Mass-media registration for ITU PP-22 Conference
From 26 September through 14 October 2022, leaders from 193 countries will gather in Bucharest to set the global direction of digital transformation and elect the future leadership of the International Telecommunication Union, the UN agency for information and communication technologies.
Reporters covering business, finances and development, as well as those interested in technology and international affairs will have unique occasions of informing on the challenges and opportunities we will encounter in the next years.
The accreditation
- The mass-media representatives who wish to attend this event are asked to register here.
- Details on the accreditation procedure for an ITU event are available here.
- To observe the UN security protocols, access to the venue of the event will only be allowed to the persons wearing the official event badge issued by the organisers, without exception.
- The mass-media representatives are advised to submit their accreditation and registration requests as soon as possible to grant enough time for the verification of the mass-media credentials and to receive useful information before the Conference.
- Background materials, press releases, videos, photos and more information are available in PP-22 Online Newsroom.
When: 26 September – 14 October 2022 (confirmation of the sessions that are open to the press, as well as the times of the press conferences will be communicated as the events approach).
Where: Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania (remote participation to sessions will not be possible, but there will be possible to follow the works of the sessions by webcast).
Towards our digital future
During the three weeks, it is expected that PP-22 will attract about 3,000 participants, including heads of state and high-level officials from the 193 ITU Member States.
The delegations will also include representatives of all ITU membership categories – private companies, academia and national, regional and international bodies involved in the ITU activities in radiocommunications and standardization, or promotion of digital transformation in line with the UN sustainable development goals.
PP-22 will set the ITU general policies, as well as the strategic and financial plans for 2024-2027, which cover the entire ITU activity, but mostly key aspects such as digital inclusion and reduction of digital gap, or the best means to use artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT) and the 5G networks, and the future 6G networks, together with other new and emergent technologies to improve the way in which people around the globe live and work.
The Conference will also elect the five ITU high officials – the secretary general, the deputy secretary general and the directors of the radiocommunication, telecommunication standardization and, respectively, telecommunication development bureaux – that will steer the work of the organization in the next four years.