ANCOM's mission, vision and values
Promoting the interests of users of electronic communications services, postal services and digital services in the context of the transition to the Gigabit society, by making the best use of the mix of administrative and regulatory tools available to the Authority.
Romania's economic and social development through ubiquitous high-quality connectivity and secure digital services.
Key values (core)
The values shared by the entire ANCOM team in its activity are: excellence, integrity, respect, innovation, team spirit and sustainability.
We pursue excellence in all our activities because we are passionate about our work, driven by the significant experience we have built, our respect for our partners, and our awareness of the important mission of ANCOM. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of performance and professionalism in our activity, knowing that what we do impacts tens of millions of users for many years.
Our dedication to ethical behavior and integrity is driven by principles of honesty, respect, and fairness, leading us to operate in line with all internal regulations, beyond the minimum legal obligations.
We promote innovation, i.e. "new ideas that work", in order to better respond to the challenges posed by technological progress, new working methods and citizens' evolving lifestyles and expectations, we promote the development and implementation of new ideas (products, services and models) to meet social needs and aspirations and to strengthen an organizational management model that could become applicable to all institutions in Romania.
We cultivate team spirit aware that the transition from "I" to "we" increases performance and brings added value through cohesion and the involvement of each team member, regardless of their place in the organizational chart.
We value all the resources of the organization, we manage and capitalize on them responsibly and effectively so as to ensure the long-term sustainability of the organization and its sustainable development. We invest in the development of our employees, manage financial resources prudently, extract maximum value from the information we have, take care of the organization's infrastructure and aim to reduce ANCOM's carbon footprint.
Principles promoted by ANCOM
ANCOM has adopted a set of principles with practical applicability, meant to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in fulfilling the tasks with which it has been entrusted, and in its own organization. Some of these principles are provided for by law, others are recommended by the experience of administration and regulation, as well as by the best practices at the level of public institutions in Romania and at the level of international bodies in which ANCOM participates.
Transparency is ensured by through explaining the actions and rationale behind ANCOM's actions and tools, allowing interested persons to base their decisions on complete and verifiable information. In this regard, whenever ANCOM intends to adopt a measure likely to have a significant impact on the market, it submits the draft to a public consultation process, within which any interested person can submit observations and proposals, the Authority responding to them in various forms, including during the debates in the Consultative Council. Moreover, whenever a draft measure may affect competition on the European single market, ANCOM submits the respective draft to the approval of the Competition Council, as well as to the European Commission. Furthermore, in substantiating decisions with a significant impact on the radio frequency spectrum, ANCOM utilizes the opportunities presented by the peer review process.
ANCOM's actions are flexible and proportionate, adapted to the problems assessed and to the goals pursued, taking the minimum intervention steps to ensure the functioning of market mechanisms. In this regard, ANCOM seeks to adopt the least interventionist instruments in relation to the deficiencies found, in accordance with the objectives, policies and principles of the organization, as well as with established practices, maximizing economic well-being and minimizing regulatory costs.
Acting in accordance with the principle of non-discrimination, ANCOM's actions treat all persons equally, regardless of their nature, shareholding or size, in equivalent circumstances, respectively they do not treat a person less favourably, directly or indirectly, because of particular characteristics. Moreover, ANCOM's decisions are neutral in terms of the technologies used or targeted, so as not to affect competition between providers and to stimulate innovation and development of the most efficient technologies, for the benefit of users.
In designing its actions, ANCOM impartially analyzes different points of view and scenarios, based on solid information and evidence.
The proactive attitude being an acquired behavior, we act to cultivate among employees and within the whole organization a determination that creates the favorable context for actions towards the achievement of the proposed objectives.
Beyond its tasks and attributions, ANCOM is a reliable institutional partner in its areas of competence – both on domestic and on international level – due to the information and tools available to it, the expertise of its staff, the longstanding experience and reputation of the Authority. Dialogue, interactions and cooperation with institutions of the Romanian State and international institutions are part of our current activity. ANCOM intends to make the most of these intangible assets at its disposal, in strict compliance with the applicable legal provisions and with the aim of achieving its statutory objectives.
ANCOM is protected from external intervention, political pressure or commercial interference that could jeopardise its independent assessment of the issues submitted to it. Moreover, ANCOM does not request or receive instructions from any other body in relation to the performance of its duties.
The fulfillment of ANCOM's tasks requires highly qualified human capital, adequate financial resources and autonomy in their use, an relies on the collection, analysis and processing of large volumes of data.
Thus, ANCOM is trustworthy through its independence, through the quality of the administration and regulatory services it provides, through the transparency of its procedures and methods of organization and operation and through the diligence taken in fulfilling its duties.
You can find out more about the Authority's activity from the ANCOM Annual Activity Reports.