ANRC Invites the Industry to Submit Comments on the Regulatory Strategy for 2007-2009
„The communications sector witnesses the greatest number of investors, boasts of the largest GDP share of the past four or five years among all the economic sectors and features one of the highest growth rates in Romania. We are pleased to see that our regulatory activity enhances this unprecedented development of the sector. In order to preserve the upward trend, we deem it essential to focus on the transparency of our regulatory actions and be up to the investors’ confidence in the Romanian market,” the ANRC President, Mr.
ANRC published, on its website, the first public consultation document on the future strategy. This documents details the criteria and the basic stages of the Strategy elaboration process and contains a set of 27 questions investigating the opinion of the relevant industry. This is the first step towards a dialogue on this matter. The market answers will serve as a foundation for the establishment of a strategic approach and for determining the guidelines for the market. At the end of this process, the strategy will be published together with a detailed set of indicators each segment of the communications market.
By publishing this document, ANRC aims at strengthening the confidence of the business environment in
In its regulatory activity ANRC, will continue to pursue the same objectives: encourage the development of competition, foster investments and protect the end-users’ interest. The regulatory strategy will provide in detail these objectives, giving them a clear direction towards an enhanced diversity of products and offers, higher user satisfaction indices and prevention of market overreactions to competition: deceiving offers, poor quality services and confusion due to the high complexity of the offers.
The consultation document regarding the strategic approach to be used in the elaboration of the regulatory strategy for the electronic communications sector during 2007-2009 is available on the ANRC website. All interested persons are invited to send their answers and comments by June 12th, 2006. The presentation of the ANRC President delivered on this occasion is available here, on the ANRC website.