S.C. Netmaster Communications S.R.L. - S.C. Orange Romania S.A.
S.C. Netmaster Communications S.R.L.
S.C. Orange Romania S.A.
Date of filing the complaint
On May 25, 2006, S.C. Netmaster Communications S.R.L. filed a complaint against S.C. Orange Romania S.A., with the National Regulatory Authority for Communications, thereby requiring that a maximum value or a calculation formula of this value should be established for the Letter of Bank Guarantee submitted in order to guarantee the payment obligation for the interconnection service in view of mobile call termination on the Orange network. As well, the plaintiff requested that ANRC should establish symmetrical interconnection tariffs, should oblige
Furthermore, Netmaster required – on a provisional basis – the amount of the Letter of Bank Guarantee to be frozen at the level of USD 57,000, until the dispute is settled in substance.
For the settlement of this dispute, the plaintiff chose the contentious procedure.
The plaintiffs’ request regarding the adoption of provisional measures has been solved by the ANRC President’s Decision no.435/2006.
ANRC Solution
ANRC President’s Decision no. 435/2006
full text in Romanian - 116.93Kb
Decizia presedintelui ANRCTI nr. 2831/2007 privind solutionarea litigiului dintre S.C. Netmaster Communications S.R.L. - S.C. Orange România S.A.
text integral - 133.21Kb