
Events with ANCOM participation

27 septembrie 2023

ANCOM participă, astăzi, la cea de a 8-a ediție a conferinței Smart Transformation Forum. detalii...

17 mai 2023

Vicepreședintele ANCOM a participat la Gala Campionilor: 30 de ani de internet în România, detalii...

12 mai 2023

Direcția Regională Timiș a participat la Noaptea muzeelor, eveniment organizat la Timișoara detalii...

9 mai 2023

Vicepreședintele ANCOM a participat la cea de a 27-a ediție a Zilei Comunicațiilor detalii...

21 iunie 2022

Președintele ANCOM participă în data de 21 iunie 2022 la Forumul România Digitală, organizat de Financial Intelligence detalii...

15 iunie 2021

Vicepreședintele Eduard LOVIN participa în data de 15 iunie 2021 la România Digitala - Online Forum, organizat de Financial Intelligence detalii...

21 mai 2020

ANCOM paricipă la videoconferința ZF Cybersecurity Trends 2020 detalii...

7 mai 2019

Președintele ANCOM participă în data de 7 mai 2019 la deschiderea celei de-a cincea reuniuni anuale a South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG 5) detalii...

3 aprilie 2019

Președintele ANCOM participă în data de 3 aprilie la expo-conferința "Ziua Comunicațiilor 2019" detalii...

23 octombrie 2018

ANCOM a participat la RONOG ANCOM a participat la RONOG V detalii...

25 ianuarie 2018

Președintele ANCOM s-a întâlnit cu oficialităţile UIT detalii...

23 noiembrie 2017

ANCOM participă la conferinţa Consiliului Concurenţei detalii...

6 aprilie 2017

Președintele ANCOM participă la Courier & Postal Services Forum 2017 detalii...

4 aprilie 2017

ANCOM la WeLoveDigital Forum detalii...

12 October, 2016

ANCOM is attending at RONOG III details...

12 octombrie 2016

Presedintele ANCOM, Catalin Marinescu, participa la International Digital Forum 2016 detalii...

29 septembrie 2016

Președintele ANCOM, Catalin Marinescu, participa la Smart Transformation FORUM 2016 detalii...

5 iulie 2016

ANCOM participa la o dezbatere pe tema neutralitații internetului detalii...

28 iunie 2016

ANCOM participa la evenimentul "Agenda pentru România Digitala" detalii...

9 iunie 2016

ANCOM la Conferința Internațională de Comunicații - ediția a 11-a detalii...

18 mai 2016

ANCOM participă la expo-conferința “Ziua Comunicațiilor" detalii...

17 mai 2016

ANCOM la Tech Invest Conference detalii...

16 mai 2016

Presedintele ANCOM participa la ZF Mobilio '16 detalii...

30 martie 2016

ANCOM la Post Mobile World Congress 2016 detalii...

28 martie 2016

ANCOM la detalii...

28 aprilie 2015

ANCOM la Ziua Comunicațiilor 2015 detalii...

27 martie 2015

Preşedintele ANCOM participă în data de 27 martie la cea de-a doua ediție a Courier & Postal Services Forum 2015 detalii...

November 13, 2014

The President of ANCOM, Mr. Catalin Marinescu, will be attending the Romanian Courier Business Awards 2014. details...

September 25, 2014

ANCOM participă la International Digital Forum 2014 details...

May 20, 2014

ANCOM participă la cea de-a 18-a ediţie a Zilei Comuniocaţiilor details...

April 9, 2014

ANCOM a participat la ZF Mobilio'14 details...

March 13, 2014

The President ANCOM, Mr Catalin Marinescu, will be attending Courier & Postal Services Forum 2014 details...

10 decembrie 2013

ANCOM participa la Gala Comunic@tii Mobile detalii...

October 30, 2013, the Telecom Offer Comparison Site, at Future Communities//Open Innovation Fair 2013 details...

October 17, 2013

ANCOM participates at International Digital Forum details...

May 16, 2013

ANCOM a paricipat la cea de-a 17-a ediţii a evenimentului „Ziua Comunicaţiilor” details...

December 5, 2012

ANCOM a participat la a 9-a ediţie a Galei Comunic@ţii Mobile details...

May 17, 2012

ANCOM President, Catalin Marinescu, participated Communications Day details...

November 3, 2011

The president of ANCOM, Mr. Catalin Marinescu, took part in Telecom 2011 details...

May 26, 2011 - Communications Day

ANCOM participates in the 15th edition of the Communications Day details...

July 14, 2009 - The round table “Television in the Digital Age”

The ANCOM President, Mr. Catalin Marinescu has attended today, 14 July, the round table “Television in the Digital Age” details...

4 iunie 2009 - Ziua Comunicatiilor

Presedintele ANCOM prezinte cele mai recente evolutii pe piata de comunicatii details...

May 8, 2008 – Communications Day

ANRCTI participates in the 12th edition of the Communications Day details...

October 23, 2007 - „International Broadband Communications - the 3rd Wave”

ANRCTI participates in the conference “International Broadband Communications - the 3rd Wave details...

June 01 -03, 2007 - „Exploring the Global Dynamics of Broadband Internet”

ANRCTI president, Dan Georgescu, participated in Athens in the conference “Exploring the Global Dynamics of Broadband Internet” details...

May 10, 2007 - Communications Day

Dan Georgescu, President of ANRCTI participated at the 11th edition of the Communications Day details...

May 09, 2007 - International Expo & Conference on IT & Communications (CERF).

ANRCTI president, Dan Georgescu, participates at the International Expo & Conference on IT & Communications (CERF). details...

March 15 - 21, 2007 - CeBIT 2007

ANRC president, Dan Cristian Georgescu participated at CeBIT 2007 details...

March 07, 2007 - See Investment Summit

ANRCTI president, Dan Georgescu, attended the first edition of the SEE Investment Summit, organised by Business Review. details...

February 22, 2007 - WIMAX in the telecom competition

ANRCTI president, Dan Georgescu, participates to the conference “WiMAX in the telecom competition” details...

Octomber 10, 2006 - ”Metropolitan Area Networks"

ANRCTI president, Dan Georgescu, participates in the conference entitled ”Metropolitan Area Networks” details...

May 31, 2006 - „Telecommunications – the Challenge of the Future”

ANRC Takes Part in the Conference „Telecommunications – the Challenge of the Future” details...

May 18, 2006 - Convergent Networks

ANRC participated in the 8th edition of the event entitled "Convergent Networks", details...

May 4, 2006 - "Communication Day"

ANRC takes part in the "Communication Day" details...

April 6, 2006 - „Reviving a Company’s Nervous System: Electronic Communications"

ANRC president, Dan Georgescu, participates to the seminar entitled „Reviving a Company’s Nervous System: Electronic Communications”. details...

February 20, 2006 - “Electronic Communications and IT”

ANRC participates in the seminar entitled “Electronic Communications and IT”, dedicated to Romania’s accession to the European Union details...

February 7, 2006 - “WiMAX in the Telecom Competition”

The ANRC President participated n the conference “WiMAX in the Telecom Competition” details...

December 7, 2005 - Mobile Communications Awards

The President of ANRC attends the 2005 Mobile Communications Awards details...

November 15, 2005 - Cable Communication Convention

ANRC participated in the 10th Cable Communication Convention details...

July 5, 2005 - Local Loop Conference

ANRC representatives participated at the third edition of Local Loop Conference details...

April 21, 2005 - Communications Day, IX Edition

ANRC president, Dan Cristian Georgescu participated at Communications Day details...

October 26, 2004 - EV-DO Technology in Romania

Tuesday, October 26, 2004, the ANRC President, Mr. Ion Smeeianu, delivered a speech details...

October 21, 2004 - ANRC participates in “BIZ Days”

Thursday, October 21, 2004, the ANRC Present, Mr. Ion Smeeianu, delivered a speech details...

June 28, 2004 – Location Information Services: a Global Perspective

The seminary entitled "Location Information Services: a Global Perspective" details...

April 21, 2004 – 2004 Communications Day

The conference held on the occasion of the Communications Day details...

April 6, 2004 - Telecom 2004

The conference entitled "Telecom 2004", held on April 6, 2004 details...

December 16, 2003 – Conference on " Liberalisation of Communications "

The conference on "Liberalisation of Communications", held on December 16, 2003 details...