ANCOM received over 4,200 complaints from users of electronic communications services, postal services and digital services, in 2024
In 2024, the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) received 4,123 complaints from users of electronic communications and postal services, 63% of which were related to electronic communications and 30% to postal services. In addition, the Authority received around 80 complaints regarding digital services.
Electronic communications services
In the electronic communications field, many of the complaints concerned number portability (29% of all complaints in this field). In particular, users complained about failure to cancel the porting process, after their providers had shown flexibility in creating customized retention offers, adapted to specific communication needs and purchasing power.
Other users' dissatisfactions were related to contract termination (16%), electronic communications services billing (10%), the conclusion of distance contracts (10%), the degree of coverage with mobile telephone and internet services (8%) and the unilateral modification of contracts (7%). Roaming (6%) was another topic complained about by end users, especially with reference to the conditions of use in the European Economic Area (Roam like at home). This indicates that, in spite of challenges, the market for electronic communications services is continuously developing, and users are enjoying services that are increasingly better regulated and adapted to their needs.
According to the Authority's data, in 2024, Vodafone Romania S.A. registered the highest number of complaints, respectively 38% of those related to electronic communications services, followed by Orange Romania S.A. with 26% and Digi Romania S.A. with 16%. Telekom Mobile Communications S.A. accumulated a percentage of 7% of the total complaints regarding electronic communications services. These statistics reflect an active competitive environment on the electronic communications services market in Romania, where all operators face challenges in meeting users' demands.
Postal services
30% of all the last year’s complaints sent to ANCOM concerned postal services, 6% more than in 2023, in the context in which more and more people make online purchases. The main problems reported were non-delivery of postal items (31% of all complaints regarding this sector), delivery conditions (16%), non-compliance with the delivery deadline (15%), damage to postal items (13%), respectively their loss/theft (11%).
By number of complaints regarding postal services submitted to ANCOM, Fan Courier tops the ranking with a share of 31% of the total complaints regarding postal services, followed by Cargus (29%), Dynamic Parcel Distribution (12%) and Delivery Solutions – Sameday (9%).
Digital services
Taking into account the European regulations in the field of digital services, ANCOM received, in 2024, a number of 79 notifications regarding this field. Of these, 68 concerned illegal content online, and 11 complaints concerned a possible non-compliance with the Digital Services Regulation.
Complaint resolution
In the case of electronic communications, ANCOM intervenes when providers do not offer the number portability service, do not comply with the legislation in this field, do not include mandatory information in contracts, do not comply with the conditions for concluding distance contracts or do not comply with regulations related to the provision of roaming services. Where a provider of electronic communications services breaches the provisions of end user contracts, consumers can contact the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), which has the power to sanction the provider. Moreover, both consumers and legal entities can go in front of the competent courts to settle any disputes related to the execution of contracts for the provision of electronic communications services.
Regarding postal services, in case of non-compliance with the delivery deadline, consumers can submit a complaint to ANPC, which has the legal authority to sanction providers for breaching contracts or the General Conditions regarding the provision of postal services. In situations such as loss, theft, total or partial destruction, or damage to postal items, users must first contact the postal service provider. If they do not receive a response within three months or are dissatisfied with the response received, they may notify ANCOM, with proof of having followed the prior complaint procedure. ANCOM cannot establish the amount of compensation and cannot oblige providers to pay them - these powers lie within court competence.
Concerning the resolution of complaints on digital services, any person, organisation or association empowered to defend the rights of consumers in accordance with the Digital Services Act, has the right to lodge a complaint with ANCOM, using Online form to signal a possible violation of the provisions of the Regulation by intermediary service providers. As the Digital Services Coordinator in Romania, ANCOM can verify compliance with the obligations incumbent on intermediary service providers, without, however, ruling on the legality of content published online, which does not fall within its sphere of competence.