
Beware of value-added service orders accidentally placed by SMS


Sending SMS to short numbers through which various content services are offered or - in some cases - receiving SMS from such services usually trigger extra charges. Users who send an SMS or reply to an SMS received from such a number are in fact placing an order for access to value-added services (VAS) or are even subscribing to this type of service.

National short numbers

Internal national short numbers offer access to various value-added services, such as: technical support, special images and sounds for the mobile phone (ringtones), horoscope, contests and games or certain applications that can be downloaded on the mobile phone.

Electronic communications service providers may also assign such numbers to third parties in order to provide value-added services (VAS). In the latter case, the voice and data service provider only offers the technical possibility to receive/transmit SMS, as well as billing for content services.

Internal national short numbers can be of the format 12vx(y), 13vx(y), 14vx(y), 15vx(y), 17vx(y), 18vx(y), 83vx(y), 84vx(y), 88vx, 96vx(y) – 99vx(y).

Ordering a Value-Added Service (VAS)

Depending on the service offered, there may be different procedures for registering, confirming or canceling the order. To this end, users commonly are required to send a message containing a keyword or a code to a short number, to enter their telephone number on a web page so that the VAS will be charged after an SMS confirmation, or to send an SMS and a confirmation - by SMS, as well - for the subscription to the VAS (recurring charge).

This is a case frequently complained about to ANCOM: one accesses a web page from a mobile phone and notices an advertisement for a content service. He/she clicks on that image and a page opens, where an entertainment service is described, for which the phone number is requested. By entering their phone number, the users receive a set of information about the service and instructions on the code to be sent for an order. By sending the requested message, the user places an online order, and the payment for the accessed content service is made through a subsequently received message (e.g., access to an online gaming platform, for a limited period). Thus, the order has been sent and the tariff will be found in the next invoice issued by the electronic communications provider regardless of whether or not the respective platform is actually used afterwards.

Informing users

Both mobile service providers and those actually providing content services have specific obligations to inform users, and must work together to provide clear information on VAS provided by means of short numbers.

For example, telephone operators are required to publish on their websites such numbers that they use or that they have assigned to content service providers, the types of value-added services provided through them, the applicable tariffs, and how users can obtain information or can submit complaints about the services provided through those numbers.

Moreover, in order to protect the interests of users, ANCOM has developed a Code of Conduct together with the providers, establishing a minimum set of measures for informing and protecting users. According to the Code, the users must receive thorough and accurate information both along with the VAS promoting activities and during the ordering process.

More information on VAS is available here

ANCOM recommendations

ANCOM encourages all users to pay attention to the presentation of content services and the tariffs charged, to avoid entering their phone number on a web page or sending codes by SMS if they do not understand exactly what services they are ordering and to supervise children who have unrestricted access to a mobile phone.

If they have accessed a VAS, the detailed invoice issued by the voice and data service provider will specify the Premium Rate short number accessed, to which the VAS provision was initiated, the date and time when the SMS was sent and the tariff applied.

Complaint-related information

The activity of content service providers is not regulated by ANCOM. However, ANCOM can verify whether a provider of electronic communications services has taken measures to ensure that the content service providers, to which the national short numbers have been assigned, correctly inform users about the tariffs and conditions for the provision of VAS. In this regard, users can contact ANCOM here.