S.C. RCS & RDS S.A. against S.C. Vodafone Romania S.A
S.C. Vodafone Romania S.A.
Date of filing the complaint:
April 1st, 2009
Background information:
On April 1st, 2009, the plaintiff S.C. RCS & RDS S.A. (RCS & RDS) filed two complaints with the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) against the respondent S.C. Vodafone Romania S.A. (Vodafone).
In the first complaint, the plaintiff asked ANCOM to impose on Vodafone the obligation to conclude an addendum to the interconnection agreement no. 265/25.03.2004, which would impose on Vodafone the tariffs for associated interconnection facilities provided by RCS & RDS.
In the second complaint, the plaintiff asked ANCOM to impose on Vodafone the obligation to conclude an addendum to the interconnection agreement no. 265/25.03.2004, which would regulate the service of interconnection in view of call termination on the fixed and mobile network of Vodafone, irrespective of the origin of the calls.
Furthermore, RCS & RDS requested to impose on Vodafone, as a provisional measure, the obligation to immediately provide the service of interconnection in view of call termination on its fixed and mobile network, irrespective of the origin of the calls.
In order to resolve the complaint, the plaintiff chose the contentious procedure.
The respondent’s request to impose provisional measures was settled by the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 312/2009.
On July 22nd, 2009, RCS & RDS renounced at both complaints filed against Vodafone.
ANCOM solution:
The ANCOM President’s Decision no.312/2009 on the resolution of the request of RCS & RDS to impose provisional measures
The ANCOM president’s Decision no.631/2009 on the resolution of the dispute between S.C. RCS & RDS S.A. and S.C. Vodafone Romania S.A.