S.C. Romtelecom S.A. - S.C. Vodafone Romania S.A.
Plaintiff - respondent
S.C. Romtelecom S.A.
Respondent - plaintiff
S.C. Vodafone Romania S.A.
Date of filing the counter-claim
On March 6, 2007, S.C. Vodafone Romania S.A. (Vodafone), registered in 15 Charles de Gaulle Place, Bucharest 1, filed a complaint at the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology (ANRCTI) against the respondent S.C. Romtelecom S.A. (Romtelecom), registered in 1B Garlei street, Bucharest 1, requesting thereby the establishment of the tariff for the interconnection service at the value of 3 eurocents/minute for the termination at fixed locations within its network of the calls originated in Romtelecom’s network, on grounds of art.5 of the Government Ordinance no.34/2002 concerning the access to the public electronic communications networks and associated infrastructure, as well as their interconnection, approved with amendments and completions by Law no.527/2002, with the subsequent amendments and completions. The complaint was registered at ANRCTI under no.7/200905/06.03.2007.
On March 29, 2007, with the transmission of the answer to Vodafone’s complaint, Romtelecom submitted a counter-claim, by which it requested the obligation of the respondent to pay the repairs representing the difference between the countervalue of the interconnection services for call termination towards the enquiry services provided at the following telephone numbers: 921 (Enquiry assistance service), 922 (ISDN enquiry assistance service), 930 (Guide of S.C. Romtelecom S.A. services), 958 (Exact hour) and 959 (Weather forecast), as well as towards subscribers’ enquiry directories services provided at the telephone numbers 931 and 932 and towards the emergency services provided at 955 (Police), 961 (Ambulance) and 981 (Firemen), carried out between January 1, 2004 - August 15, 2006, as well as of the interconnection service for call termination towards the unique emergency call number – 112 - provided between April 17, 2005 - August 15, 2006, at the level of the tariffs provided by the “Reference Interconnection Offer of S.C. Romtelecom S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as RIO) and the countervalue of these services at the level of the tariffs established within the interconnection agreement concluded between the parties on August 6, 1997, as well as within the subsequent additional documents. The counter-claim was registered at ANRCTI under no.7/201432/29.03.2007.
ANRCTI solution regarding the complaint submitted by Vodafone
ANRCTI President’s Decision no.3048/2007
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