
Coverage with fixed networks capable of providing broadband internet in Romania, now on a map


National coverage with fiber optic technologies capable of providing broadband electronic communications services of at least 1 Gbps is over 93%, on the level of localities, according to the ANCOM study on the territorial coverage of fixed public electronic communications networks capable of providing broadband electronic communications services. Also, according to the providers’ reports, which substantiate the study, the population of 1,635 localities - mostly in Alba and Hunedoara counties - does not have access or has partial access to broadband internet services. 

The results of the study are available online, in the form of a map at locality level, available at:

Degree of coverage, by electronic communications technology

According to the providers’ data processed by ANCOM within the study, the degree of coverage of Romanian localities with fibre optic networks installed up to the level of administrative address numbers (FTTH/B technologies) is over 93%. The next technologies that enable the provision of broadband internet are, by coverage degree, DSL communication technologies with over 33% coverage, fixed wireless access communications technologies such as FWA with over 29% coverage and DOCSIS 3 communication technologies with over 22% coverage. 


Degree of coverage, by download speed

Information received from providers regarding the maximum download speeds, at the national level, revealed that speeds greater than or equal with 1000 Mbps can be reached in over 93% of the localities in Romania. 

Localities not covered with services having download speeds of 100 Mbps and higher

The analysis of the processed data showed that the localities not covered with download services of 100 Mbps and higher are generally concentrated in geographical areas with more difficult physical access, mountain areas on the Carpathian arc, areas in the Danube Delta or isolated rural localities in hill land and plain areas. Therefore, according to the study, the population of 1,635 localities in 39 counties does not have access or has partial access to broadband electronic communications services, among which the counties of Alba, Hunedoara and Caraș-Severin stand out, with 306, 177 and respectively 99 uncovered localities. 


In 2023, ANCOM requested the providers of fixed public electronic communications networks and/or services to report information on communications technology, maximum download and upload speed and, also, relevant information on planned investments for installing new networks or modernising or expanding the existing networks with very high-capacity networks (VHCN) in the next 3 years. This study was carried out based on the reports of 474 suppliers

Based on the data reported by the providers at a granularity level of administrative address, ANCOM established the degree of coverage with networks capable of providing download speeds of at least 2, 30, 100, 300, 500 and, respectively, 1000 Mbps on the of a locality. This approach aims to provide the most accurate perspective on the degree of coverage, at locality level, offering central and local authorities the possibility to analyse and make informed decisions regarding the specific areas where infrastructure development and stimulating the investment in the field of electronic communications - through state aid schemes or other funds - is deemed necessary. 

The results of the study rely on processing the data regarding the administrative addresses that can be served by providers of electronic communications, as submitted by providers.