ANCOM Proposes to Extend until 19 February 2013 the Usage Term of 1951 and 1958 Numbers for the Current Services
The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has published today for public consultation a draft decision on extending until 19 February 2013 the usage term in the case of the 1951 and 1958 national short numbers (19vx type), currently allotted to Romtelecom. The draft decision amends and completes the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 459/2010.
According to the aforementioned decision, Romtelecom had the right to use these numbers until 19 October 2012, as a transitory measure ensuring the users’ access to the information on the exact time (1958) and to various information (1951) until the migration of the content provided through these numbers to new numbers to have been opened for allocation. In view of determining new numbering resources suitable for the provision of services such as those offered through the 1958 and 1951 numbers, ANCOM took into consideration and analysed several options. This analysis also envisaged the 19vx(y) type short numbering which, according to the ANCOM President’s Decision no. 459/2010, is allotted for the provision of services of public interest at a national level. Furthermore, during this analysis, ANCOM assessed a relatively low interest from the providers for these numbers. Taking into account all these elements, the Authority is currently preparing a draft decision proposing to allow also the provision of certain services of information of general interest by means of the 19vx(y) type numbering, at a higher tariff however as opposed to the one charged for the provision of services of public interest at a national level.
The opening for allocation of new numbering domains and the amendment of the conditions on the use of the numbering already opened for allocation entails the amendment of the secondary legislation on the general regulatory framework concerning the allocation and use of the numbering resources. At the same time, the entry into force of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 111/2011 on electronic communications, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 140/2012, provides a series of interventions at the level of the secondary legislation applicable to the numbering resources, respectively to the technical resources. All these amendments need a longer consultation period and, most likely, several debate rounds with the providers. ANCOM estimates that the procedure of consultation and adoption of this set of decisions will be completed somewhere at the end of the year.
It is therefore essential to ensure the end-users’ access to the services offered by means of these short numbers in the period when the legislative changes take place and, in this context, the Authority proposes the extension of the usage term in the case of the 1951 and 1958 numbers for the current services.
The draft decision on amending the Decision of the president of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications no. 459/2010 on the allocation and use of national short numbers for services of public interest at national level is available for consultation on the ANCOM website, here. The interested parties may submit their comments and suggestions until 01.10.2012 to the ANCOM headquarters in 2 Delea Noua Street, sector 3, Bucharest or directly to the ANCOM Registry office. Comments and suggestions may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.404 or by e-mail to: consultare@ancom.org.ro.