ANCOM Organises Examination Sessions for the Certificates of Radio Amateur and of Radio Operator in the Land Mobile Service
Between 21 April and 28 May 2015, the Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM), by means of its regional divisions in Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi and Timis, is organising the ordinary examination sessions for the persons who wish to obtain the certificates of radio amateur and, respectively, radio operator in the land mobile service.
The examination sessions for the certificates of radio operator in the land mobile service are scheduled as follows: 21-22 April 2015 in Bucharest, 5-6 May 2015 in Timisoara, 8 May 2015 in Iasi and 28 May 2015 in Cluj. Further details are available, in Romanian, here, on the ANCOM web section dedicated to the operating personnel of radiocommunications stations.
The examinations for the radio amateur certificates will be held on 21 April 2015 in Timisoara, 25 April 2015 in Cluj, 25 April 2015 in Iasi and 28-29 April 2015 in Bucharest. Further details regarding the radio amateur’s examinations, as well as other information on the rules, list of topics, international regulations, sanctions and forms are available here, on the ANCOM website.
The interested persons may register for the examinations by submitting a registration application, a copy of the applicant’s ID card or passport and a passport-type colour photo. In addition, the applicants for the certificate of radio operator in the land mobile service need to provide the proof of secondary school graduation (5th to 8th grades).
In order to operate radiocommunications stations, the employees of companies that hold or operate land mobile radiocommunications networks need radio operator certificates. These companies operate in domains such as: industry, production, utility transmission and distribution at a national level, transport, constructions and public works, agriculture, forestry, security and protection of privacy, public protection, public health, community management services etc.
It is worth mentioning that the users of mobile stations embedded in various equipment or cars (e.g. the taxi drivers) or the users of portable stations (used for short distance individual communication) do not have the obligation to hold radio operator’s certificates. According to the legal provisions, such obligation is exclusively incumbent upon the persons in charge with radiocommunications and upon the operators of the co-ordination stations (the stations managing the traffic within the radiocommunications networks). At present, there are 8,918 valid operator’s certificates for the radiocommunications stations in the land mobile service in Romania.
Radio amateurism is mainly a hobby, with yet a profound competitive side on both a local and an international level. Radio amateurism allows for developing abilities in using the radiocommunications stations, knowing in-depth the phenomenon of radio propagation in various frequency bands, or making and testing radiocommunications equipment. Also, radio amateurs can sometimes take part, together with the relevant public institutions, in ensuring radiocommunications under emergency situations. In Romania there are currently 9,939 radio amateurs authorised by ANCOM.