In Romania, the audio-visual field is regulated by several institutions with complementary attributions:
- National Audio-Visual Council (CNA), which regulates the audio-visual programme services;
- Ministry of Communications and Information Society (MCSI), which elaborates the strategy for the use of the radio frequency spectrum intended for the audio-visual programme services;
- National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM), which holds regulatory and control attributions regarding the use of the support for the broadcasting and re-transmission of audio-visual programme services.
In this field, ANCOM:
- plans frequency bands for analogue and digital radio-broadcasting and digital television services;
- assigns frequencies for new radio-broadcasting and television stations, and changes the technical parameters of the existing stations;
- coordinates, with the neighbouring countries, the frequencies assigned for radio-broadcasting and television;
- participates in the working groups of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in view of planning the new DVB-T and T-DAB digital radio-broadcasting services;
- monitors and controls the radio frequency bands dedicated to audio-visual broadcasting.
Pursuant to the primary and secondary legislation regulating its activity, ANCOM issues the following administrative documents:
- broadcasting licence for analogue radio-broadcasting stations;
- licence to use radio frequencies for the purpose of providing digital terrestrial television programme services;
- technical authorisation for the analogue broadcasting stations which are meant to transmit audio-visual programme services;
- assigment authorization for digital terrestrial television stations;
- licence for the use of radio frequencies for MMDS networks and radio frequency assignment authorisation for MMDS networks.