Almost 3 billion internet users worldwide celebrate the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on 17 May
There are almost 7 billion mobile telephony SIM cards in use on the globe, while 3 billion people use the internet, according to the statistics of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). In Romania, there are more than 16 million broadband internet connections – with capacities that place our country among the first ten in the world -, as well as 22.9 million mobile telephony SIM cards, whereas almost 7 million households have access to paid TV retransmission services, according to the latest statistics published by ANCOM (see infographics here). The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day All is dedicated to all these electronic communications users, being celebrated every year on 17 May.
This year, 17 May marks the 150th anniversary of the ITU, and organisation with 193 member states, including Romania.
The ITU is the United Nations specialized agency that globally allocates the radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develops the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strives to improve access to ICTs to all the communities worldwide, especially the underserved ones.
Romania has been an ITU member since 1866, thus being among the first countries that signed the Treaty establishing the Union, i.e. the International Telegraph Convention. Throughout ITU’s long history, Romania has been a constant and active presence, its representatives being involved in making the decisions on the allocation of the radio spectrum, in elaborating the technical standards for electronic communications, in standardizing the new technologies and in improving the efficiency of the radio frequency usage. Romania is on its sixth consecutive mandate as a representative of Region C (Eastern Europe and North Asia) in the ITU Council – the Union’s governing body -, the ANCOM President, Cătălin Marinescu, chairing the 2013 session of the Council.
For its 150th anniversary, the ITU created a dedicated website presenting, among others, an interesting summary of the history of telecommunications: www.itu150.org. For a tour through the history of this domain in Romania, one can visit the virtual telecommunications museum, created and hosted by ANCOM on its website, here.
Further information on the current situation of the Romanian telecommunications sector (telephony, internet and audio-visual programme retransmission) is presented in a series of infographics made available by ANCOM, here.