Nr | Title | Year | [Details] |
1 | DECISION no. 156/2022 regarding indicative tariffs for access to network operators’ poles | 2022.00 | [Details...] |
2 | DECISION No. 134/2022 on establishing the format and means for submitting information on the roll-out and geographic location of public electronic communications networks and associated physical infrastructure elements, with the subsequent amendments and completions (unofficially consolidated text including the provisions in force as of 10 May 2023) | 2022.00 | [Details...] |
3 | Decision no 70/2023 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services | 2023.00 | [Details...] |
4 | Decision no 248/2021 amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania no. 311/2016 on license exempt radio frequencies or radio frequency bands | 2021.00 | [Details...] |
5 | Position of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications on reviewing the relevant markets corresponding to the services of local access provided at a fixed location and of central access provided at a fixed location for mass-market products (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
6 | Decision no. 898/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 44/2018 on designating the company Vodafone Romania S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
7 | Decision no. 897/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 37/2018 on designating the company Telekom Romania Communications S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
8 | Decision no. 896/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 33/2018 on designating the company RCS & RDS S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
9 | Decision no. 895/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 30/2018 on designating the company Nobel Romania S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
10 | Decision no. 894/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 11/2018 on designating the company 2K Telecom S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
11 | Decision no. 893/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 14/2018 on designating the company Adisam Telecom S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
12 | Decision no. 892/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 16/2018 on designating the company Caro Network - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
13 | Decision no. 891/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 17/2018 on designating the company Combridge S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
14 | Decision no. 890/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 18/2018 on designating the company Connet-RO - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
15 | Decision no. 889/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 19/2018 on designating the company Digital Cable Systems - S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
16 | Decision no. 888/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 20/2018 on designating the company Dotro Telecom - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
17 | Decision no. 887/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 21/2018 on designating the company Euroweb Romania - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
18 | Decision no. 886/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 22/2018 on designating the company GTS Telecom - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
19 | Decision no. 885/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 23/2018 on designating the company Ines Group - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
20 | Decision no. 884/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 24/2018 on designating the company Intersat - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
21 | Decision no. 883/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no.25/2018 on designating the company Iristel Romania - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
22 | Decision no. 882/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 26/2018 on designating the company Media Sat - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
23 | Decision no. 881/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 28/2018 on designating the company Net-Connect Communications - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
24 | Decision no. 880/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 29/2018 on designating the company Nextgen Communications - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
25 | Decision no. 879/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 31/2018 on designating the company Orange România - S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
26 | Decision no. 878/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 32/2018 on designating the company Prime Telecom - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
27 | Decision no. 877/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 34/2018 on designating the company Smart Telecom Media - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
28 | Decision no. 876/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 27/2018 on designating the National Company Radiocommunications S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
29 | Decision no. 875/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 35/2018 on designating the company Spice Telecom - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
30 | Decision no. 874/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 36/2018 on designating the company Telcor Communications - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
31 | Decision no. 873/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 34/2018 on designating the company Telecom Blue Expert - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
32 | Decision no. 872/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 38/2018 on designating the company Telekom Romania Mobile Communications - S.A. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
33 | Decision no. 871/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 39/2018 on designating the company Trans Tel Services - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
34 | Decision no. 870/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 41/2018 on designating the company Vitanic RO - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
35 | Decision no. 869/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 42/2018 on designating the company Viva Telecom - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
36 | Decision no. 868/2020 for amending and completing ANCOM President’s Decision no. 45/2018 on designating the company Volocall - S.R.L. as a as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network, with the subsequent amendments and completions (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
37 | Decision no. 866/2020 on rejecting the request of the company Orange Romania S.A. for authorizing the application of surcharges, during maximum 12 months, in addition to the national rates, for some of the regulated roaming services provided within the European Economic Area (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
38 | Decision no. 598/2020 on setting the conditions and the procedure for evaluating the degree of compliance with the minimum quality requirements regarding the delivery of domestic items of correspondence, of the fastest standard category, imposed by the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 1363/2019 on the designation of the National Company Romanian Post S.A. as a universal service provider in the postal services field (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
39 | Decision no. 820/2020 on the amendment and completion of the ANC President’s Decision no. 1023/2008 on performing communications to the Single National Emergency Call System (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
40 | Decision no. 808/2020 on compensating the net cost for the provision of postal services within the scope of universal service in 2017 (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
41 | Decision 585/2020 on authorizing the company RCS&RDS S.A. to apply surcharges to their own customers, during maximum 12 months, in addition to the national rates, for some of the regulated roaming services provided within the European Economic Area (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
42 | Decision 554/2020 on approving the technical and economic conditions for access to the municipality physical infrastructure (underground ducts) designed for the deployment of public electronic communications networks in the Municipality of Targu Mures (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
43 | Decision no. 465/2020 on the conditions for drawing up and auditing the separate account statements by the National Company Romanian Post S.A. (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
44 | Decision no. 388/2020 on reporting statistical data by the providers of postal services (full text in Romanian) | 2020.00 | [Details...] |
45 | Decision no. 934/2019 regarding the conditions and the procedure for designating the universal service providers in the postal sector | 2019.00 | [Details...] |
46 | Decision no. 997/2018 on the maximum tariffs that may be charged for access on, over, in or under public property real estate | 2018.00 | [Details...] |
47 | Decision no.1363/2019 on the designation of National Company ”Poșta Româna”-S.A. as a universal service provider in the postal service field | 2019.00 | [Details...] |
48 | Decision no. 987/2012 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of electronic communications networks and services | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
49 | Decision no. 563/2006 on the approval of the Procedure for the granting of the licences for the use of the radio electrical frequencies in view of providing third generation mobile communications | 2006.00 | [Details...] |
50 | Decision no. 551/2012 Decision on setting the tariff for the use of the radio spectrum - unofficially consolidated text as of 1 January 2016 | 2016.00 | [Details...] |
51 | Decision no.353/2015 on the procedure of awarding radio frequency use rights | 2015.00 | [Details...] |
52 | Decision no. 311/2016 on radio frequencies or frequency bands exempted from the licensing regime | 2016.00 | [Details...] |
53 | Decision no. 241/2008 on the procedure of granting the licence for the use of radio frequencies in view of providing mobile communications networks and services within the 410-415/420-425 MHz ranges | 2008.00 | [Details...] |
54 | Decision no. 210 of March 13, 2007 on the cancellation of the comparative selection procedure for the granting of radio-electric frequencies in view of providing broadband mobile electronic communications networks and services in the 410-415/420-425 MHz | 2007.00 | [Details...] |
55 | Decision no. 1108/2017 on establishing the format and modalities for sending information on the roll-out and geographic location of public electronic communications networks and of the associated facilities | 2017.00 | [Details...] |
56 | Decision 313/2017 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of postal services | 2017.00 | [Details...] |
57 | Decision 551/2012 on setting the tariff for the use of the radio spectrum (unofficially consolidated text as of 1 January 2016) | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
58 | DECISION on the authorisation of ”RCS&RDS” S.A. to levy certain surcharges to their own customers, in addition to the domestic tariffs, for a 12-month term, for some of the regulated roaming services provided within the European Economic Area | 2017.00 | [Details...] |
59 | Decision no. 376/2013 on the procedure of requesting and awarding licences for the use of numbering resources | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
60 | Decision no. 375/2013 on the National Numbering Plan | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
61 | Decision no 512/2015 on the procedure for granting the rights of use for the radio frequencies to diplomatic missions, consular offices and representative offices of international organisations accredited in Romania | 2015.00 | [Details...] |
62 | Decision no. 1145/2015 regarding the identification of the relevant market for the services of access to infrastructure elements | 2015.00 | [Details...] |
63 | Decision no. 333/2013 on reporting statistical data by the providers of public electronic communications networks and of publicly available electronic communications services | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
64 | Decision no. 377/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Societatea Naţională de Radiocomunicaţii | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
65 | Decision no. 376/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Voxline Communication | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
66 | Decision no. 375/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Voxility | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
67 | Decision no. 374/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Vodafone Romania | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
68 | Decision no. 373/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Vitanic RO | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
69 | Decision no. 372/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Vialtex Prodcom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
70 | Decision no. 371/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by UPC Romania | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
71 | Decision no. 370/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Trans Tel Services | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
72 | Decision no. 369/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Telemobil | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
73 | Decision no. 368/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Telefonet Comm Tech | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
74 | Decision no. 367/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Telcor Communications | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
75 | Decision no. 366/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Romtelecom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
76 | Decision no. 365/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Real Network and Telecomunications | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
77 | Decision no. 364/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by RCS & RDS | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
78 | Decision no. 363/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Rartel | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
79 | Decision no. 362/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Prime Telecom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
80 | Decision no. 361/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Orange Romania | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
81 | Decision no. 360/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Nobel Romania | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
82 | Decision no. 359/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Nextgen Communications | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
83 | Decision no. 358/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Net Connect Internet | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
84 | Decision no. 357/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Necc Telecom Romania | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
85 | Decision no. 356/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Media Sat | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
86 | Decision no. 355/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Iristel Romania | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
87 | Decision no. 354/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Intersat | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
88 | Decision no. 353/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Interpoint | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
89 | Decision no. 352/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Internet Telecom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
90 | Decision no. 351/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Ines Group | 2002.00 | [Details...] |
91 | Decision no. 350/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Idilis | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
92 | Decision no. 349/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by GTS Telecom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
93 | Decision no. 348/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by GBA Network Group | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
94 | Decision no. 347/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Euroweb Romania | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
95 | Decision no. 346/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Dotro Telecom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
96 | Decision no. 345/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Digital Cable Systems | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
97 | Decision no. 344/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Digicom Systems | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
98 | Decision no. 343/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Cosmote Romanian Mobile Telecommunications | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
99 | Decision no. 342/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Contact Telecom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
100 | Decision no. 341/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Connet-RO | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
101 | Decision no. 340/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Combridge | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
102 | Decision no. 339/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Cellebral | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
103 | Decision no. 338/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Canal S | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
104 | Decision no. 337/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Aqualogic | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
105 | Decision no. 336/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Alizee Telecom Network | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
106 | Decision no. 335/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Aeroglobal | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
107 | Decision no. 334/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Advanced Business Solutions International | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
108 | Decision no. 333/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by Adisam Telecom | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
109 | Decision no. 332/2014 on cost-orienting the wholesale tariffs for certain electronic communications services by A1 Telecom Network ISP | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
110 | Decision no. 1/2014 on the designation of S.C. Romtelecom S.A. as a provider with significant power in the market of switched national call transit on public telephony networks | 2014.00 | [Details...] |
111 | Decision no. 1154/2013 on the identification of the relevant market for the services of switched call transit | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
112 | Decision no. 1159/2013 on the conditions for elaborating and auditing separate financial statements by the National Company Romanian Post S.A. | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
113 | Decision no. 1158/2013 on the designation of the National Company Romanian Post S.A. as a universal service provider in the postal services field | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
114 | Decision no. 639/2013 on amendments and completions to the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 551/2012 establishing the spectrum usage tariff | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
115 | Decision no. 638/2013 on certain measures regarding the management of the 3400-3800 MHz band | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
116 | Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 541/2013 on the conditions and procedure for the designation of the universal service providers in the postal sector (unofficially consolidated text including the provisions in force as of 20 April 2014) | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
117 | Decision no. 512 on establishing the minimum security measures to be taken by the providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services and on reporting incidents with significant impact on the provision of electronic communications networks and services | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
118 | Decision no.513/2013 amending and completing the Decision of the president of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology no.2858/2007 on the general authorisation regime for the provision of postal services | 2013.00 | [Details...] |
119 | Decision no.975/2012 amending and completing certain regulations on the designation conditions and procedure, as well as on the designation of the universal service providers in the postal sector | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
120 | Decision no.892/2012 amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 168/2010 on the harmonisation of the use of the pairs of radio frequency bands 880-915 MHz, 925-960 MHz, 1710-1747.5 MHz and 1805-1842.5 MHz | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
121 | Decision No 1722 of 15 November 2011 on radio frequencies and frequency bands whose use is free (exempted from licensing) | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
122 | Decision no.109/2012 designating Vodafone Romania – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a mobile location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
123 | Decision no.108/2012 designating Telemobil – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a mobile location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
124 | Decision no.107/2012 designating Romtelecom – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a mobile location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
125 | Decision no.106/2012 designating RCS & RDS – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a mobile location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
126 | Decision no.105/2012 designating Orange România – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a mobile location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
127 | Decision no.104/2012 designating Cosmote Romanian Mobile Telecommunications – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a mobile location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
128 | Decision no.103/2012 designating Voxline Communication – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
129 | Decision no.102/2012 designating Voxility – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
130 | Decision no.101/2012 designating Volio Communications – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
131 | Decision no.100/2012 designating Vodafone Romania – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
132 | Decision no.99/2012 designating Vitanic RO – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
133 | Decision no.98/2012 designating Vialtex Prodcom – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
134 | Decision no.97/2012 designating UPC Romania – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
135 | Decision no.96/2012 designating Trans Tel Services – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
136 | Decision no.95/2012 designating Telemobil – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
137 | Decision no.94/2012 designating Telemax – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
138 | Decision no.93/2012 designating Telefonet Comm Tech – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
139 | Decision no.92/2012 designating Telcor Communications – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
140 | Decision no.91/2012 designating Romtelecom – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
141 | Decision no.90/2012 designating Real Network and Telecomunications – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
142 | Decision no.89/2012 designating RCS & RDS – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
143 | Decision no.88/2012 designating Rartel – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
144 | Decision no.87/2012 designating Societatea Naţională de Radiocomunicaţii – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
145 | Decision no.86/2012 designating Prime Telecom – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
146 | Decision no.85/2012 designating Orange România – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
147 | Decision no.84/2012 designating Nobel Romania – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
148 | Decision no.83/2012 designating Nextgen Communications – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
149 | Decision no.82/2012 designating Net-Connect Internet – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
150 | Decision no.81/2012 designating Necc Telecom Romania – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
151 | Decision no.80/2012 designating Media Sat – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
152 | Decision no.79/2012 designating Iristel Romania – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
153 | Decision no.78/2012 designating Intersat – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
154 | Decision no.77/2012 designating Interpoint – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
155 | Decision no.76/2012 designating Internet Telecom – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
156 | Decision no.75/2012 designating Ines Group – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
157 | Decision no.74/2012 designating Idilis – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
158 | Decision no.73/2012 designating GTS Telecom – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
159 | Decision no.72/2012 designating GBA Network Group – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
160 | Decision no.71/2012 designating Euroweb Romania – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
161 | Decision no.70/2012 designating Dotro Telecom – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
162 | Decision no.69/2012 designating Digital Cable Systems – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
163 | Decision no.68/2012 designating Digicom Systems – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
164 | Decision no.67/2012 designating Dial Telecom – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
165 | Decision no.66/2012 designating Cosmote Romanian Mobile Telecommunications – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
166 | Decision no.65/2012 designating Contact Telecom – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
167 | Decision no.64/2012 designating Connet-RO – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
168 | Decision no.63/2012 designating Combridge – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
169 | Decision no.62/2012 designating Cobalt IT – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
170 | Decision no.61/2012 designating Cellebral – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
171 | Decision no.60/2012 designating Canal S – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
172 | Decision no.59/2012 designating Atlas Telecom Network Romania – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
173 | Decision no.58/2012 designating Aqualogic – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
174 | Decision no.57/2012 designating Alizee Telecom Network – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
175 | Decision no.56/2012 designating Aeroglobal – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
176 | Decision no.55/2012 designating Advanced Business Solutions International – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
177 | Decision no.54/2012 designating Adisam Telecom – S.A. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
178 | Decision no.53/2012 designating A1 Telecom Network ISP – S.R.L. as a provider with significant power on the market for call termination, at a fixed location, on the provider's individual public telephone network and imposing their corresponding obligations | 2012.00 | [Details...] |
179 | Decision no.1201/2011 on establishing the quality indicators for the provision of the Internet access service and the publication of the due parameters | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
180 | Decision no.1640/2011 on amending the National Table for Frequency Band Allocation, approved by Order of the Minister of Communications and Information Society no.789/2009 | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
181 | Decision no.1382/2011 amending and completing certain regulationd in the field of numbering resources and technical resources | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
182 | Decision no.1201/2011 on the establishment of quality indicators for the provision of the Internet access service and publication of the due parameters | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
183 | Decision no.1167/2011 on the reporting of certain statistical data by the providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
184 | Decision no.968/2011 on the Philatelic Issuance Plan, the issuance, printing, circulation, withdrawal and trading conditions for the postage stamps and postal stationeries | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
185 | Decision no.7/2011 on the Universal Service implementation in the electronic communications sector | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
186 | Decision no.15/2011 on the obligations imposed on the operator with signicant power on the market for services of leased lines-terminating segments, with the transmission capacity of up to (including) 2 Mbps | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
187 | Decision no.6/2011 on identifying the relevant markets in the electronic communications sector corresponding to the services of leased lines-terminating segments, with the transmission capacity of up to (including) 2 Mbps | 2011.00 | [Details...] |
188 | Decision no.500/2008 on the allocation and use of certain technical resources | 2008.00 | [Details...] |
189 | Decision of the president of the National Authority for Communications no.1023/2008 on establishing communications to the National Unique System for Emergency Calls, with the subsequent amendments and completions (unofficially consolidated text, including the provisions in force as of 30 November 2010) | 2008.00 | [Details...] |
190 | Decision no.861/2010 on amending the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Communications no.1023/2008 on establishing communications to the National Unique System for Emergency Calls | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
191 | ANCOM President’s Decision no.653/2010 on the obligations imposed on the operator with significant power on the market for the services of access to infrastructure elements | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
192 | ANCOM President’s Decision no. 626/2010 on identifying the relevant markets in the electronic communications sector for the services of access to infrastructure elements | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
193 | Decision no.629/2010 on the authorisation procedure for the provision of audio-visual programme services | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
194 | Decision no.226/2010 on amending and completing the Decision of the President of the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology no.660/2005 on approving the Radiocommunication Regulation for the amateur service in Romania | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
195 | ANCOM President's Decision no.649/2009, with the subsequent amendments and completions, as completed and amended by the ANCOM President's Decision no.571/2010 on appointing the specialty control personnel of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
196 | Decision no.532/2010 on amending and completing the Decision of the president of the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology no.686/2005 on the approval of the tariff procedure and of the List of tariffs for the use of radio spectrum, annually owed to the General Inspectorate for Communications and Information Technology | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
197 | ANCOM Decision no.480/2010 on establishing the procedure for the resolution of disputes within the competence of the National Authority for Management and Regulation for Communications | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
198 | Decision no.459/2010 on the allocation and use of national short numbers for services of public interest at national level | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
199 | Decision no. 458/2010 on amending and completing certain regulations in the field of numbering resources | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
200 | Decision no. 339/2010 on amending the tariffs for porting telephone numbers | 2010.00 | [Details...] |
Legal disclaimer
All English versions of ANCOM Decisions posted on this website are free translations from the Romanian language, having only informative value. They have not, nor should they be considered as having any official value and they are not legally binding upon ANCOM. ANCOM does not accept any legal obligation for misunderstandings arising as a result of mis-translation. In case of discrepancies between the two versions, the Romanian version prevails.
Decizii ANCOM pentru implementarea prevederilor Decretului nr. 195 din 16 martie 2020 pentru instituirea starii de urgența pe teritoriul Romaniei
Ordinele Ministrului Comunicaţiilor şi Tehnologiei Informaţiei