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ANCOM Launches Its 2016 Action Plan for Public Consultation


The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania (ANCOM) has published today, for public consultation, the proposals for its 2016 action plan.
Thus, in order to support the development of broadband electronic communications networks in Romania, ANCOM intends to continue its project of making a national inventory of public electronic communications networks and of the associated facilities, initiated two years ago. The Authority will continue awarding the frequency spectrum still available in the 800 MHz, 2,600 MHz and 3.4 – 3.8 GHz bands,as well as the digital terrestrial television multiplexes.
With a view to promoting competition in the electronic communications field, the Authority will review the relevant markets for the termination services provided at fixed and mobile locations and will re-asses the previously imposed regulatory measures. As well, with a view to reflecting the technological advancements, the Authority intends to review the costing model for interconnection ancillary services.
In 2016, the Authority will conduct a user information campaign on the existence and usefulness of the online tools developed by ANCOM for increasing user awareness – InfoCenter for consumers,, and Moreover, for supporting the users, ANCOM plans to extend the possibilities of testing the internet access service quality, taking into account their wishes and needs. Thus, in order to increase the Netograf’s accessibility for all the users, to offer more relevant and accurate information, the Authority considers developing separate Netograf applications, dedicated to fixed and respectively to mobile terminals, downloadable free of charge.
Furthermore, the Authority will review the decision regulating the amateur radiocommunications service in Romania, in order to harmonize it with the European and international regulations. Thus, the radioamateur status will be easier to obtain, following the simplification of regulations and the removal of obsolete provisions.
Following the new trends and innovations in the field, ANCOM will review the general authorisation regime, both for the postal service providers and for the providers of electronic communications networks and services.
Concerning postal services, ANCOM will verify – if applicable - the request for compensating the net cost of the 2015 provision of services within the scope of universal service and, as applicable, will establish the universal service financing mechanisms for the postal services sector.
Among the monitoring and control campaigns that the Authority intends to conduct next year, we mention a campaign for measuring mobile telephony coverage along national and county roads, a campaign for verifying compliance with the imposed obligations of the providers of publicly available electronic communications services with advance payment, as well as a campaign for verifying the electronic communications providers’ compliance with their obligations of informing the end-users.
The constant monitoring of the electronic communications networks’ performance will be carried out by drawing up and publishing the report on incidents that affected the security and integrity of public electronic communications networks and of the publicly available electronic communications services in 2015, the report on the security measures implemented by the providers, as well as the report on the quality of the internet access service during 2015.
Moreover, following a process of analysis, consultation and dialogue with all the stakeholders in the Romanian electronic communications field, in 2016, ANCOM will finalize and publish The Strategy for digital communications up to 2020, a document outlining ANCOM’s vision for the Romanian communications during 2016-2020, the priorities and the main action directions for the Authority’s roadmap in the next five years. Furthermore, the Authority will draw up a report on the implementation of the Regulatory Strategy in the postal services field for 2012-2016 and will conceive a new regulatory strategy in this field, for the period 2017-2020.
ANCOM’s Action plan proposed for the year 2016 is available, in Romanian only, here. The interested persons are invited to send their comments and suggestions, by 30.10.2015, to the ANCOM headquarters (2 Delea Noua Street, Bucharest 3), or directly to the ANCOM Registry Office. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to

ANCOM Launches Its 2016 Action Plan for Public Consultation


The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania (ANCOM) has published today, for public consultation, the proposals for its 2016 action plan.
Thus, in order to support the development of broadband electronic communications networks in Romania, ANCOM intends to continue its project of making a national inventory of public electronic communications networks and of the associated facilities, initiated two years ago. The Authority will continue awarding the frequency spectrum still available in the 800 MHz, 2,600 MHz and 3.4 – 3.8 GHz bands,as well as the digital terrestrial television multiplexes.
With a view to promoting competition in the electronic communications field, the Authority will review the relevant markets for the termination services provided at fixed and mobile locations and will re-asses the previously imposed regulatory measures. As well, with a view to reflecting the technological advancements, the Authority intends to review the costing model for interconnection ancillary services.
In 2016, the Authority will conduct a user information campaign on the existence and usefulness of the online tools developed by ANCOM for increasing user awareness – InfoCenter for consumers,, and Moreover, for supporting the users, ANCOM plans to extend the possibilities of testing the internet access service quality, taking into account their wishes and needs. Thus, in order to increase the Netograf’s accessibility for all the users, to offer more relevant and accurate information, the Authority considers developing separate Netograf applications, dedicated to fixed and respectively to mobile terminals, downloadable free of charge.
Furthermore, the Authority will review the decision regulating the amateur radiocommunications service in Romania, in order to harmonize it with the European and international regulations. Thus, the radioamateur status will be easier to obtain, following the simplification of regulations and the removal of obsolete provisions.
Following the new trends and innovations in the field, ANCOM will review the general authorisation regime, both for the postal service providers and for the providers of electronic communications networks and services.
Concerning postal services, ANCOM will verify – if applicable - the request for compensating the net cost of the 2015 provision of services within the scope of universal service and, as applicable, will establish the universal service financing mechanisms for the postal services sector.
Among the monitoring and control campaigns that the Authority intends to conduct next year, we mention a campaign for measuring mobile telephony coverage along national and county roads, a campaign for verifying compliance with the imposed obligations of the providers of publicly available electronic communications services with advance payment, as well as a campaign for verifying the electronic communications providers’ compliance with their obligations of informing the end-users.
The constant monitoring of the electronic communications networks’ performance will be carried out by drawing up and publishing the report on incidents that affected the security and integrity of public electronic communications networks and of the publicly available electronic communications services in 2015, the report on the security measures implemented by the providers, as well as the report on the quality of the internet access service during 2015.
Moreover, following a process of analysis, consultation and dialogue with all the stakeholders in the Romanian electronic communications field, in 2016, ANCOM will finalize and publish The Strategy for digital communications up to 2020, a document outlining ANCOM’s vision for the Romanian communications during 2016-2020, the priorities and the main action directions for the Authority’s roadmap in the next five years. Furthermore, the Authority will draw up a report on the implementation of the Regulatory Strategy in the postal services field for 2012-2016 and will conceive a new regulatory strategy in this field, for the period 2017-2020.
ANCOM’s Action plan proposed for the year 2016 is available, in Romanian only, here. The interested persons are invited to send their comments and suggestions, by 30.10.2015, to the ANCOM headquarters (2 Delea Noua Street, Bucharest 3), or directly to the ANCOM Registry Office. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to

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