ANCOM Proposes Code of Conduct for Using Internal National Short Numbers and SMS/MMS Short Codes for value-added services
The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has launched a public consultation on a draft Code of Conduct regulating the usage of internal national short numbers and SMS/MMS short codes used for value-added services, such as information, entertainment, applications, contests or payment of certain services/products. The Code provides additional measures for protecting the end-users who access these services.
In drafting this Code of Conduct, ANCOM took into account the best European practice models with a view to preventing abuse or fraud in the provision of value-added services offered through short codes or numbers, which are usually provided at higher tariffs than the on-net ones.
The code establishes, among others, the manner of informing the subscribers on the characteristics and tariffs applicable to these services. Thus, each time they are communicated the short number or code of the value-added service, as well as at the service initiation, the users must receive clear information on the applicable tariff and the charging method for the calls or for the SMS/MMS. In the case of services provided through SMS/MMS on a regular basis, the users will be informed on the fact that subsequent charging will be performed without requiring further action from them, as well as on the unsubscribing mechanism. Details regarding the consumption of value-added services offered through short numbers and codes are to be specified in the detailed invoice issued by the provider.
Moreover, the Code stipulates a series of classification criteria for the value-added service categories provided by means of short numbers or of short codes based on the content of the respective services, the applicable tariff, the charging method and the age segment of the target audience. This classification reveals sub-domains such as services associated to marketing activities, premium services, micropayment services, charity services. These provisions are aimed at additionally protecting the end-users as regards certain service categories that may raise special problems, such as the services with a regular charging scheme.
The code envisages the harmonised management of internal national short numbers and of short SMS/MMS codes, in order to ensure – to the greatest extent possible – the use of one internal national short number or short code for the same value-added service, in different networks.
Internal national short numbers established by ANCOM President’s Decision no. 377/2013 on the use of the internal national short numbers and of SMS/MMS short codes are of the format 12vx(y), 14vx(y), 15vx(y), 83vx(y), 84vx(y), 88v(x), 96vx(y), 97vx(y), 98vx(y) and 99vx(y) and are used for providing value-added services or network specific services. In addition to internal national short numbers, this Code of conduct establishes the short codes that enable the provision of value-added services or of network-specific services exclusively by means of SMS/MMS. Both short numbers and SMS/MMS short codes are used or assigned by providers on their own networks. Value-added services are usually provided by third parties that use the network as a platform for supplying content and charging the corresponding tariff from the users.
The code of conduct has been elaborated following ANCOM’s adoption, in 2013, of a set of decisions that amended and updated the regulatory framework in the field of numbering resources and of the associated technical resources, introducing internal national short numbers and SMS/MMS short codes as new categories of numbering resources. The Code of conduct was elaborated by a working group consisting of representatives of ANCOM and of the public electronic communications network providers that use or assign internal national short numbers or SMS/MMS short numbers.
The documents are available on the ANCOM website here. The interested persons are invited to draw up and send comments and suggestions until 17.07.2014, at the ANCOM headquarters in 2 Delea Noua Street, Bucharest 3, directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or by means of the ANCOM regional divisions. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40 372 845 402 or by e-mail to