);
- national short numbers for directory enquiry services, in the form 118(xyz).
3. According to the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 379/2013 on the allocation and use of national short numbers for services of public interest at national level or for services of general interest, as amended, the following resources can be allocated:
- short numbers for services of public interest at national level  and for services of general interest, of the form 19vx or 19vxy.

How can one request to be granted currently allocatable numbering resources?
An applicant pursuing the issuance of the License for the use of numbering resources (LURN) will submit an application to ANCOM, by filling in the
- standard form (average duration of completion: 9 min) in Annex 1 to Decision No 376/2013, as amended and supplemented, for the numbering resources listed at point 1 above, or
- standard form (average duration of completion: 8 min) in Annex.  1 to Decision No 321/2008, as  amended, for the numbering resources  listed at point 2 above, or
- standard form (average time of completion: 8 min) in Annex 2 to Decision No 379/2013, as  amended, for the numbering resources  listed at point 3 above.
The following information and documents will be attached to the standard form and will be part of the LURN application:
- implementation specification for each category of numbering resources  requested, according to
- Annex No. 2 to Decision No 376/2013, as amended and  supplemented, for the numbering resources  listed at point 1 above, in accordance with the
- Annex No. 2 and Annex 3 to Decision No 321/2008, as  amended, for the numbering resources  listed at point 2 above and in accordance with the
- Annex No. 3 to Decision No 379/2013, as  amended, for the numbering resources  listed at point 3 above.
- for numbers of the format 116(xyz), in accordance with Decision No 321/2008, as  amended, Article 10:
- information on the access and interconnection contracts concluded by the applicant with providers of electronic  communications networks and services, in force up to the date of transmission of the application;
-  information on the implementation of other national short numbers by the  applicant, if such is the case;
- copy of the pre-contract concluded with a view to providing harmonised social services, showing: the identification data and contact details of the provider of harmonised social services, the estimated date of  service launch and the detailed conditions for access and use of the national number  short of the form 116(xyz) and, in particular, the way in which the provider of the harmonised social services will ensure compliance with the  conditions for the provision of the service set out in the Annex to the European Commission Decision 2007/116/EC, published by ANCOM, for that number;
- information regarding the capacity of the provider of harmonised social services to provide services of a social character, i.e.:
a) previous experience in providing similar social services, if applicable;
b) copies of conventions or protocols concluded with public institutions, showing the involvement of the provider of harmonised social services in similar social projects or services or the support of public institutions for the provision of the harmonized social service;
c) activity reports published;
d) human resources that will be involved in the provision of the service, the  relevant professional training  and their experience in the provision of similar social services;
e) copies of the authorizations or endorsements issued by the public authorities, showing the field of activity of the provider of the harmonized social services.
- for numbers of the format 118(xyz), in accordance with Decision No 321/2008, as  amended, Article 16:
- a description of  the subscriber information  service  provided, as well as  of the related services, for each  number requested (including the manner in which the conditions  for the provision of the services set out in Article 7 are fulfilled, as well as the quality parameters for the subscriber information services to be provided);
- description of the plans of the subscriber information service provider to include in the database subscribers of publicly available electronic communications service providers  who assign numbers;
- the estimated date on which the subscriber information service  will be available to  the  public;
- how to use the national short numbers of the format 118(xyz) previously allocated to the applicant, if applicable;
- for numbers of the format 19vx or 19vxy, according to Decision No 379/2013, as  amended:
- the name and detailed description of the service of public interest at national level or of the service of general interest to be provided by means of that number;
-  copies of documents showing that the person who will provide the service of public interest at national level carries out activities similar to the services for which the number is intended, in  accordance with the provisions of this Decision; for public authorities and institutions, their legal duties in the field of services of public interest provided at national level will be identified.
- where the number is assigned by the  provider of the electronic  communications service  to a provider of services of public interest at national  level  or of services of general interest, in addition to the documents referred to in paragraph  (3), the following shall be added:
- a copy of the pre-contract or agreement concluded between the provider of the publicly available electronic communications service  and the entity intending to provide the service of public interest at national level  or the service of general interest, showing the latter's identification and contact details, the service provided, the conditions of access to and use of the national short number of the format 19vx or 19vxy.

How to request the partial or total waiver of the right to use the numbering resources?
For waiving the right to use certain numbering resources, the LUNR holder shall submit a standard application form (average duration of completion: 4 min) under the conditions set out in  Article 22 para. (2) of Decision No 376/2013, as amended and supplemented.
Method of obtaining and transmitting the forms referred to in this chapter
The standard forms/applications can be obtained from the headquarters or from the territorial structures of ANCOM or from the ANCOM website.
The transmission of the necessary forms/applications and documents may be made to the headquarters or to the  territorial structure of ANCOM in whose area the  applicant's domicile or headquarters is situated, only as follows:
- by filing, in person or by a representative of the applicant, upon confirmation of receipt;
- by a poÅŸtal service;
- as a document in electronic form, sent to, with an incorporated, attached or logically associated extended electronic signature, based on a certificate unsuspended or unrevoked at that time and generated by means of a secure electronic signature creation device.
The date of transmission is considered - as the case may be - the date of entry in ANCOM’s general register of correspondence, the date of the confirmation of receipt at the ANCOM headquarters by a postal service with acknowledgment of receipt or the date of confirmation of receipt of the document in electronic form.
Should ANCOM deem that the information presented is not sufficient, the Authority may request additional  information.