ANCOM Proposes Changes in the Universal Postal Service Sector
The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) submits to public consultation a draft decision by which it proposes changes to procedural stages and timeframes relating to the compensation of the universal service net cost.
These changes concern the ANCOM Decision no. 541/2013 on the conditions and procedure for the designation of the universal service providers in the postal sector, which inclusively regulates the net cost compensation.
Thus, the Authority proposes contracting into a single 135-day timeframe the timelines provided for in Decision no. 541/2013, namely the 45 days term for determining the net cost and the 90 days term for establishing the amount of the providers’ contributions to the compensation fund and/or, as applicable, for determining the amount of the tax applied to the postal end-users, including the stage of issuance of the corresponding decisions.
Another change under the draft decision envisages the possibility of suspending the timeframe corresponding to the analysis of the net cost compensation request - until the reception of the necessary information - if the documents and information that the universal service provider made available to ANCOM in view of net cost compensation do not entirely reflect the required minimum elements. The Authority imposes under the draft decision a maximum 5-day term for the universal service provider to transmit the data requested by ANCOM.
The draft decision amending and completing the Decision of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 541/2013 on the conditions and procedure for the designation of the universal service providers in the postal sector is available for consultation here. The interested persons are invited to send their comments and suggestions, by 3.04.2014, to the ANCOM headquarters in 2 Delea Noua Street, Bucharest 3, or directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or to the Authority’s regional divisions. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40 372 845 402 or by e-mail to consultare@ancom.org.ro.