
Peste 3.400 de controale în anul 2022


In 2022, ANCOM carried out 3,451 control actions to ensure that the legislative provisions and the regulations imposed by the Authority are observed and complied with, in order to promote competition on the markets for electronic communications and postal services and to protect the rights and interests of users.

"Following the control actions carried out last year, the breaches assessed were sanctioned with fines amounting to more than 2.8 million RON. Most of the fines were applied in the electronic communications market; however, we witness a slight increase in the sanctions applied in the market of radio equipment market and electromagnetic compatibility", said Cristin Popa, Director of the Executive Division for Monitoring and Control within ANCOM.

Following the 3,451 control actions, ANCOM sent 195 notifications, and applied 636 warnings and 347 contravention fines, totaling 2,809,400 RON. This amount is revenue to the state budget.

Electronic communications market

In 2022, ANCOM carried out 1,988 control actions on the electronic communications market. The providers found in breach of the legal and regulatory provisions received 195 notifications, 287 warnings and 122 contravention fines, amounting to 2,004,200 RON.

72 contravention fines totaling 1,336,500 RON went to the telephony service providers for breaching their obligations regarding the conclusion of contracts with end-users, the porting process or for failure to comply with other obligations.

5 contravention fines totaling 195,000 RON were applied to internet access service providers. The highest of them, amounting to 40,000 RON, was applied for the providing services without a valid subscription contract.

6 contravention fines totalling 40,000 RON were also applied to the providers of radio and TV broadcasting (RTV) services, mainly for non-compliance with the technical data, parameters or conditions contained in the technical authorizations.

CATV network providers were sanctioned with 32 contravention fines totaling 400,500 RON for non-compliance with the conditions stipulated in the general authorization regime, while radiocommunications operators were sanctioned with 7 fines amounting to 32,200 RON for using frequencies without a valid licence or for non-compliance with the technical and operational parameters of the radio stations.

Radio equipment and EMC market

On the radio equipment and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) market, ANCOM carried out 980 control actions, following which 288 warnings and 178 contravention fines totaling 597,000 RON were applied. The highest fine was 20,000 RON, for affixing an inappropriate CE marking.

As for EMC, the largest fine, amounting to 10,000 RON, was applied for placing on the market devices that did not have the manufacturer's address inscribed.

Postal services market

On the postal services market, in 2022 ANCOM carried out 483 control actions, following which 61 warnings and 47 contravention fines were applied, amounting to 208,200 RON. The most frequently found breach was non-compliance with the obligations imposed by the general authorization regime.

6 of the control actions were carried out for the verification of the National Company Romanian Post (CNPR) as a universal service provider, following which 4 fines totaling 40,000 RON were applied.

The main breaches found were the provision of postal services without a valid authorisation, failure to comply with the choice of delivery of the postal items to the addressee, the non-observance of the content of acknowledgements of receipt or of advices on delivery and for lack of marking of the postal items.