Propuneri de modificare a procedurii de autorizare a furnizării serviciilor de programe audiovizuale
The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) launched today, for public consultation, a draft decision for amending the procedure of authorisation of the audio-visual programme service provision. Thus, the Authority aims at clarifying the conditions for the issuance, amendment and extension of the transmission licence or of the documents closely related with the licence for the use of the radio spectrum in digital terrestrial system (the technical authorisation and the frequency assignment authorisation). The proposed amendments are meant to facilitate the issuance of the administrative acts required for ANCOM’s authorising the provision of audio-visual programme services, by simplifying this process, to the holders’ benefit.
Thus, ANCOM proposes clarifying Article 3 in Decision no. 629/2010 so that the effective use of the radio spectrum should be allowed upon the issuance of the technical authorisation, as provided in the Audio-visual Law.
Where a provider’s licence is amended following the modification of the respective provider’s identification data, ANCOM will consequently update, within 15 days, the provider’s technical authorisation.
Another amendment proposed by ANCOM regards expanding the deadline for submitting the requests for an extension of the validity of the transmission licences, from 30 to 45 calendar days. This expansion is needed in order to enable the providers to observe the term also in respect of submitting the audio-visual licence duly extended by the National Audio-visual Council.
Moreover, another amendment proposed envisages that the technical verifications of a transmission station to be conducted by ANCOM should be performed within 30 calendar days from the date of submitting or completing, as applicable, the providers’ documentation for the issuance of a technical authorisation.
In Romania, a provider of audio-visual programme services must hold an audio-visual licence issued by the National Audio-visual Council, as well as a transmission licence – for broadcasting in analogue format -, or a licence for the use of the radio spectrum in digital terrestrial system – for television programme services broadcasted in digital terrestrial system – and the corresponding technical authorisation issued by ANCOM.
All the amendments proposed by the Draft Decision for amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 629/2010 on the procedure of authorising the provision of audio-visual programme servicesare available, in Romanian, here. The interested persons are invited to send their opinions and suggestions, by 06.04.2015, to the ANCOM headquarters at 2, Delea Nouă Street, Bucharest 3, or directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or by means of the Authority’s regional offices. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to consultare@ancom.org.ro.