ANCOM participates at International Digital Forum
October 17, 2013
The president of the Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM), Mr. Catalin Marinescu, presented the preliminary calendar of the transition to the digital television at the annual event organised by the Association for Digital Communications called the International Digital Forum.
The President of ANCOM announced that the draft Government Decision establishing the licence fee and the procedure for the awarding of the licences, the draft decision on the procedure of allocation of multiplexes, as well as the draft terms of reference will be finalised and submitted to public consultation by mid-November. The period of consultation on, and approval of, these acts should end early in 2014. Once these acts approved, the actual launch of the selection procedure becomes possible in January 2014. ANCOM foresees that the procedure of allocation of multiplexes will be completed at the end of April, if no events that cannot be predicted at this moment occur.