ANCOM To Amend Numbering and Number Portability Regulations
The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) launches for public consultation a draft decision for amending and completing certain regulations in the field of numbering, technical resources and number portability, with the aim to update existing decisions, thus bringing the regulatory framework, in line with the market developments.
Due to the diversifying of methods by which the providers are awarded the right to use numbering resources in the National Numbering Plan, and to the necessity of ensuring number portability, ANCOM proposes several technical solutions for a more efficient management of the numbering transfer.
The significant rise in the number of porting processes, especially in periods corresponding to the lauch of attractive commercial offers, which caused system jam episodes, determined ANCOM to propose a mechanism of increasing the donor providers’ capacity of processing porting requests, based on ANCOM monitoring the volume of requests in queue, on a daily basis.
Moreover, starting from the practice of applying the ANCOM decisions in force, the draft decision proposes regulating certain aspects with a view to extending the rights of the requesters of Licences for the use of numbering resources and to clarifying the manner of enforcing certain norms. Furthermore, ANCOM proposes updating the forms used for the porting requests, respectively the request for cancelling the porting.
The draft decision under public consultation proposes a series of amendments of the provisions in four previously issued decisions, i.e. Decision no. 376/2013 on the procedure of requesting and issuing licences for the use of numbering resources, Decision no. 380/2013 on awarding and using technical resources, Decision no. 144/EN/2006 on implementing number portability and Decision no. 3444/2007 on adopting the technical and commercial conditions for implementing number portability.
The draft decision for amending and completing certain regulations in the field of numbering, technical resources and number portability is available- in Romanian - here. The interested persons are invited to send their comments and suggestions, by11.05.2015, to the ANCOM headquarters in 2 Delea Noua Street, Bucharest 3, directly to the ANCOM Registry Office or by means of the Authority’s regional offices. Comments may also be sent by fax to +40.372.845.402 or by e-mail to consultare@ancom.org.ro.