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www.ancom.ro is the official website of the National Regulatory Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania. Unauthorised intervention on the content of this website is considered a crime and shall be punished according to Articles 362-363 in the Penal Code of Romania. The National Regulatory Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications reserves the right to monitor unauthorised modification any unauthorised attempts to modify the content of this website.
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In order to provide website visitors with complete and most diversified information regarding the communications field, the ANCOM site contains links to the websites of other Romanian and foreign institutions and organizations. The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications does not guarantee the accuracy, relevance and updating status of the information on the linked sites. The presence of these links on www.ancom.org.ro does not indicate the affiliation or the support of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications to/for these institutions or organizations.
For further information on ANCOM’s website or for making suggestions regarding the Authority’s website, you may send an e-mail to webmaster@ancom.org.ro.

Reproduction of website materials
Materials on this website have been created or compiled by the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, either for informing the public on the activity, attributions and functions of our institutions, on ANCOM’s decision with significant impact on the electronic communications and the postal services markets, as well as on the specific legislation and on ANCOM’s proposals for completing or amending the legal framework in the field. By means of this website, ANCOM also intends to collaborate with the media representatives.
Full or partial reproduction of the content on this website is allowed in the following conditions:
- The reproduced or quoted material will not be presented as coming from any other source than the website of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications.
- The reproduced or quoted material will accompanied by one of the following specifications:
- Source: the website of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications;
- According to ANCOM’s website;
- The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications
- A clear wording with the same meaning as those above.
The reproduced or quoted material will not be amended and no fragments will be selected should that selection modify their meaning.
Should you find ambiguous or unclear statements on this website, please ask for clarifications or details prior to reproduction, by writing an e-mail to: webmaster AT ancom.org.ro.ro.